CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Lounging In Bed

It can feel so nice if it is a rare occurrence. Not having to go anywhere may even be better than the actual lounging.

I’m out of bed between 5am and 7am, 7 days a week. I usually like getting up early as I can go for a run, get some work done and have breakfast with the kids.

But on Sunday morning it was about 10:30am when I finally got out of bed for good. Although I’d been awake from 05:30, I did drop back off a few short times.

It was very nice. No need to rush off somewhere. The house was very quiet. I got some things done on my phone. Thought through some issues. And generally just had a relaxing morning. I even played a few games of solitaire on my phone.

When it happens so rarely, it really is a treat. I hope you can enjoy one like that soon.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

I Love Summer Days

Those days you can wear shorts and a T-shirt and feel warm all day and never chilly. The ideal recipe begins from 21C, mostly sunny, 43% humidity and only a 3-6 mph breeze.

This is fabulous weather for me. It can still go warmer. It can go all the way up to the early 30s; especially if there is a lovely swimming option nearby.

Enjoy it every day it’s here!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Why We Compete?

Competition is innate in the human species. We compete for resources, mates, abundance and pride.

In the modern world we compete in sports and less so, military conflicts. We compete for mates still and jobs.

Winning feels good.

Companies compete. Or at least the stakeholders/employees compete.

Philosophy is becoming more competitive too. Some people want to win you over to their side. They are not happy hearing the diversity of thought. They simply want you to agree with, and adopt, their point of view.

Unlike the sportsmanship seen at sporting events, where they shake hands at the end, there seems to be less of that with opposing points of view in the modern world.

We can remain competitive and try to influence people’s point of view but we might want to be more sportsmanlike, regardless of win, lose or draw.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime


I love a nap now and then. 5 minutes or 15. Sometimes 2 hours. They can be awesome. Rejuvenating. Energising.

Having a nap to recharge your batteries can be a great idea. Amazing how well they work.

Sitting in a chair, lying down on a sofa or even on a floor, sometimes you’re so in need, anywhere will do!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

What Gives You Energy?

Think about when you feel like the Energiser bunny. When does that happen? Are you dancing? Playing a sport? Speaking? Painting? Working on a deal? Attending a concert?

List out on paper when you get most energised. Then start steering your life to spending more time in those situations.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTimeWeightWeight loss

Set Up Your Life To Win

What one thing could you do differently, starting today, that could make a nice difference in your life?

What could you eliminate from your day? Or what could you adjust to make the outcome you want more likely?

Don’t buy sugary or salty snacks or treats and keep them in the house. Keep cherry tomatoes and hummus instead. When you think you are hungry, pour a cool glass of water. Set your morning wake up bell to 15 minutes earlier and then get up and do 30 push ups and sit ups.

Get things ready now or in the evening before bed so it is easier to make the changes happen tomorrow.

Each time you set up your environment to win, your future self smiles and remembers how clever you are. That’s a nice feeling.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Just Add Water

It’s amazing how water can fix so many things. Dehydration, which can cause sluggishness or loss of focus, can be fixed with a few glasses of water.

Have a glass of water a little before bed and have a full glass when you wake up. These are easy times to remember and great habits to instil.

A few more glasses of water throughout the day and you’ll feel fresher, more awake, energised and focused.

Keep the water flowing. You’ll feel better for it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Early To Bed

What does that mean to you? Does it mean a certain time? Is it a silly idea that you can’t take seriously?

Could you go to bed at 6pm and be comfortable with that?

Would you have to be quite unwell? Or could you decide on a whim that you needed some extra rest and simply get yourself to bed? Or are you a wake-up-late-only-option kind of person? Have a think about how you see time and sleep. It may be revealing or surprising. Goodnight.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Sauna, Steam Room, Hot Tub And Chill Pool

I love a sauna. Always have. These were mainly après-ski activities as a kid and teen.

These later became part of an annual spa tradition my wife and I indulge in. 10 minutes hot, then 1 minute cold. Repeat a few times. Shower. Dry off in the warm air on a lounger or hammock, in front of a crackling fire. Then read and drift off to sleep.

It’s amazing. Swimming in the river is nice too. Contact me for location details if you like. Two days and you’re a new person. Indulge.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressTime

On The Mend

It feels so good when you turn the corner on an ailment, condition, flue, cold, etc. It’s that moment when you know you’re coming out the other side and everything is getting better.

That is a nice moment to savour. Enjoy it.