
Celebrate! ?

When you have been working at something and reach a milestone, you need to pause and Celebrate! ?

This is such a critical factor in continued success.

Take a moment to reflect back on what you have done. Look at what you have achieved. Remember those moments of joy you had along the way. And reflect on all the challenges you had to meet and overcome to reach this point.

For me, I am celebrating with this blog. This is my 183rd daily blog in a row. I’ve completed half a year of daily blogging. At an average of 250 words per blog, this means I’ve written approximately 45,000 words. That is roughly the number of words in a bestselling non-fiction book. ?

I’ve enjoyed the process and had a lot of great support from people. So thank you to everyone who has given me feedback! Whether it has been tips, suggestions, thumbs ups, comments, shares or very kind words of support, it has all been great encouragement and has kept me motivated to press on!

There is another significant milestone happening on the 11th July. My in-laws are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. That’s quite something. Congratulations Clare and Don!

Celebrate! ?

Whatever the milestone, big or small, it will feel great to have reached it.


When Is A Problem Solved?

There are often different solutions to problems. And some problems have had tremendous progress. But when is a problem solved?

If I have a cut on my arm, I usually consider the initial problem solved once it stops bleeding. Usually I consider the whole problem resolved when any scab is gone and the area looks similar to how it was. If there is a little mark or scar that reminds me of the problem, that is fine. It’s not ideal but it is fine.

Some problems are more difficult to conclude that they are resolved. For example, there has been a very recent case of bubonic plague in Asia. It was once a highly feared and deadly disease. Now it can be controlled more easily. Is it a crisis? Is it a problem? At what point would you have unanimous opinion that it is no longer a problem?

We can look at homelessness, illiteracy and poverty in a similar way. Is there a measure whereby you would have unanimous agreement that these challenges were no longer a problem?

People build organisations and associations to tackle a problem. Usually this is a good way to deal with an issue. Unions would be a good example. Union membership is well down from 60 years ago though. Is there a point in the future that they will no longer be useful? Perhaps sufficient legislation will be in place or the culture will be sufficiently different to make unions irrelevant.

If that were to become the case, what would happen to the dwindling union organisations? When would they say that their job was done and it was time to close up shop?

When solving a problem, remember to be clear about the metric that determines that the job is done.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Sometimes You Just Need A Break

Life can have moments of relative calm. It can also have periods of full speed intensity. During the crazier moments, sometimes you just need a break.

There are quite a number of things that can fill your days. For example, you might help to maintain your household, have a busy job, look after kids, be studying, be a carer, be growing a business or volunteer. Many people are trying to manage everything while doing a combination of these.

Life’s challenge is that the ‘to do’ list is always longer than the time available. So you must be careful to set some boundaries and create priorities as well as follow some cut off times. If you go non-stop too many days or weeks in a row, you may find other challenges in your life. Normally this would be your physical health and mental fortitude.

It is easier to burn out than recover from it. Occasionally we get so caught up in the cycle of doing, we don’t even realise the mental and physical toll we are having on ourselves.

Remember to schedule down time, rest time or you time. It is important to recharge your batteries. Occasionally that will mean you will not get everything on your list completed. As long as none of it is life threatening, then we should not think twice about this.

Remember, you shouldn’t push excessively for too long. Sometimes you just need a break. Make sure you schedule one in and take it. Your soul will be grateful.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

The Best Time In History To Have A Pandemic

There is probably never a good time to have one. But if there had to be one, then this is the best time in history to have a pandemic.

Right now we have the best medicine, knowledge and science. In addition, there are no major wars. The global economy has been pretty healthy and improving for a decade. We can communicate far and wide via the internet with friends and families. School’s have rapidly adapted themselves to online home schooling and some return-to-school social distancing.

Furthermore, we have fewer 70+ aged people on the planet than we will in 20 or 30 years. Given the greater challenges for this age group, with Covid-19, this is another positive for this moment in time.

We also have incredible international, interconnected awareness and collaboration. Even technology is at its best ever. Oddly, however, many countries don’t seem to have a simple or effective track and trace programme in place. Perhaps this concept needs a rebrand. The name may be a barrier to usage. People may not want to be tracked like an animal and traced like a fugitive or DHL package.

Another plus for this era is the longer life expectancy most people have.

So I know it’s not an ideal time to have this happen, because it is in the middle of our moment here. But most generations throughout history have had a far more difficult time, generally. Therefore, like it or not, this is the best time in history to have a pandemic – particularly this one.


The Excitement Of A Hot, Sunny Day

Summertime can be so magical with its long, carefree days and myriad opportunities for spontaneous fun. The excitement of a hot, sunny day can be palpable. This is especially true for kids and those who haven’t lost their youthful enthusiasm.

Creating fond memories of water play, tree climbing and friends laughing are all fabulous ways to while away an ambivalent afternoon or a sunny, summer sizzler.

Sometimes it’s too warm to even want to move. Hopefully there is an occasional, light, cooling breeze to break the heat. Or perhaps you can cool off with a chilled drink or a firm favourite of ours: ice cream!

Roam around the park or sit on a blanket, or the cool grass. Swapping stories about anything and nothing is always great for passing time. It is all of these simple pleasures that we long to capture and relive in the short, dark, cold days of deep midwinter.

When taking exercise it is best to do it early, before the heat. I made sure to get up early this morning and set off by 05:54 on a magical run in Richmond Park. Scarcely a soul in sight, save for those of the young deer having a quiet breakfast on the lower lawn.

