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The Calming Effect Of Clouds

Have you ever sat back and just watched the sky change? There is something therapeutic about it. The calming effect of clouds is one of natures truly simple pleasures.

Lie down on your back, on your deck, in your garden or at the local park. Get comfy on a blanket or nestled in the grass. Allow yourself some time to relax and enjoy it. Maybe 15 minutes or half an hour will work for you. In addition, bring your child or children.

Lie down with your heads near each others. A circle may be the best formation. This way you can speak to one another and all hear what is being said. Just try to not to get too chatty. Stay focused on the clouds and their ever-changing formations.

My favourite time to do this in the park is in the summer on a warm day with a little cloud and light breeze. The warm air is relaxing. The blue sky punctuated with the puffs of clouds being moved around by the gentle breeze is lovely.

If you have a glass ceiling in the house, this can be a great year round activity. It can be especially enjoyable on stormy days and windy days. If you haven’t done this for a while, do it today. You’ll get up feeling 10 years younger.

Enjoy the calming effect of clouds.

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Learn To Hustle

It may not be cool to hustle. And most people do not do it. But those that do often reap the rewards. Learn to hustle and you will win the minds of many.

I am talking about moving quickly. I coach U14s rugby for London Scottish and I am constantly telling the boys the value of hustling. Get to the place you are supposed to be before people expect you to be there. You can rest later. Do not rest on your way.

I grew up being well aware of Pete Rose. He was an American baseball player. His nickname was “Charlie Hustle.” My Dad liked him because he hustled. And I liked him because he seemed to make things happen because he would hustle. I liked his energy. It was inspiring.

You can make a lot of exciting things happen if you hustle. Other teams’ players make more errors when you are pushing the boundaries.

The family watched a great movie earlier and it was called “Rudy”. It was based on a true story. Rudy learned to hustle and it took him a long way. It’s a very good movie. It shows what we can do if we have a dream and hustle to make that dream come true.

It’s unfortunate that the “I am too cool to run or make an effort” traps a lot of talented kids in mediocrity. The number of kids with real talent is amazing. Sure they may not be the number one player of all time. However, if they put the heart and hustle in, they could make the league. And who knows where from there.

Do you really want to succeed? Learn to hustle.

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The Irony Of Science And Medicine

It is incredible to see all the advances in science and medical interventions. Millions of people are saved every year. The irony of science and medicine is that with 100’s of millions of people saved, the planet has a population and consumption issue.

One hundred years ago, people would die earlier. They would live to 30 or 40 years old and then something would happen. Several people lived into their 70’s and 80’s but it was a lot more unique back then.

Advances have meant that we don’t really need to look after ourselves very well because some smart person will save us. Previously, if you smoked too much you might die of lung cancer. Or if you overate, you may have died from type two diabetes or heart failure.

Things like Polio, Malaria, Infections and many other nasty situations would kill large swathes of the population. Today, many of these deadly circumstances can be avoided by a jab or some antibiotics.

The 1918 flu pandemic, killed roughly 50m people. 500m were infected of the 1.5bn estimated on the planet. With 5 times the people on Earth today, we could have seen 250m Covid deaths globally. That the number has just passed 3m may be a testament to the advances we’ve had.

A great job has been done saving people and prolonging their lives. Although, that seems to have contributed to a climate situation that could kill a lot more.

The irony of science and medicine.

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Surviving The Winter

It can get pretty cold and dark at a certain time of the year. Windy with harsh rains or even sleet and snow. Surviving the winter can be a treacherous undertaking. And that is just the physical aspect.

It can be easy to wonder how people survived through winter conditions 1,000 years ago. Yes, those winter conditions still exist in the northern and very southern based countries or regions. However, many of them benefit from much better housebuilding, heating, transportation, food storage etc.

It is still a wonder how people get through challenging winter conditions. Many of us today would find it very difficult to be out in the cold all day for hours and then return to a cold structure for food and sleep. If you have ever been out camping in particularly wet or cold conditions, you can start to understand the hardships.

Winter can also be a mental place. Where it seems hopeless, cold, dark and lifeless. We have to guard against those conditions too. We need to practice resilience and know that there is always a spring and summer to look forward to, no matter the severity of the winter.

Our northern winter is coming to an end. It will try us a little more but spring is on its way. Keep positive.

Surviving the winter is essential.

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Helping Others

Do they really need your help? Or do you really need them to need you? Are they capable of doing it themselves? Helping others can be a wonderful thing. It can also be done for a variety of reasons.

Altruism is rarely altruistic. Often the person performing the act of kindness or assistance will get a jolt of feel good for helping out. Some enjoy that feeling that comes from helping so much that they continue to help people even if they no longer need it.

One might even make up some symptoms or stories of helplessness to prove their assistance is required. This is where things need a reassessment. We should be aiming to help people to become self sufficient. Teach them to fish, not give them a fish.

