CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

It’s Hard To Change

Habits and patterns of behaviour can be incredibly difficult to change. Our environment has adapted to make the habits easier. In addition, our desire for familiarity adds to the challenge of changing. Finally, our self-image will stop us if the new habit is not in aligment with how we see ourselves.

Three things to make it easier to change are as follows:

  1. Adjust your environment to make the new habit easier and the old habit harder. For example, have all your clothes ready by your bed to go exercise when you wake up. Also, put your alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off (and therefore not hit snooze and roll over). Put the volume high too so you need to go shut it off or turn it down.
  2. Be patient and know that it will take days, weeks and months to get familiar and comfortable with this new routine. The greater familiarity and better environment will make it all seem easier.
  3. Remind yourself daily, 10 times per day or more, that you are this new type of person. You could say, ‘I am an early morning person.’ You could add, ‘I am a fit and healthy person.’ By saying the ‘I am’ statements many times per day, while also doing steps 1 & 2, you will reinforce this new personality you are becoming. This will improve the chances of your mind and body accepting this new way of being and thriving with it.

Yes, it’s hard to change, but you can make it easier on yourself and increase your probability of success. Start today!

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Why Choose Anger?

You can choose your focus. Sure, different thoughts, good, bad and odd, come into your mind. However, you get to choose which ones you will focus on or hold onto.

You don’t have to swing at every pitch. You can let a few thoughts go by. Generate good thoughts. Let poor thoughts pass on by.

If you’re not doing this, ask yourself why. Do you enjoy the intensity of feeling? Are you keen to solve everyone else’s problems? All 8 billion people need you to help them?

There might be injustices in the world but your anger won’t reverse them. If you want to calmly write letters, lobby people with power to change things or put forward sensible arguments, then do it.

Try to stay away from the outrage, the anger, the poor thinking and the cherry-picked opinions and facts that keep you as a prisoner in that state of mind.

From what I can tell, the vast majority of issues come from a few people who have made poor decisions in life or else from misunderstandings or accidents. We would do better to reduce our involvement where accidents are more likely to occur. Also, take the time to understand a situation very well, from all sides, before being an outraged judge of it. Finally, volunteer to help kids and youth to improve their thinking and their decision making so they grow up to be good and useful members of society rather then destructive ones.

Redirect that powerful energy. Why choose anger? Especially when you can choose positive impact!

CategoriesActionHealth & Fitness

Brush Your Teeth

Twice a day. It certainly seems like a good idea. Use toothpaste. But not very much. Certainly you don’t need the huge long amount shown on tv and in pictures.

And shut the water off except when spitting in the sink or quickly rinsing your toothbrush. Anything more is wasting water. Think of all the energy and cleaning it takes to get that water to run through your tap. Don’t waste it.

Flossing is also a good idea. Though certainly, brush your teeth.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserve

Out In The Cold

My oh my it was cold today. 0C for my run this morning. Being out in the cold can be invigorating and it can be deadly. Like everything in life, it depends. How long are you going to be in the cold? Are you dressed for it? Do you have a source of heat? Can you get inside, out of the conditions?

There is often one day that signifies that Winter is here and it’s time to have the heat on frequently. It seems like today was that day.

Enjoy the change in the weather. Embrace it. There is little more you can do when you are out in the cold.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Get In Your Best Shape

You’ll feel better. You’ll look better. Everything will work better. In addition, your self-esteem will be at its highest. There are many benefits, both mental and physical. Fighting off illnesses is another one.

Get in your best shape. Your future you will thank you.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Make The Effort

If you don’t make the effort, you would be silly to think you’ll get the results you want.

Whether you’re trying to bulk up or slim down, make more money or improve your relationship, you have to do the work.

Yea, that may be annoying, boring or frustrating. Too bad. No effort, no result. You’ve got to do your own push-ups.

Be the person that gets results rather than gives reasons. Make the effort. Daily.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressThink About ItTime

When Does The Covid Pandemic End?

It might be 2026 or as soon as spring 2022. It could be any other time too. I hear one of my favourite phrases in my head, “It depends”.

Who will declare the pandemic is over? What criteria will be used? What will happen after? Has anyone thought this through? I am sure lot’s of people have considered the idea of this pandemic finishing. It will be interesting to see how that plays though.

Will some countries like New Zealand and Australia maintain a Moat status with frequent lockdowns for another 5 or 10 years? Denmark seems to have opened up internally, though there are still some border restrictions, which could end by November. The UK is fairly open and almost back to 2019 activity and freedom of movement.

So it depends on what the ruling parties want to see in each country, state, province, territory etc. Some leaders are aiming for zero new cases, some want zero hospitalizations or deaths. Other leaders are being more pragmatic and are ok with many cases as long as hospitalizations and deaths stay relatively low. Another view is the number of vaccinated people.

However, even if there was a 100% vaccination rate, people would still catch it and pass it on. The vaccine reduces symptoms and can aid in reduction of the spread but it does not stop the spread or eliminate Covid. So people will need to get their head around that. Perhaps comparing it to the seasonal flu and how we dealt with that would be possible for some. If not, prepare for masks, social distancing, semi-annual booster jabs, frequent testing, occasional lockdowns and stressful travel for the next 3,650 days.

When does the Covid pandemic end? It depends.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Enjoy Your Downtime

Plan ahead for breaks. These can be 5 minute refreshers or two week vacations. Whatever length and style, you need to have them. And you need to enjoy them too!

When it’s downtime, relax. Unwind. Enjoy your downtime. Your mind, body and soul need it.
