CategoriesFinancialGratitudeThink About ItTime

If I Had His Money

I would do things differently. Have you ever heard someone say this? Maybe you’ve even said it. If I had his money I would do x,y,z.

Now it could be his or hers, but the idea behind the phrase strikes me as the speaker thinks they would do better with it. In my experience, hearing people say this, it tends to involve the speaker spending more cash on luxury items. Holidays, clothes, better meals out and cars seem to high on the list of improvements.

The irony seems to be, once again, that those who develop good cash management habits have more cash to manage. And those that don’t put effort into good cash management habits, don’t tend to have much money to manage. Though they are not short of observational skills and have a fine knowledge of how to improve the millionaire’s suboptimal lifestyle.

With just a few flourishes of a debit or credit card, the speaker can resolve your unfortunate circumstances.

This may be one of the reasons why the speaker might not have enough money of their own to mess about with. With their unique money mindset and a propensity to spend rather than save, we can better understand why the speaker is in this predicament.

The good news is that great money management habits can be learned. Then you can turn, if I had his money, on its head.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

People Are The Key

Have you ever walked into an empty building? Perhaps your office building on the weekend or school during summer holidays. People are the key. Otherwise those quiet, soulless locations just echo with memories past.

People create the buzz, the energy and the excitement. It is their being that breathes life into a situation or place. Although locations can conjure up strong memories, the strongest ones often involve people.

I recall walking into my secondary school, during the summer after graduation. My footsteps echoed in the halls. After 5 years there, it seemed like I would bump into someone. But there was nothing. Just the ghostly quiet and silent cacophony of days gone by.

There was a deep sense of melancholy and a yearning for those days again. The friendships and silliness. The final and laughter. The challenges, struggles, wins and memories. Those halls are filled with people who will live in your mind forever. They are frozen in time. Slow motion. Black and white. Fast forward, Colour. Echo.

Best friends or sworn enemies, there was a place for everyone. And without anyone, there was just a building. Empty rooms and hallways. The place had seen tens of thousands of student faces over the years. But ours were the only ones that lived in our minds. friendships for a lifetime.

People are the key.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Practice Receiving

This is very tough for many people. You may be one of them. Although, some folks make it look effortless and genuine. Practice receiving gifts, compliments and good wishes.

People often look quite uncomfortable when receiving an unsolicited gift. There can be a feeling of unpreparedness or a desire to ignore it or to give back.

A compliment is similar. Some people will downplay a compliment. Others will quickly change the subject, redirect or ignore the whole thing. This discomfort with receiving is something we should all be addressing. Practicing gratitude is good for the soul.

It is so easy to say, ‘you’re welcome’, and yet so easy not to. In addition, saying, ’thank you’, as a simple response to a compliment just needs to be practiced. The more you practice at home, at Christmas and at birthdays, the better you will become at receiving.

There is no need to give the other person a gift, compliment or good wishes. Simply accept their offering, show appreciation and move on. Have intent to do this the next time you receive something.

If you practice doing this at home, possibly in front of a mirror, you will get good at it quickly. It will feel genuine and be so. Like almost all things that look gracious and effortless, they have been practiced 1,000 times before.

Practice receiving.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

Books You Should Read

With almost 150 million books ever published, it is hard to know which ones are worth your time to explore. Books you should read are probably numerous. However, I am going to help you narrow down the selection so you can get on with reading rather than browsing.

In addition to my book, Achieve Anything, which is coming out soon, I have added a list of 62 books to consider. This selection of books has been drawn from a wide range of books which I have read over the years. I believe that each book on this list will contribute to your overall wealth of knowledge.

Soon I will be organising them into categories. In addition, I will add a phrase or two about each book to help you understand what you will gain from reading it. But don’t let that slow you down. Follow the link HERE to find the list of books I suggest you start reading.

Books are a wonderful resource that can greatly enhance your knowledge in a specific area. Incredibly, you can benefit from the wisdom of the person who has gone before you. You only need about £7 and a desire to improve your life. You will also need to commit to five or six hours to read it.

So go have a look at the books I have curated for you. They will help you understand the world on a different level. Please also add in the comments below, some of your favourite books, whether they are on my list or not.

Go see the books you should read.


It Takes Just One

A person, an idea or an experience can change your whole life. However, they don’t actually do the change. You will do this later. It takes just one encounter, word or situation to see something differently and shift your whole perspective.

The perception shift makes all the difference. You can begin your journey from hate, disappointment and depression to more positive vibrations and outcomes. Of course, this whole thing can go the other way too. You can be knocked off the top of your tree and spiral downwards out of control.

We want you to be spiralling upwards and continue on that trajectory. Additionally, I don’t want you to ever experience the opposite.

With that said, I am confident you have seen this idea play out in your own life and in that of others around you. It’s exciting that you can have that one conversation and the aha button is hit. In addition, a whole new world has been opened up to you. And you can decide to jump into it, all anxious and excited, or just let it slip away.