No one should be trying to create a situation of learned helplessness. Nor should people be allowing or encouraging this to happen. People like to feel a sense of independence. I believe this is for both the young, the old and everyone in between.

When helping someone or a group of people, have an exit strategy. Know what the end of your useful time looks like and stick to it. Help the other person but ween them off of you.

That is one of the keys to helping others.

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Those Defining Moments

That early win or terrible slip-up can have a long lasting effect on our self-perception and confidence. Those defining moments can haunt us or provide much needed energy for our sails. Which defining moments can you recall?

It’s great to look back on these and unpick them a little. Was it a sporting achievement or scholastic? Were you 8, 13, 18, 27, 33, 48, 57 years old or a different age?

I was fortunate to have great friends, be athletic and be very good with academics. So I can recall mostly good memories at an early age and also as I went through secondary school.

Can you recall the first time you went on a big road trip? Do you remember being on a boat, train or airplane? Who inspired you the most when you were under 10 and who was it when you were a teen?

Most importantly now, is not what has happened, but what will happen. What defining moments would you absolutely love to have in your life? Will it involve an athletic achievement? Perhaps you have an academic goal in your sights? Relationship and financial success are both wonderful things to work towards. Don’t think any of these things just happen. You have to get yourself in the right place both physically and mentally.

Then those defining moments can happen!

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Choose Discipline Or Disaster

Discipline sounds so strict. It has echoes of an unwavering sergeant major accepting nothing but your best. She asks you to choose discipline or disaster.

I have seen this in my personal life. If I am not disciplined about something, it can turn into a disaster. Now disaster is a relative term here as there are many stops on the road to disaster, but I think you understand what I mean.

Take the early morning alarm scenario. If you are disciplined, you can wake up on the first go. Then you can get ready as planned and and be where you should be on time. Alternatively, you can hit the snooze button a few times and then find yourself late for the rest of the day. This is sometimes the beginning of many disasters.

If your sports team is not good about their discipline, they may not build up sufficient strength and stamina before a match. This lack of discipline could result in a disaster. This could be a terrible score or perhaps some unnecessary injuries.

Of course, with a bit of discipline, you can find some amazing results. You don’t have to be perfect, but consistency helps.

Choose discipline or disaster. The former has more upsides.

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Why Be Negative?

There are so many things to be. Though the big difference can be found in just the direction you may go in. With a great alternative, why be negative?

It takes effort to be one thing or another. It takes practice and effort to frown or not smile. Consider that next time you are standing around.

One way to make everything seem better is to smile. Though many people would rather be left for dead than smile. But it is such a nice thing to see. People that smile appear friendlier, warm and welcoming. They radiate an energy.

People know this intuitively but are also asked to smile many times in their lives. Frequently young people are asked to smile and especially now for photos. However, there are some people that would rather resist this temptation to smile, laugh or be playful.

Negative sentiments can lead to slouching, poor posture, low energy, sickness and yes, even grumpiness. On the other hand, people could choose to be happier, joyful and bright. It is a habit, whichever you choose, but it is hard to understand the thinking behind being more negative than positive.

Think about your face, posture and thoughts right now. Learn about how you are and change it if you are not being delighted, fun and playful more often than not.

Why be negative?

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I Can See The Future

Predicting the future is a funny game. We do think we are pretty good at guessing what will happen next. I can see the future and it looks exciting!

The key to understanding predications is the following. The more control you have over the process, the more likely the outcome. So, for example, the lady running the roulette wheel in a casino has more control over the outcome than you. It depends on how she spins the wheel and throws the ball. You have no control.

You have more control with blackjack, though the deck is stacked against you. However, a diet and exercise regime is heavily in your control or sphere of influence. So you can see the pounds melt away through reduced calories, body toning and strengthening. All in your control.

So now do that with your life. Look deep into the future. Imagine the infinite possibilities. Where would you like to end up? If you could choose anywhere, and you can, where would it be?

So decide what you are looking for and then go after it. Be sensible, make a plan, take provisions and be hopeful. Then start. The road may be a little rocky at first. But stick with it. Slowly but surely you will get there.

I can see the future. And now I am going to make it happen.

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Find Your Flow

What feels right for you? What could you do all the time and feel like it is your thing? You just need to find your flow.

I think most people have had the experience where they feel a part of something. We knew while it was happening that it was something we would love to carry on doing.

This doesn’t even need to be something we are good at either. Though, our feeling toward it suggests we would do it more often than not. And we know that greater exposure and practice will usually lead to improved ability.

So go find your mojo if you’ve lost it. Trace your steps back to your tweens and teens and see what you can find. What brings back the happiest memories? Or feelings of control, confidence or superpower? By exploring these childhood streams of consciousness, you will find what you are looking for.

Sometimes we bury these feelings because it doesn’t seem to be on the path for us. We might even pile twigs and leaves on top to make it hard to ever find again. But you can remove the debris and get the feelings back. You’ll be so glad you did.

Find your flow.
