Great place to get a little shut eye. Use it to your advantage whenever you can. The plane is not a cinema, restaurant or gaming den so ignore those distractions. Get some sleep. Thank me later.
Category: Health & Fitness
Do Press-ups Or Push-ups
They are simple to do, build strength and muscle in your upper body, fight osteoporosis and require no equipment. You can do one, ten or 100 – whatever you have time for. Start with one today. Add a couple more every 7 days. You’ll notice the difference and you’ll feel better for it.
Keep Moving
A little movement can do a lot. Don’t stall. Keep moving. Things will work out alright.
Play is powerful. It allows you to relax and be distracted. It’s fun. Play as often as you can. The world is your playground and its people are all potential playmates. Have fun!
You have more than you think you do. When something is important, you can push harder for longer and withstand greater adversity than you ever imagined you could. Test yourself. Really go for it!
Spend Less Time Sleeping
Most of your life you shouldn’t be looking forward to sleep but rather the thing you do when you’re awake. Make it awesome and they will have to drag you away from it when you require sleep.
What’s Fun For You?
Do you enjoy card games or roller skating? Some people prefer sports and others like reading. You can get a thrill from high octane adventures or lie listlessly near a river enjoying the heat and watching clouds drift by. What’s your favourite way to have fun?
Wanting A Result And Getting A Result Are Different
You can want to quit smoking, stop drinking, lose weight, eat healthy, be slim, get straight A’s, and make millions. But wanting isn’t doing. And without doing the hard work, with discipline and sacrifice, you are very unlikely to get the results you want. Stop wanting it so badly. Start doing it so badly. As if your life depended on it. Commit! No more reasons, excuses or alibis. Learning this lesson well will let you change your life.
Go to bed
Stop scrolling. Stop searching and clicking. Turn off the TV. Go to bed.
Take Some Breaks
You probably work hard during the day. Remember to take some breaks throughout. Let your mind relax, meditate, sit down and recharge. It’s quite important to fit in some breaks. You’ll feel better and you’ll perform better.