CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Smile Through The Drama

Things sometimes go sideways. And they can go categorically wrong too. Those times that things don’t go well, smile through the drama if you need too.

Maybe the dog ate your homework, hat or cake. Perhaps you didn’t get the job you wanted, grade you needed or text you were waiting for. When these things happen, it can be easy to be annoyed or upset. Though I would encourage you to find something good or funny about the situation and smile.

Even if there is nothing good about the particular situation, that you can see in the moment, think of something nice and smile.

It is incredible how our thoughts can lead our body and our body can lead our thoughts. Just the simple act of smiling can start to make you feel uplifted. By making that facial expression, it is hard to not feel a little better.

This will also improve with practice. So if the first few times you do this, you can only manage a second or two, keep trying. The longer term benefits can be quite helpful in life. Being able to move yourself out of drama and into pleasantness will come in handy many times in life.

When life writes a twist in the play, smile through the drama.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

Here’s To Volunteers!

Where would the world be without volunteers? I never fully appreciated how much they did for children and society. Here’s to volunteers!

When I was growing up in rural Canada, there was a volunteer fire department in one of the larger nearby towns. There were coaches for hockey, floor hockey and softball, amongst others. None of them were paid. Additionally, they were usually Dad’s and sometimes Mom’s who wanted to be involved with their children’s activities.

Now with my own children, I can see how much time and effort has gone into the many experiences they have enjoyed. Whether it was the local fair that is run by community members or school trips, so many activities require people to help out.

The school PTA, class trips to museums and parks, or some of the sporting activities, they all require some element of people making things happen without remuneration.

Many people do this work in addition to their job, ferrying kids around and organising their own lives. They organise football triangulars and the requisite car sharing. They also plan out training sessions, exercises and skill enhancement drills.

Today I was at an athletics event for my oldest son. There were lots of parents helping out. Whether it was raking the long jump pit, measuring throwing distances or timing the races, there was a lot to do. In addition, the coaches organised the day including sorting out who was to do which event. It worked very well. It was an entire day.

Without the coaches and the parents, the kids would not have had an athletics event to attend, enjoy or excel at.

Here’s to volunteers!

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

Choosing Your Charity

Deciding which charity to support is straightforward for some. However, it can also be quite haphazard. Choosing your charity is a personal choice. It can be based on a singular reason or be multifactor.

I had a policy that if friends or colleagues asked me to sponsor them for their activity, I would. And if it involved a children’s charity, I would donate £20. All others would get £5, £10 or £15. Some years I had quite a few requests.

Sometimes I would be so busy at the time of the request, I would forget. Other times they would be on a new charity platform that I had to sign up to. That didn’t always work because if it wasn’t quick and easy, it wouldn’t get done.

We donate to other charities too, based on a few criteria. Although one we support is just because they came to our door and the kids thought we should do it because the person was so nice.

If someone you know is being, or has been, impacted by something, that can make the choice a lot simpler. Also, if your family has always supported a certain charity, you might inherit that habit too.

I do recall the phrase, ‘Charity begins at home.’ This is a good idea. Although it is nice to branch out a little and spread it amongst the community. Not everyone has a family that can help them.

Choosing your charity is a personal decision. How do you decide?

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Treasure Your Goals

Do you remember having dreams, wishes and goals in life? Are they hard to recall? You need them back. Treasure your goals, your dreams and your wishful thinking.

The wonderful yet challenging thing about life is that we can change our mind. However, we can also get distracted or busy with the day to day activities.

We sign up to things, groups and challenges as we become aware of them. But unless we are steadfast in our thinking, we can easily drift away from our original desires.

We might meet new friends that shift us in a different direction. Our new job might draw us further way from our mission in life.

These things happen so slowly we rarely notice the tug on our arm. We might look back and think we will be there again. So we head off on our new adventure and allow time to bury the dreams we grew up with.

It can happen to some and often seems to happen to many. But you can do something about that now. Because you are aware that this has happened, you can adjust things. However, it is easy to do nothing as well. You can simply continue on the path you are on.

You can allow other people to distract you with their desires (lets go out, join me on holiday, let’s speak on the phone, meet me for lunch). Although it may not get you any closer to your true desires and dreams.

Get clear on what brings you income and what brings you joy. Eliminate all else. Do the work but treasure your goals.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItWeight loss

Who Inspires You?

Stop and think about this. Is there anyone? Was there a person you followed as a child or in your youth? Who inspires you?

It may not simply be a who either. It could be a what that provides you with inspiration. For example, the idea of paying off your house mortgage might inspire you. Alternatively, becoming a fine doctor and saving people’s lives might do it.

Inspiration can come from other places too. You could be looking ahead to the person you want to be in 10 years time. It might be easier to consider someone else. You might even pick and choose certain aspects from many different people. What qualities do you like or appreciate? Which ones would you absolutely love to have, without question or hesitation?

When you know who has a positive impact on your mental state, you can consider how you could think like them in a given circumstance.

The moment of inspiration reminds me of the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” At some point, something or someone will inspire you to do something. You may decide to get your house in order or your finances. You might change jobs, start exercising or build your ideal life.

Whatever sparks a quest in you to improve your life, or that of others, should be appreciated. Make sure you give thanks.

