CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime


Is this easy or hard for you to do? Are you filled with tension in your body? Is your mind constantly buzzing? Relax. It will do you a world of good.

Sometimes I simply lay down on the bed or sit in a chair and close my eyes. Then I empty my mind, relax my limbs and take many slow but deep breaths with equally slow exhales.

Three to five minutes of that and I can be as good as new. Though I do set my phone alarm for seven minutes now. By doing this, I have a better chance of not sleeping for an hour or two. It can be so instantly relaxing that you can doze off.

I have also used the Key Drop technique of Dali’s. Essentially, hold something in your hand and when you finally succumb, you drop it. When it hits the floor, you will awaken. You will have dozed off just enough to reinvigorate yourself. Then you can get back on with things.

Relaxing doesn’t have to involve sleep. Although, a good nap in the middle of the day has helped many famously hard driving people. However, you can also meditate. You can even just watch some comedy on YouTube. It really is up to you. But you should do something to relax every day.

You may find it a welcome habit. Go on, relax.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Early Morning Walks

It’s great to get up early and get a walk in. Most days this process starts at 05:30, which is a quiet time. Early morning walks are great for several reasons.

It’s nice that there are so few people out on the paths. Though, like people in other tribes, like dog walkers and gym goers, you will see familiar faces every day. You have something in common. And it is nice to see others out and getting a little exercise in.

It is also quite quiet as the motorists, boating crowd, airplanes, buses and trains aren’t really underway at that early time.

If you caught my carousel on Instagram yesterday (@scottsthinking), you’ll have seen a few photos and short videos of a recent walk. The birds were plentiful and creating a veritable symphony. It felt a bit like we were in a rainforest or a very tropical setting.

Walking with someone is another benefit. It’s a lovely way to share some thoughts or organise some ideas before the day gets going.

Finally, the temperature is very pleasant at this time of year. Often it is between 10C and 18C. This is ideal for being out and walking briskly.

Of course, sometimes a walk is not on the cards. So today it was an 11km run in a little light, and occasional, rain. I’d been advised to get the book Maverick – A Biography of Thomas Sowell, so that was on the AirPods. It’s fascinating.

Early morning walks are wonderful. Enjoy!

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Diet Needs A Rebrand

Is it just me or is the word diet strongly associated with a restricted and unpleasant reduction in food? I think diet needs a rebrand.

The word is often used quite generically. People say, “I am going on a diet.” However, they already are on one. Now you may go on a healthier one or natural one. In addition, you may already be on a poor one, high sugar one or a low-carb diet. You may even need a new one compared to what you’ve been using.

However, people love to shortcut or use shorthand when they can. So there is a presumed weight loss or slimming element to any new discussion of a diet.

I’d like to talk about my diet without it sounding like I am on a slimming or weight loss program. I think it would help others in their discussion too.

It feels like the word could use some help. Perhaps we could do something similar to what is happening to prunes. They are more frequently being called dried plums. This is still accurate, but plums sound better and have a better brand connotation.

Diet: The food and drink that you eat and drink regularly

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries

It would be great if everyone could agree to use diet in the normal eating way. Then people would need to be specific if they were changing it. By changing our relationship with the word, it might help people embrace their new or healthier diet.

Diet needs a rebrand.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Stop And Think

When did you last do this? It can change your life if you do it. Many people are so busy getting through life, they don’t stop and think.

Take 15 minutes later this evening and consider some things. If you are really brave, get a pen and some paper and write out your thoughts. I say brave because it is rarely comfortable confronting the brutal facts of reality.

Now I suggest you write out some of the great highlights of your life first. You may be able to note down 12 years of schooling or an advanced degree. Perhaps you’ve travelled or have had an illness you’ve had to overcome. Maybe you donated some money to a friend that was doing some fundraising. You may also have maintained a successful relationship, built a career, bought a house, raised good children or simply made it through life to here.

Well congratulations! There are so many skills you have and so many more you could acquire. You are far better and more impressive than you give yourself credit for. And you can do so much more than you even begin to imagine.

Recall all those times you got the thing you wanted. You bought the car, went to the concert, got the job or went out on that date. When you really wanted something, you went after it. You got it or something similar.

What else do you really want? How serious are you about it?

Stop and think. You can achieve anything.

Now, go make it happen.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Going Faster

Life seems to be going faster. Expectations and everyday things seem to change more quickly than before. Going faster can be great though it is good to slow it down occasionally too.

With most things, there is a finite limit for speed. Even light seems to reach a maximum speed. Other things like cars, rockets and airplanes have been pushing their limits further for decades. Though there is a point where it is not safe or technically possible to go faster.

Perhaps people reach that point too. Getting all those things done in one day might not be possible. Nor should we try to do it. Speeding around in a car isn’t good. Rushing through work may reduce the quality we bring to the table. Rushed conversations are rarely productive, especially if they have some differing views or involve a delicate subject.