I know creating marvellous memories depends on who you are, where you are and what is happening in your life at the moment. However, I hope you have some fond memories of summertime already. Either way, may the excitement of a hot, sunny day inspire you to create something special soon.


Where Do You Get Your Greatest Joy?

This can be a tough question to answer. Though for others, ‘Where do you get your greatest joy?’ is very easy to answer. Either way, it’s a great time to get the answer(s) clear in your head. Your life depends on it.

There are several different ways to answer. It depends on who is asking, what I am thinking about at the time, what the context is and where I am.

For example, if my friend asked me the question while we were having a brilliant day on the golf course, and I had just sank an incredible put, I might say, ‘Playing sport in the fresh air with my mates’.

However, if my boss was asking me during a discussion about my promotion potential, while we were at work, I might answer, ‘Pitching for new clients’.

Context is so important. Although, so are environmental factors, what’s on your mind in that moment and what memories or visions come to mind.

Recently, my greatest joy has come from warm days, great weather, morning jogs and time with my family. Fortunately, I have been able to have all of these, most days, for the past few months. For this, I am very grateful.

Where do you get your greatest joy?

Food, friendship, tv, sport, exercise, kids, partner, toys, puzzles, work, family, other?

Be clear on the greatest joy you have in your life and be grateful for it. Things shift, time passes, changes happen and those moments will be memories. Enjoy them while they are here.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Fond Memories Of Childhood Are Worth Rekindling

There are so many things to think about, do and keep up with in adult life. That is why fond memories of childhood are worth rekindling.

As we move through life, we see more of the complexities and nuances. There seems to be so much more to do as well. There is work, possibly children, pets, parents and partner. In addition, there is planning for holidays, signing up to activities, organising finances and everyday admin – which sometimes seems ever present.

So reflecting back on those long summer days in childhood is a nice thing. Remembering riding bicycles with friends, swimming together, sleepovers and solo playing can make you feel like you’ve been on holiday.

Was life simpler then or was it just because life is simpler in childhood? Maybe both?

I have many fantastic memories of childhood. Growing up on a farm often meant being creative. Today I was remembering building complex forts, tunnels and secret rooms with hay bales up in the hayloft. They were fun to build and brilliant to play in.

Fond memories of childhood are worth rekindling. What are some of your fondest memories? Can you pull out some forgotten but brilliant moments from the archive? Take 10 minutes and try to remember the names of your friends and the exciting adventures you had.



These Are Some Powerful Words To Get You Started

Yesterday I wrote about using the power of belief. I also suggested you write out strong, empowering words. These are some powerful words to get you started.

The following phrases are suggestions for you to use and build on. Thinking about it, when they were suggested yesterday, is one level. Thinking about them adds a higher level. Seeing some written will put you at an even higher level of probability that you will use this technique.

If you then go and write these out yourself, you will feel even more empowered by them and this technique. You can then create your own list of words and phrases that trigger you to feel brilliant, confident and unstoppable. Read your list twice a day, at a minimum.

I am delighted to be awake again. Today is going to be a great day. Every opportunity to do so, I will be the most positive and enthusiastic person I know. My mind is clear and focused. I am mentally strong, confident and powerful. I have accomplished incredible, enjoyable and wonderful things in my life so far.

My future looks exceptionally bright and prosperous. I have the ability, talent, skills, discipline and desire to achieve anything. I will make daily progress towards my goals while being grateful for my very fortunate life.

These are some powerful words to get you started. You will have to do your own pushups from here. I can lead the horse to water but I can’t make you drink. If you want real change in your life, start with something simple and highly effective like this. Then we can move on swiftly, with this daily habit established.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & Fitness

Enjoy The Outdoors

As countries begin to open up and allow greater freedom of movement, savour and enjoy the outdoors. The air is fresher, the birds are chirpier and the sunshine feels warmer.

Often when we lose something, we miss it and appreciate it more when it is back. I wonder how many people will appreciate and enjoy the outdoors more going forward.

I go for a run most days. Usually I run between 4 km and 14 km. The shorter runs usually involve running along the Thames, which is lovely. By comparison, the longer runs often find me running through Richmond Park and saying hello to the deer.

Right now it is fantastic running through the Park as there are no cars or cyclists and no airplanes overhead. In addition to that, there are very few people.

It is nice to enjoy the outdoors when the conditions are so enviable. I know it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but how nice would it be to keep the Park like this? In Ottawa, they close the riverside to cars on the weekend so cyclists and walkers can enjoy the space. Maybe that could be a start?

Every Sunday, or even Sunday morning, Richmond Park would only be open for people on foot. So many benefits to be had. Could we make it happen?

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Start Your Day In A Positive Way

Every word, thought or situation can send you down a different track so start your day in a positive way. You may as well choose a good track to start on.

When you wake up, you could smile. Then remember to be grateful for being allowed to play the game for another day.

You could get out of bed, and seize the day – carpe diem style.

Take six minutes to go through the six minute miracle morning. This will help start your day in a positive way.

You could also try to be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know for the rest of the day. What would that look like? Try it. You might enjoy it. It is a good personal challenge to try to develop a few days a week.

If a word, thought or situation triggers you and starts to send you down a less positive detour, recognise it and restart from there.

One way to keep a cheery disposition, and save yourself some precious time every day, is to not read, watch or listen to any news stories. They are the best negative programming if you want to be less happy rapidly.

Try swapping news (radio, tv, paper, online, etc) for something positive like an inspiring podcast, an uplifting book, or some motivating YouTube videos.

Try one or all of these ideas above at least once. You never know what might set you on a different, more positive path.
