CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

I Don’t Feel Like It

Some days this is a very accurate statement. I like to think everyone else has days or moments like this. “I don’t feel like it”, has got to be an acceptable feeling and response at various points in life.

Today I felt that a few times. Always so much to do and there’s always more joining the queue. Sometimes you just want to go on a crazy, do-nothing holiday. Or is that just me?

It’s ok to not feel motivated. Or to feel quite lethargic, exhausted, burnt out, etc. Sometimes you just can’t be bothered. The effort doesn’t feel worth the reward – if there is any.

For some of these things, you just have to push through. You would be quite remiss to not do it. For example, not taking your life preserving medicine (cancer meds, type 1 diabetic, etc) or not feeding your children. You may not feel the desire to do so, but you really should do it.

I’d had enough excitement by 2:45 pm, so I had a nap on the sofa as the kids arrived in the living room for some after school screen time. I don’t think we really even noticed each other.

You don’t have to do everything and certainly not all the time.

When I don’t feel like it, I mix things up a bit. And you should too.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessObserveThink About ItTime

Gen X Will Be skipped

Reading an article yesterday struck a chord. It noted that because Baby Boomers have held onto their jobs so long, that Gen X will be skipped in the career process.

I used to think that all those Baby Boomers would be retired by 60 or 65. They were wiser, better with their money and more aware. Consequently, my overriding thought was that there would be incredible opportunities. Many senior level leadership roles would open up as the ageing work force meant declining numbers available to work.

30 years later it may be that the opposite is true. People are healthier now. They feel they have to work longer as they know they will live longer. They will require more money. Some want to work longer as they enjoy their career and enjoy the experience.

Whatever the reason, Baby Boomers are not retiring as early or as quickly as I had anticipated. This seems to be adding a strange overhang in the market. Without the OG’s retiring or moving on, the Gen X’ers are stuck on the second or third rung with little upward mobility.

There are worse places to be in this world. If they have a nice job and are waiting for the other person to die or at least be sidelined, they may be disappointed. But we will all carry on. Soon roles will open up a plenty. Though it may be the Gen Z’ers that fill them.

Gen X will be skipped.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Keeping Fit Is Essential

There are a lot of reasons why you should want to be as fit as possible. From feeling better, moving well, and feeling confident, keeping fit is essential. At least it is for me.

Maybe growing up in a house with a type 1 diabetic, made me more aware of the role of food and exercise in our lives. Maybe my Dad’s high level of physical activity was a great role model for me. Eating healthy was important. Not paying attention to food and exercise and how it affects you was potentially lethal.

Food wasn’t simply an eat all you want, of any kind, until you’re bursting. And exercise was premeditated and planned. Training for the Montreal Marathon in the early 80’s could have been a disaster. However, thankfully it was not.

Keep fit by walking more, with a friend or with a podcast or audio book. Perhaps you could develop a love for running too. Clubhouse is also excellent to listen to, or even participate in, while being active. You could do 200 pushups a day as well.

But even more important than the exercise is your consumption. Learn to observe, investigate and monitor your food intake. Sleep is the other major challenge for many people. Getting enough sleep can be critical.

Keeping fit is essential. Don’t let your one and only body go to waste.

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Embrace Your Future Self

It is hard to be an adventurer, exploring new realms, when your feet won’t leave the comfortable shoreline. Embrace your future self and ride headlong into the exciting world you are seeing for yourself.

There seems to be three main aspects involved in changing your life. The first one is simply recognising where you would like to be. The second one is deciding you are going to get there from where you are. Finally, you need to see yourself at the finish line and truly be that person.

One of the most difficult parts about change is truly being that person at the finish line. We can be hesitant, uncertain and uncomfortable. This may be for several reasons or just one. However, the quicker you can mentally and emotionally become that future person, the sooner you will be there physically too.

It makes sense too. If you would like to be driving a red Porsche, you will need to start thinking of it. The more you can clearly see yourself sitting behind the wheel, the more likely it is to happen. Your mind will shift nicely from ‘not’ to ’fully bought’. In doing this journey, even if only in our head, the easier it is for the mind to accept it as true.

Once something is true, it will be.

Embrace your future self.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessTimeWeight loss

Get Good Sleep

Staying up too long can be devastating. You can start to weave, get the head nods, fall asleep and feel pretty bleh. Get good sleep. It is very important though often the first item to let go.

I do love sinking into bed after a long or tiring day. It could be physically tiring or it could be mentally tiring. Either way, it is nice to lay back, dream away and then get some good shut eye.

