CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Follow Positive Traditions

Cultures have traditions. Follow them if they are beneficial. There is something simple and calming about traditions.

Try to understand why the creator of the tradition created it. Don’t just assume why they did it through your biased lense.

Follow positive traditions. They’re a great part of life.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Seeing Old Friends

It’s always lovely to see old friends. You have a shared past which can bind you in many ways. It’s nice to talk about times you’ve shared, changes and new adventures.

Even though a lot of time may have passed, you can catch up on key points quite easily. You know the key characters and events from before. Now you get an insight into what’s happened since.

It’s amazing how quick we can catch each other up on the truly important matters in our life. We can summarise years of activity into 15-30 minutes. Obviously more things happened and their impact was felt. But we can share the highlights, especially the positive or humorous.

Seeing old friends is definitely worth taking the time to do. Cherish those moments. They are your history in the making.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Use Affirmations Frequently

Yes you might feel uncomfortable doing this. You might even cringe a little just thinking about it. But really, you probably do negative affirmations all the time. You might say, ‘I am so stupid’, ‘I am an idiot’ or even ‘I am terrible with money’.

Think about that. You are willing to say pretty rough stuff to yourself but cringe when thinking about saying something nice. And the nice stuff is probably more accurate on the whole too!

Try saying, ‘I am a very good person’ or ‘I am pretty fit’ or even, ‘I am quite good with several financial aspects’.

Those aren’t so cringeworthy. They are simply stating how it is, fairly accurately.

So think of 5-10 ‘I am’ phrases you’re comfortable saying and start saying them to yourself every 30 minutes. Brainwash yourself. Love bomb yourself. And don’t just say them. Feel them when you say them. Stand straight and tall. Smile. Be proud of who you are in the moment.

After a few weeks of half-hourly affirmations, you’ll have convinced yourself about how good you really are. Then you are on your way to being Unstoppable. You will be able to achieve anything.

Use affirmations frequently.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts


Listen without thinking with your lens or bias switched on. Listen to the words selected and the order they are used. Try to really understand their intent, not your programming. It is quite difficult so you will likely need quite a bit of practice. So get on that. Practice listening.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Stand Up Comedy

It can be a real laugh watching some stand up comedy. Well crafted lines by hard working comedians are fabulous. Their simple observations about life can be so on point. Sometimes it hits close to home. Other times it is simply well considered and perfectly delivered.

More often now I’ll watch some comedy on YouTube. But sometimes, like last night, I’ll get out to see a live show. ‘Live at the Apollo’ at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith, West London.

It was a great night out. A friend with a ticket made it both enjoyable and possible. Thank you.

Stand up comedy. Check it out.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Medical Glue Is Marvellous

It’s an amazing invention. It can fix you up in no time. Easy to use and no local anaesthetic required. Also, no stitches or stitch holes as scar tissue. Fascinating.

Imagine having that 200 years ago. Imagine what we might be doing in 100 years from now. We are getting smarter about things. There is a lot of natural healing, food selection and exercise. And for those things that still don’t respond, we can use significant other drugs, appliances and treatments. We keep getting better. It’s a great feeling.

Medical glue is marvellous. Thank you inventors, medical personnel, science folk, crash test dummies and other volunteers.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Start Fresh Daily

Leave the past in the past. It is history now. What’s done is done and can’t be undone. Understand what could be improved and work toward that. Focus on the ideal with good intent and good will come of it.

Start each new day with a clean slate. No score and no judgement. Begin again but with experience, knowledge, awareness and a desire to be better in all respects compared to the you of yesterday.

Leave your baggage behind. Write a letter or notes to get issues out of your head. Then file it away forever or destroy it. It need not come with you. Forgive others and yourself and forget that which makes you weak, sad, angry, frustrated or feel unloved.

Keep positive words, phrases and photos nearby all day and review them often. Keep your ideal in your mind’s eye.

Sure it’s a bit of work each day but it’s worth developing the habit. The activities will become a part of you and then you and those you greet will benefit from your joy and positive demeanour.

Think of things to make you smile and start fresh daily.

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Key Skills In Life

You need five key skills in life. That is all. Not 2,000 and not even 200. Nor are they difficult. But without these you will struggle.

Learn to work diligently and with pride.

Be appropriate with money. This includes spending less than you earn.

Be selective with your time. Enjoying time spent is one thing. However, wasting it, especially repeatedly, is an entirely different story.

Learn to be kind to others. This also includes being well mannered.

Finally, be grateful and appreciate all of the people and things that are in your life.

Yes, you could list more here. I could even break some of these down to be more specific. But generally, if you can manage to do these five things, within the broader context of your life, you will do well. By which I mean you will earn a decent living, be joyful, live with little stress and retire on your own means.

Work on these five key skills in life every day.