CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

When You’re Tired, Go To Bed!

Sometimes you have a deadline and need to work through it. But maybe do it for just a few nights. Don’t make emergencies a habit.

Get good rest, stay healthy and alert and also feel much better. Stop scrolling, watching or gaming and get some ?’s. Sleep is essential and lovely. Go to bed!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

What Are You Avoiding?

A tough conversation, an uncomfortable discussion, admin, taxes, challenging work, health and fitness or even me-time can be avoided when we aren’t ready to face reality.

Turn into it. Stand up straight. Take a deep breath. Say, “I can do this.” And say, “Things will be fine.” Then go sort that thing you’ve been avoiding. You’ll feel better. #Go!

(anyone else tick ✅ All of the Above in that first paragraph? ?)

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Start But Don’t Stick?

Goals were written and you started off great! But then the wheels came off. Your great new habits have been slowly becoming one-offs rather than habitual. With that, your confidence has taken a hit and old habits are creeping back in.

What happened?!?!

  • Did you write your goals down?
  • Were they specific?
  • Did you put the process element in your diary?
  • Did you set up your environment to win?
  • Did you review your goals 1, 2, or even 6 times per DAY?
  • Have you been reviewing and tracking HOURLY or DAILY?
  • Do your goals align with your values?
  • Have you adjusted your self-perception?

This last one tends to catch a lot of people out. If you’ve spent a long time saying you’re not sporty, it can be pretty hard to stick with walking, running or more engaging activities and sports.

Years of saying ‘I’m not a reader’ or ‘I don’t read’, will make it difficult to read a book per month.

You will likely benefit from adopting a mantra that reflects the new you that you are becoming. Mantra’s like, ‘I am a runner’, ‘I am fit, active and healthy’, or ‘I am a reader’ and ‘I am a well read person’.

If you’re good at starting new initiatives, habits and activities, that’s great! For many, that is the hardest part. You just need to become the outcome. Become a completer/finisher. State with strong intent, ‘I am disciplined and results driven.’ Fall in love with the process. And then, like a miracle, you’ll become who you decided to be.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

The 7 Simple Steps

The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable are:

  1. Think
  2. Overcome
  3. Write
  4. Plan
  5. Act
  6. Review
  7. Celebrate

These are the 7 Simple Steps. Use these and you will be able to Achieve Anything.

If you would like to know more, I go deeper into each step in my new book – Achieve Anything. This is now available for pre-order on Amazon and most other international online retailers. The launch date is the 23rd January.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveTime

The Storm Before The Calm

I always find December to be quite a challenge. There are the cooler days in the Northern Hemisphere, preparations for Christmas if you join in those festivities, parent teacher events, sporting finals, shorter days and end of year gatherings. Add the challenge of government rules around Covid to that and preparing and launching a book and there is even more to deal with.

Getting trees, shopping, wrapping, card writing and queuing to send cards or gifts all add on top of regular work and sleep. There is fun to be had but also a strain on your time. There are all the things I intend to do and each year I aim to start the process earlier. Thankfully my wife is very good at sorting these extra things out which always saves the day. Though we don’t get everything off of our wish list each year, we do get the essentials sorted.

And that is ok. We can’t do everything. We have to make priorities on our time and finances. Fortunately, there is a moment around 9am Christmas morning, I feel the calm settle in. What is done is done. Anything missed will be accepted or fixed later. And we can enjoy a few days of totally chilling. I love that.

The storm before the calm is necessary for me to appreciate the calm. And for those hours this weekend, I will be in complete bliss. Enjoy!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Moderation Is Key

In all things, be mindful of moderation. Exercise, food, entertainment time, alcohol, caffeine, spending and work are all optimally experienced in moderation.

Sometimes we go overboard. It happens. But we can learn to moderate ourselves. At Christmas, enjoy a few snacks, one plate of food and two or three drinks over the day. More than this might have you feeling bloated, anxious or unwell. In addition, you not be pleased with your progress on longer term goals if you’re setting yourself back a little.

By all means, have fun and enjoy. Just see if your enjoyment can be maximised within a comfortable boundary.

The next two weeks will be challenging on so many fronts. Moderation is key to making the best of the holiday season.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

If Life Is Too Easy

You’ll find a way to mess it up. You don’t have to mess it up, but that does seem to be what many people do.

With ease comes complacency. Then you can fall behind the pack. After that it seems easier to play it cool then to try hard to catch back up. Then the seeds of self-destruction are being sown. You shrug it off and say you don’t care, when inside it is eating at you every minute. Envy, jealousy and hate become commonplace in your mind.

To turn that around you need gratitude. Appreciate all the little and large things in your life. Write it out. Don’t just think about it. Write out, ‘I am grateful for….’ It could be ‘I am grateful for my health, heat in my home, food on my table and a comfortable place to sleep.’

If life is too easy, we don’t appreciate it. There was no struggle. We want to prove we had to struggle so we create some drama. There is no need to do that. There is enough you are already struggling with unless you have the body, finances, relationship, education and career you always wanted. If not, get committed and be disciplined every day until those things are 100% how you want them. Until then, be grateful for every moment of being alive and being able to work toward your dreams.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Self-Discipline Is Key

It feels easier in the moment not to be disciplined. You can shrug it off. Believe that you will do it later. You think you’ll get back on it again later in the week.

After a few weeks of great daily self-discipline will be the opposite. It’s harder in every moment. Though it gets easier with practice. But it is definitely harder to start. But the longer term benefits are great. If for no other reason than you can count on yourself to achieve when you say you will.

Usually though, we find other things in our way and don’t get back to it. A few weeks of that and we won’t feel so good about ourselves. It’s self-inflicted though.

If you find it hard to count on you, who else can? But you have the control to change it all around. Only say things you are actually going to do. Don’t over-commit. Set timers to help keep you on track. Be pleased with each commitment you stick to. Those are powerful building blocks.

Self-discipline is key. And that key will unlock all the doors you can imagine.