
Finding Old Pictures

Pictures can really sum up a moment. They can pack quite a punch and deliver serious impact. Finding old pictures can be a lot of fun, especially if they evoke fabulous memories.

I was speaking with my Mom a couple of days ago when she mentioned she had found some photos in a drawer. Intrigued, I waited as she started showing them to me over FaceTime. They were fabulous photos of all of us being at our villa in Playacar, Mexico.

Back in February 2011, while Roxane was pregnant with our daughter, we decided to head to Playacar for 3 months of sea, sand, sun, heat and swimwear. As a maternity option, it was more comfortable than winter clothes, jackets and gloves.

Well it was a brilliant 3 months and those photos captured it amazingly well. They brought back strong, wonderful memories of both boys‘ birthdays as they turned 4 and 2. Also of family visiting us and friends too. They highlighted trips we took and other days out. And days in too – making nachos and margaritas while the others played Hungry Hippos and laughed hysterically.

There is something powerful about good pictures. They can transport you back in time, like a time machine. You can hear the laughs, the clinking of the glasses, the sounds of the sea and the delight of life.

Finding old pictures can unleash powerful emotions.

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So Much In Common

Divisive is a common word these days. Though I find it a strange word to use. People have so much in common and things will continue to get better.

Most people have the following in common: They would like peace, prosperity, kindness, low or no crime and even good and effective political policies.

Would you like to live in a calm and safe neighbourhood? I think most people would aspire to that. Should children be able to go to school to learn? Hard to imagine too much resistance to that in normal times.

Listening to people on most issues and concerns, they seem to want a similar destination for each topic. There may be some differences as to how best to get there or exactly what the final destination looks like. But there seems to be so much less to argue about. And certainly most of those things are superficial in their nature. Or they require only a minor tweak.

No matter how much some people want to focus on the high drama of negative, angry or inflammatory news reports, I am confident we are in a much better position than any previously seen.

One example of this is that the global average life expectancy in 1900 was 31 and in 2017 it was 72.2. Additionally it is very peaceful and many people’s standards of living are much higher than in 1900.

We have so much in common. Let’s focus on what those things are.

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Looking Back At 80

How will you look back on your life? What will be in it? What will have been worth the price you paid? Looking back at 80 is an important exercise to do many times when you are younger.

Imagine you are 80 years old. Can you look back over the span of 80 years and be filled with joy and contentment? There are a lot of tough questions in there. You will have to face your expectations versus reality gap and hope there is positive gap (reality ended up better) rather than a negative one.

It raises some helpful thoughts that should be considered throughout our lives. You might ask yourself the following questions. Am I living a good life? Should I spend more time and energy on family, career, finances, mental health, physical fitness or my community? How can I do more for others or myself? What will I accept or be happy with?

Its going to be harder to achieve anything once you reach your 80’s. There are many that keep going like Warren Buffett. However, you’ll have to have good genes, stay healthy and have a little luck on your side.

You may wish you had worked harder, studied more, saved more money or maintained better fitness. There is still time to change the outcome but you’ll have to put the effort in.

Looking back at 80 should be a delightful experience.


How Did I End Up Here?

Have you ever connected your dots? It is useful to understand what decisions, thoughts and moments brought you to right now. How did I end up here?

Over the last couple of years, I have looked back and reflected on key decisions I have made and how they affected the direction of my life. It’s a fascinating exercise. Even more so, if you can be fearless in examining why you have chosen to do something.

This can help you understand why you choose some things over others. It also lets you know more about what you value and what you are attracted to.

One pivotal moment, I recall, was being 19 and walking to a university lecture in Ottawa, Canada. I saw a flyer on the stairs and picked it up. It was about travelling to various destinations around the world. A minute later I had reached my class and finished reading the parts that interested me the most.

I sat down and turned to my friend Kevin. I declared that I would finish the term and then take a year off to travel around Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Excited, I studied, planned and worked to make and save money. Several months later I was on a jet headed to Auckland.

‘How did I end up here?’, I thought.

But actually, I knew.

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Forgiveness And Empathy

I saw an incredible short video clip the other day. It had a real impact on me. The forgiveness and empathy conveyed was certainly an unexpected twist. The 3.5 minute clip is from Larry King Live. I have posted it below.

Imagine someone trying to kill you. They come very close to reaching their goal. However, somehow you pull through. How would you feel about that? Consider how you might feel with the memories of your physical pain, mental anguish and uncertain future fresh in your mind.

What sort of emotions might you have toward this intentional murderer? Would you like to see justice served? Maybe even a little revenge?

It’s hard to imagine the extreme scenario. Most people can’t summon up that level of intensity, fear and pain to replicate the situation well enough. This is especially true when you are considering it while sitting safely and snug at home or while comfortably on your regular commute.

If you can’t get into the scene and character, consider, the experience of others. Reflect on those that have been cut up on the motorway, been in an accident or lost someone in a tragic way.

Forgiveness and empathy help you move on with your life.

Expose yourself to it. Try it. Evolve.

