CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessTime

Get Your House In Order

Declutter. File key documents clearly. Keep great files. Have backup docs. Tell someone. Be prepared. Do it in November. Even if it means a few late nights and a couple of weekends. Get your house in order.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About It

You Lack Discipline Not Motivation

If you are not achieving your goals, reread the title of this post six times. Motivation is a feeling and often it is fleeting. People might say that they feel motivated or didn’t feel motivated. Even those with a big Why to do something can feel unmotivated at times.

What you really need to build is some discipline in your life. This means that even when you lack motivation, don’t feel like it or want to take a break, your discipline will kick in and you’ll do it.

Few people would want to leave their comfy, warm, dry bed at 05:40am to go for a 10km run in the dark, cold and wet. If you leave the option to motivation, you might just give it a pass and go back to sleep. However, if you’ve developed discipline, that habit of doing things you’ve committed to will happen.

Discipline does not require ‘feeling like it’. Discipline means you push through despite not feeling like it.

Plan what you need to do and use your discipline to carry you through.

If you are not achieving, you lack discipline not motivation.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Who Sets Your Pace?

What tempo do you move at? Are you getting things done like a person possessed or are you chilling like there is all the time in the world?

Once again, this can be heavily influenced by the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you are working with people who are action takers and getting things done quickly, you’ll probably start doing the same. If you are surrounded by people who sit on the park bench watching the world go by, you’ll probably find yourself there ever more frequently.

And if you think you have no further capacity to do more, you may be wrong. Consider Roger Bannister who came fourth in the Olympics in 1952 for the 1500 meters. Then, using top pacers in 1954, he became the first person to break the 4 minute mile at 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.

Who sets your pace?

*(Thank you Ski for the topic in our Clubhouse room Monday)

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Be Attractive

Attract friends, money, jobs, opportunities and partners. There is less need to pursue if you have the higher ability to attract.

In order to attract, one needs to be attractive. Have a shining, delightful personality. Be gracious and determined. Be your best in both mind and body. Demonstrate you can take care of your things so others will trust you with theirs. Their body, mind, heart and soul.

If we are a great steward of money and efficient with our time, it will attract more money and opportunities.

Be respectful, accountable and empathetic.

If we can be attractive, we will attract. Work on it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Make Changes

Shake things up a bit. Adjust your sleep habits, tv and social media habits or even how much ‘news’ you read or watch. You can stop filling your fridge and cupboard with foods that do you no good. Get those things out of your environment. Less temptation or risk will help improve choices and results. You’re the adult. You buy the groceries. These changes start in the shops.

Go exercise this morning. Walk. Do 4 pushups. Start. Try. Experiment. Do a tiny shift. Or you can make big changes.

How soon do you want to see results? How long till you make the changes required? What age will you be when you finally make the changes you know you should have made 3 years ago?

Make changes. #letsgo!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get It Out

Write, speak or mutter, you need to work things through in your mind and get it out of your system. A problem shared is a problem halved is the old saying. But you don’t have to share it with a specific person. You can act like you’re sharing it when writing or speaking. However, you can put the paper in a drawer and never see it anymore. Or speak the words up into space, where no one ever could give chase.

You will feel unburdened. And that is the key. Vent, rant, seethe or simply dispose of your thoughts and you will feel lighter, happier and on the way to a better day already.

Otherwise you are keeping a poison in your system which impacts your mind and health and has little to no impact on any others. Although they may feel an edge or chill from you, it will not eat them up inside.

Just get it out by the end of the day. You will sleep better and be a better person to be around.

CategoriesHealth & Fitness


Those moments that wake you up with a dose of pain. Maybe you’ve caught your finger in the closing drawer. Or you may have sprained a wrist or broken a toe. The initial shock and pain can be alarming. Thankfully most of these minor injuries are manageable and fixable. It’s just that ouch! that goes with them.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Calm Your Mind

There are stimulants and triggers everywhere. Do your best to calm your mind. If you think of life as a marathon and there is time to deal with it all, you will be more calm. Also, only be concerned with what you can actually change. If you cannot impact it, including the opinion of others, just let it go.

Calm your mind and enjoy the ride.