Who inspires you?

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessProperty

Open Up And Say Ahh

Our corner of the world is getting better. Lockdown and restrictions are lifting and almost gone. We can open up and say ahh.

We did that Thursday night with our monthly property meetup. The first Thursday of each month we organise an opportunity for property investors to join together to meet and chat. It was a lovely evening on Richmond Green. We had donuts to celebrate Canada Day and also Alan’s birthday on the 4th.

It was a great evening outside. We could buy drinks at The Cricketers, where we’ve been holding the meetup for almost 5 years. It was so nice to see many other groups on the Green. Short sleeve shirts and some shorts were common. I did not see any masks. It all started to feel rather familiar.

That was the second consecutive property meetup we’ve held in person. It was a nice change to our Zoom calls. They had their pros and cons, and so do the in person gatherings.

I’ve seen the future and I think you are going to like it. It looks similar to 2019. In the UK we are due to open up fully on the 19th of July. It could be quite exciting. It is only 2.5 weeks away. Most children will be out of school by then or by the end of that week.

Open up and say ahh.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

Explaining Is An Art

Some people are really good at explaining their point of view to others. It is a real skill. Explaining is an art that is often overlooked.

People can hear a lot of things but with little benefit. However, with a little tweak and the ability to explain things well, you can really advance the cause.

A great teacher is priceless. Anyone who can communicate well is brilliant in our world. There are so many manuals that don’t work or aren’t accessible. Many seem to be written in a hurry with the finesse of a tank.

Too many people speak but say nothing. When there is still little or no comprehension, you have your work cut out for you. Try to see it differently and describe it through that lens.

This is not simply something you turn on and off at will. Developing this particular skill could be one of the greatest you acquire.

There will always be a place for people who can help others understand. These people are in high demand. Some people just aren’t that good at it though.

If you find someone who can make the complex simple and enjoy doing it, keep them around you.

Explaining is an art. Be an artist.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Early Morning Walks

It’s great to get up early and get a walk in. Most days this process starts at 05:30, which is a quiet time. Early morning walks are great for several reasons.

It’s nice that there are so few people out on the paths. Though, like people in other tribes, like dog walkers and gym goers, you will see familiar faces every day. You have something in common. And it is nice to see others out and getting a little exercise in.

It is also quite quiet as the motorists, boating crowd, airplanes, buses and trains aren’t really underway at that early time.

If you caught my carousel on Instagram yesterday (@scottsthinking), you’ll have seen a few photos and short videos of a recent walk. The birds were plentiful and creating a veritable symphony. It felt a bit like we were in a rainforest or a very tropical setting.

Walking with someone is another benefit. It’s a lovely way to share some thoughts or organise some ideas before the day gets going.

Finally, the temperature is very pleasant at this time of year. Often it is between 10C and 18C. This is ideal for being out and walking briskly.

Of course, sometimes a walk is not on the cards. So today it was an 11km run in a little light, and occasional, rain. I’d been advised to get the book Maverick – A Biography of Thomas Sowell, so that was on the AirPods. It’s fascinating.

Early morning walks are wonderful. Enjoy!


Those Days Are Gone

Everything that starts will eventually end. Whether it is a game, a job or even breakfast. Those days are gone and not being revisited.

It is such a strange concept how we see things coming in the future. Then we experience something for a brief moment. Then the moment passes us and becomes ever more distant.

For example, we look forward to a birthday, event or holiday for months. Each day that passes can seem to take forever. Our anticipation grows stronger as we inch closer to the moment. Then we want to capture the moment and keep it forever. And we do, but the intensity tends to fade with time. And it becomes diluted by all the other memories we have.

This struck me while going to pick up my daughter from school the other day. She’ll be able to walk to school on her own in September. Mom and Dad will no longer be required. Those little chats we have and seeing her interact with her friends at the school gate will be things of the past.

These days are coming to an end. I recall the sentiment of other parents with older children. Some were elated to no longer have to be there each morning and afternoon. Others were saddened by the end of the era. I presume many were both. I know I will be.

This is simply the way life is. We all pass through stages. Things start and things stop.

Enjoy every moment you can before those days are gone.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Smile And Laugh More

Force yourself to do it if you have to. This idea seems crazy but we can forget to see the lighter side of things. Smile and laugh more because it feels good and others respond well to it.

Sometimes we take life, or ourselves and our situation, a little too seriously. It is easy to do. We can get caught up in the hub bub of daily life and just press on through. But it is so nice to see people smile and hear others laughing. It often makes us want to smile and laugh too. It is a wonderful way to quickly feel better about things.

Think of a fun time you had with a friend recently, or 20 years ago. Hold that thought. Hear the laughter in your mind and feel the giant smile on your face. Maybe you did something that scared you a little. Maybe it felt daring or a bit crazy. You did it though! And you can relive that memory as often as you like. It is free and provides a great feeling.

Think of those favourite songs of yours. Think of the happy ones, not the break up, drown your sorrows ones. Maybe some favourite scenes in some great movies do it for you. A great vacation or an activity you did or shared with others could be the smile trigger. Get five or six of these great memories and moments and write them down. Note a few key words to remind you of each one. Keep it in your pocket or on your phone. Look at it often.

Smile and laugh more. We’ll all benefit.