Like him or not, it’s quite impressive how he views the shooter
CategoriesGratitudeThink About It

Wonderful People Are A Blessing

If you have someone wonderful in your life, cherish them. These types can be hard to find. Wonderful people are a blessing and you must remember that every day.

What would be even better than remembering this every day? Ideally you would remind them of how you feel about them every day too. That is somewhat of a two-for-one deal. When you remind them of it, you reinforce that point in your own mind.

Even though I am fortunate to have a number of wonderful people in my life, I am thinking of my wonderful wife today. We’ve had a fabulous time since meeting 26 years ago at university. And today is her birthday. ?

We have travelled extensively together, exploring six continents with open eyes and enthusiasm. She had an exciting career before focusing on raising three fabulous children. In recent years, Roxane has been the main driver behind building our property business which has given us much more free time and financial freedom.

Roxane is a wonderful wife, mother and friend. She is also a determined and excellent businessperson.

Regardless of what is going on and how busy life gets, she is always there to make things a little better. The children and I hope she has a wonderful birthday and she enjoys the very exciting year ahead!

Wonderful people are a blessing. Let people know how you feel.

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Rain Can Cleanse Your Soul

Listening to the rain land rhythmically on the rooftops is like a serenade. If you’re dry, warm and comfortable, the sound of the rain can cleanse your soul.

I love hearing the rain fall and make that pitter-patter sound as it lands. There is something very base and refreshing about it. Even the air is a little different when it is raining. Getting cozy really helps.

Now I am not always that fond of being out in the rain. This is especially true when it is cold. Also when you are trying to do something outdoors and the rain isn’t helping.

Growing up on a farm, we had to use the weather to our advantage. You have to plant at the right time and cut hay during dry days. You don’t want to get your tractor stuck in the mud. Nor do you want to have rain on your hay before you bale it up and put it into storage. Wet hay is not good to have.

But I love a rain storm. Flashes of lightning illuminating the sky. Thunder rolling across the vast heavens above. Drops of rain pounding buildings and the ground. Storms always seemed too short. This just kept you wanting more.

Rain can cleanse your soul. Get absorbed by it and appreciate it’s primal power.

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Has Life Become Too Easy?

The Mayflower took 66 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean in the autumn of 1620. Concorde took only 2 hours and 52 minutes to cross. Has life become too easy?

On the Mayflower there were about 30 crew and 102 passengers. You could fit about the same number of people on Concorde.

The ship was challenged by rough seas and difficult winds. The passengers spent most of those two months seated and seasick. One person was washed overboard. Hard to imagine what the dining service was like.

Meanwhile, the Mach 2 turbojet-powered supersonic passenger airliner had seatbelts, champagne and a very good reputation.

Also, in the Mayflower era, it took about 3 months to get a message to a transatlantic loved one. Today, you can simply FaceTime, Zoom or Skype them. With these video calling options, people can actually speak to, see and hear their dear friends and family in real time. Amazing!

There is so much efficiency and so little effort required today. This may be getting our expectations way ahead of our realty. This creates the ER Gap. This can be quite a dangerous place. It can even bring with it various mental health challenges.

Has life become too easy? Perhaps for many it has.


Dealing With Disappointment

I’m sure we have all had an expectation which wasn’t met. Therefore, dealing with disappointment will have been a factor in our life, whether it was a grade at school, sporting challenge, friendship or dining experience.

We all deal with disappointment differently. Some of our coping mechanisms will have been learned observationally through watching our parents. Some will have come from friends, books and strangers.

As with anything, we should strive, with an open mind, to find the best techniques and tips. There may be 10-20 options to choose from. Some will work well for us and others will be less effective.

Regardless, it’s a good skill to learn and develop. Improving on our ability to be resilient is a very good idea. This is an important point as, generally, as we grow older, the problems can become more significant with greater implications. So it is ideal to learn very good skills early on and hone them for when the big challenges occur.

Today I went for my quarterly blood donation. I’ve recently adjusted my diet a little and it seems I was just a tad low on iron. So I was thanked for coming and told to try again in three months.

I was more disappointed than I thought I should be. However, dealing with disappointment like this is good practice for the big stuff in life.

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Catch People Doing Something Well

It’s so easy to criticise. Especially if you continue to practice doing it. Of greater benefit to one and all is to catch people doing something well.

I think I read about this in a parenting book many years ago. It really struck me. Although we want to guide our children and others well, it can mean we provide a disproportionate amount of negative feedback.

What builds confidence and leads to greater capability is hearing good and positive feedback. For most kids, they will do 99% of things in the good zone. Check whether you are giving 99% of your feedback on those good things they are doing.

This is the same with colleagues, other family members, the government, health care workers, police and teachers.

Every day, one hundred thousand things have to go right, at the right time. That’s just for things to go smoothly. If one thing isn’t right, try not to focus on that. Focus on all the other things going well.

There are various ways to address this. One is to recognise several of the good things that they have done, especially any they did particularly well. Often you can leave it there. A lot of times they already know what they could have done better.

Catch people doing something well and you’ll see more smiles.