Finally, search out these life changing moments. They are not as rare as you think. And, every time you have one, you could end up on a completely different trajectory. And, with a bit of luck, I hope it is a better one each time.

It takes just one. Watch out for it and others!

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTimeVideo

Life Is Like A Movie

Have you noticed how things in certain movies become things in life? Remember the swish swish of doors in Star Trek? Life is like a movie, though only certain ones at certain times.

So when I was growing up, the swish swish of the doors on the Starship Enterprise seemed so futuristic. However, now most metro centres have thousands of these doors.

Then things started to unfold like the Schwarzenegger film Total Recall. The whole idea of virtual reality. We are getting there with Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence. We certainly have driverless cars on the near term radar. And trips to Mars being scheduled.

Then we have seen some elements of Tom Cruise’s Minority Report. People are being condemned for even thinking of an activity with a criminal element. It doesn’t matter if a crime has happened. The fact that it could have happened is enough for you to be removed from society.

Now things are moving on with skins in Fortnite and a virtual world in Clubhouse. This and the VR makes me think that the Ready Player One reality is not that far off from our current life.

Finally, we have Terminator. Well, that melting man business and pulling yourself back together is quite impressive. But happy for it to be a few more years before that.

Life is like a movie. Go get the popcorn ?.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Perceived Value

Most people stay at a hotel so that they can get a night’s sleep in a bed. So other than the bed, does anything else matter? The perceived value is different for different people.

Some people would like more than the bed. They may wish to have a private shower, toilet and washbasin too. Lots of people require a specific level of cleanliness also. Others still, need a large room and blackout blinds.

But all of this may be irrelevant if the customer does not get a good night’s sleep. There are so many factors that affect perceived value. There are too many to list out in this short blog. However, it does seem to prove the point that beauty or value is in the eye of the beholder.

Think of all the factors that go into selecting your milk from a shop. It might be brand, taste, price, size or position on the shelf. That is from a product that is quite basic too. Imagine if there were lots of other factors like when considering a degree course.

A course is quite personal to you. You need to like the brand, the teacher or instructor, the topic, the location and the timings, to name a few key elements. Some people will pay $10,000 for a course with a specific outcome from a specific teacher.

Others will attribute little or no perceived value.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Life Before Electricity

What was that like? Imagine how many things in your life would be quite different right now. It’s staggering. Imagine life before electricity.

So you would not be able to use your lights at your house. There would be no television, radio or mobile phones. Yes, it is starting to look a little bleak.

You wouldn’t have a battery in your car. And there would be no batteries in your game. Street lamps would not exist. Nor would integrated fire alarms. Driving on unfamiliar roads would require a physical paper map. No Tom Tom would be there to help you.

Electric cars would not be a thing. They wouldn’t run. Maybe a car made with a water based power source would exist. So many endless possibilities.

Could you live in a time without electricity? What would you miss the most? What would you miss the least?

Electricity is so fun to have around. It’s the life of a party. It would be shocking without it.

Spend one day without using electricity and see how you get on. You might realise how truly valuable this commodity is. Sometimes we only come to this conclusion after we’ve tried the hardship exercise.

It’s hard to imagine life before electricity.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

The After Party

It’s a lot of fun being around people you like. And it can be even more enjoyable when you can kick back with them at the after party.

This shindig can take place after putting on a big event or after a day at work. It’s usually highly enjoyable as people have completed their work and are now able to relax.

We had one of those moments this evening after a Clubhouse room. We had just spoken about how we had done this with another room a couple of weeks ago. The same pattern emerged.

Alex hosted a room for several hours. In this case that room lasted 7 hours. But as people were filing out, we began chatting a little. Then the chat broadened and continued. As another hour passed, we thought seriously about closing the room. Finally, a brave moderator tore the bandage off and closed the room. Phew.

The after party is quite a chill place to relax and shoot the breeze with mates/friends. The pressure is off so perhaps someone on stage will let something fascinating slip.

But then someone has to be brave enough to close it down. They need to shut the room. Thankfully someone did it.

So that was fun!

The after party usually is.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Choose Discipline Or Disaster

Discipline sounds so strict. It has echoes of an unwavering sergeant major accepting nothing but your best. She asks you to choose discipline or disaster.

I have seen this in my personal life. If I am not disciplined about something, it can turn into a disaster. Now disaster is a relative term here as there are many stops on the road to disaster, but I think you understand what I mean.

Take the early morning alarm scenario. If you are disciplined, you can wake up on the first go. Then you can get ready as planned and and be where you should be on time. Alternatively, you can hit the snooze button a few times and then find yourself late for the rest of the day. This is sometimes the beginning of many disasters.

If your sports team is not good about their discipline, they may not build up sufficient strength and stamina before a match. This lack of discipline could result in a disaster. This could be a terrible score or perhaps some unnecessary injuries.

Of course, with a bit of discipline, you can find some amazing results. You don’t have to be perfect, but consistency helps.

Choose discipline or disaster. The former has more upsides.