When do we assess we are going fast enough? Is it when we have an incident or accident or health scare? Clearly going slow has its own challenges, which we won’t get into here. However, as individuals, we do need to double check that all that ’faster’ actually translates into better somehow. If it doesn’t, we should consider adjusting some things in our life.

Going faster is fun and desirable, but is it the best option?

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveThink About ItTime

The World Is Amazing

Without context this might seem a bold statement to some. However, with historical data one can see the world is amazing and getting better.

Why you might not believe this could be for many reasons. It doesn’t make it less so though. It is certainly how I see the world. There are a lot fewer bad things happening than 100, 500 or 5,000 years ago. In addition, we can see quite a few good things in this era that didn’t exist previously or weren’t as good.

With this is mind, I have been wanting to read Factfulness by Hans Rosling for several years. I received it for my birthday last week and thought I would read a few pages today to see what it was like. Wow! I am really enjoying it.

It is loaded with facts, psychology and ideas. That is my kind of book. It was so easy to read a few pages quickly as it makes sense and I already believe it so there is no convincing needed. Nor is there any rebuttal of the ideas or data as I am already on that same page. In addition, it is great to have it as a reference book with all the data, graphs and charts.

The world is amazing and it keeps on getting better. It is not perfect, and it is unlikely to ever be so. But, it is so much better than 20 years ago, let alone 200.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessThink About It

We Invest in AI Not IAM

We teach machines more than humans. Some people are more interested in creating robots that learn and not children. We invest in AI not IAM. Despite the incredible progress and benefits of the AI industry, perhaps we are missing something.

Some studies I have seen suggest we need USD 36 billion to teach the rest of the children not already being taught. Meanwhile USD 73.4 billion was raised by AI startups in just the fourth quarter of 2020 alone!

We are trying to get a machine to learn and think. Investors are putting more money and intelligent resources into how to improve AI rather than in teaching children to be better.

It does seem a little odd. All those people out there who could learn and improve but few do. It is partly that they do not want to but more often they are not aware it is an option.

Sure there may be more efficiency in AI and robotics. But we have the people available. And while we are at it, could we get the curriculum to include money, financing, budgeting and self-discipline. Perhaps they could teach goal-setting and a few other life essentials.

Teach children phrases like I am amazing or I am winning.

Unfortunately, we invest in AI not IAM.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Have A Fabulous Day

I love great days. It’s brilliant when everything is firing on all cylinders and everything is feeling right. Have a fabulous day like I did and it will make you feel 10 years younger.

Clear the decks from all responsibilities and go enjoy. Be present and let the day unfold. Attack it with a lively and positive attitude. Let little things slide. Give every moment a smile. Do it even if you would rather flip it the bird. Life zips by as we zoom around the sun.

Take advantage of every moment you have. You will reach a moment in life when it will get quite difficult to do things. Even thinking or remembering could get difficult. So pick a day here and there and dedicate your life to it.

It does not have to be expensive or difficult. We went for a family walk / hike at Box Hill. It was a brilliant day out. We brought water and snacks. So a bit of petrol and a small car park fee were the only costs. Pretty awesome for five people to have a fabulous day.

Use a simple outing to create a great and lasting memory. Maybe book one of these days in every month. I’m looking into it now.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Get Your Frustrations Out

Frustrations, disappointments and missed expectations can lead to a negative energy inside. You need to get your frustrations out somehow.

Different people do it in different ways at different times in their lives. Some people like to box, some prefer gardening but even a simple walk can help. Others fancy meditation while I enjoy a good, long run.

Something physical is best. It helps to get that negative energy out. It can also tire you out, which can be quite useful too. Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult with negative energy and things on your mind. So expelling that energy and getting tired can greatly help you to get the sleep you should have.

In addition, you will often wake up with a better perspective in the morning. A fresh, new day often brings with it a greater sense of the possible.

If you don’t do something physical, it is possible you will build up the negative energy in your body. This can manifest into aches, pains, discomfort and other ailments including headaches.

Meditation or similar mind exercises can also be quite helpful. Together with exercise, good sleep, plenty of water and a positive attitude, and life should be very good.

Get your frustrations out in a positive, harmless way. It’s healthy!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Losing Weight

As we exit lockdown, I hear people talking about the weight they gained, which they now would like to lose. However, losing weight needs a rebrand.

It is a common phrase and quick to the tongue. The trouble I find is the use of the word reflecting loss. Losing and loss are usually associated with sad or frustrating things.

There are only a few times where losing someone or something is a good thing. The two that come to mind are when someone is chasing you and when trying to have greater fitness.

Most of the time, loss is not good. We are rarely happy saying things like I lost the race, the match or the series. Nor do we enjoy losing our keys, health, friends, jobs or minds (though we may not notice the last one so much).

Our minds also work overtime to resolve the loss. So even if you lose weight, your mind sets off to find it again. This is rarely ideal if you’ve been making the effort to be slimmer or more fit.

So while we wait for the world to stop combining those two words, try using others. Perhaps, “I am getting to my best weight” or ”my ideal size“. “I am getting fitter every day.”

Stop losing weight and start finding your ideal you.