CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

If You Could Save Someone’s Life Right Now, Would You?

Would you really? What if it took five minutes out of your busy day? Would you still make the effort? If you could save the life of someone’s daughter, brother or Nan, but to save their life would require you to redirect 60 minutes of your precious time on earth, would you do it?

If you’re still convinced you would do it, that you would step up and sacrifice 60 minutes of your life to help someone else keep their life, that’s pretty wonderful intent.

If so, then sometime today, google and call your local blood donor clinic and book yourself an appointment to give blood. Most people can do the whole process in less than an hour. It is free. You lay down for 20 minutes and then they usually give you cookies and drink afterward ???. Simple.

You don’t need to be a trained medical professional, like a doctor, nurse or paramedic, to help save someone’s life. But you do need to be able to execute on your amazing intent.

I’ve been donating since my early 20’s, despite not being a fan of needles at all. I figure, if someone else is in a life or death situation, possibly in pain I can’t imagine, then I can handle a tiny, little, needle wince for a second. I don’t know anyone who has received my blood, but it is pretty amazing to think that there are people who are alive today, because I keep showing up.

My next appointment is on the 12th of March. When is yours?

To book an appointment, and see other information, click Blood UK, Canadian Blood Services, American Red Cross, or google ‘blood donations’ for your area.

(I was inspired to write my thoughts on blood donation by a really interesting piece a friend of mine from secondary school did on, “What happens to blood after you donate it?”. You can see the work Neil and his team did here.)

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItTime

Tell Them Now

Is there anyone you appreciate or are thankful to have in your life? Is there someone who helped you along your path, with kind words, good advice or support when it was greatly needed? Maybe there is someone you love and would dearly miss if they stopped showing up in your life?

Maybe it is your Mom or your Dad. A grandparent or two. A mentor. A school teacher. A former boss or colleague. Spouse. Partner. Child. Friend. Distant relative.

Write them a one page letter. Tell them why they are so wonderful and some of the great things you remember them for, or are grateful for.

Do not wait to tell the world about all the good they had brought into your life. Do not wait to be standing at the front of the church, in front of the gathered family and friends. Do not wait until it is too late.

Take 60 minutes from your busy life this week and write the things that will remind them how much they mean to you. Let them hear it from you now.

It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to written and delivered. Letting someone know just how important they have been in your life, while they can still appreciate it, and you’re still here to write it, will be life-changing for both you and them.

I started doing this many years ago before my grandparents passed away. And knowing that I had let them know how important they were to me and why, not just in an annual card or general phone call, made the days easier when their time came. I didn’t have that gnawing feeling of thinking, “I never got to really tell them how much they meant to me”.

I have some more letters to write. Possibly you do too. Write the first one and send it before the 29th February. Why wait any longer? Tell them now.