Keeping someone awake for too long can become a brutal weapon of torture. It doesn’t even take that long. Sleep deprivation is a real thing and can lead to unfortunate and even severe consequences. Be smart with the amount of sleep you get.

You generally need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. You should aim to get to bed earlier than later. Sleeping hours before midnight seem to be rated higher than those after midnight. In addition, try to get to bed at the same time every night. This is assisted by having a consistent bedtime routine. This winding down routine should not involve any screens (tv, phone, computer).

Drink your eight glasses of water earlier in the day. It will help you stay hydrated but also keep you from waking up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. No one needs that kind of unnecessary sleep disruption.

Get good sleep.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Moving!

We all need to move in life. It is very good for our bodies and minds if we get the heart rate up. The blood in our bodies needs to circulate. Get moving!

I can sit on a comfy chair for hours. In addition, I find lying in a comfy bed very relaxing. And some mornings I can find it a little more difficult than others to get up and out of bed. This has almost nothing to do with my body and nearly everything to do with my mindset in that moment.

There are days that I slowly get my running clothes on, secretly hoping for a torrential storm to give me a reasonable reason not to go. However, I can’t recall a time that I wasn’t delighted with going, once I was seven minutes into the run.

The physical and mental health benefits of exercise are many. Going for a walk or run, or doing some press-ups, star jumps or squats all have beneficial qualities at zero cost to participate.

I know it’s easier to stay under a blanket and in a warm house. However, your mind and body don’t get the true benefits for doing that.

Start today. Do something for five minutes. And commit to doing that same thing for seven days straight.

Get moving!

CategoriesHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

The Minister Of Fun

We should have more fun. You might be having enough fun with whatever you are doing. But more could be good. The Minister of Fun was a position my friend created and held at University to ensure students had a great experience.

Perhaps countries should have a cabinet role with this title. We hear all about this happiness index and how much wealth one needs to improve their happiness. We also know that some people are struggling a little more now due to events of the past year (i.e. covid).

So if we are going to take our mental health more seriously, perhaps we need someone focused on good times. Obviously there would be some funding for fun activities. And we would need to ensure the activities were environmentally friendly.

Just in writing this, I feel that we could be on to something. Imagine what progress that would indicate. The potential for that government portfolio is enormous. People love fun so it is a definite vote getter.

Perhaps we need to get this note under the nose of our leaders and ask that something be done immediately. It wouldn’t matter what the story involved, if the journalist had to quote The Minister of Fun, we would all be in a great mood.

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Enjoying Lockdown

There are some elements of this whole thing that have a positive component for me. I understand other people may not feel the same. Enjoying lockdown depends on your circumstances and your mindset.

We’ve had some impact on our business but fortunately not too severe. And I am conscious some people have had a terrible experience and worse. These are very sad circumstances and my heart goes out to people who have been impacted in a seriously negative way.

However, today’s post is about trying to find the silver lining in a challenging time.

So some of the things I am grateful for in this time of lockdown are as follows. I get to spend time with our lovely kids at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I grew up on a farm so when school was out in the summer, we would work on the farm all day but eat meals together as a family.

Also, there is no running around to all kinds of events, sports, social engagements, etc. I don’t have to contend with congested roads either. A calmer life can be enjoyed, without the fear of missing out.

The third reason is that currently people are pretty empathetic and forgiving if things aren’t going quite to plan. If things take a little longer or are a little more casual than professional, then that is ok. This is a nice thing to have.

I may not be on a beach in the Caribbean but for many reasons, I am enjoying lockdown.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Getting Stuck

Sometimes I can’t think of anything to write. Other times, I write 15 topics down in two minutes. I prefer the flow rather than getting stuck.

Flow is great. It feels energetic and exciting. So many possibilities and so much promise. Having your mind go blank or trying to force a topic is a lot less fun. It just feels wrong, uncomfortable and even frustrating. When that happens, I do a few different things to shake it up.

One easy tip is to simply move. Get up and walk into another room. I will wave my arms around, run on the spot or do some press ups. This gets the blood flowing and may spark some inspiration. Secondly, I will flip through a magazine or favourite book. If this doesn’t do it, I may also head to Instagram or YouTube and see what headlines are showing up there. Looking through different media often sparks some ideas.

If I am still getting challenged and nothing is coming through I do some other task for a set period. It may be something to do in the house or some admin, but usually away from screens. Sometimes you just need a break from working completely.

Getting stuck is temporary. And you can influence the outcome.

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Push Yourself Further

You may be doing quite a bit. But could you do more? Life is quick and you need to squeeze it all in. Push yourself further than you think you can.

Get down on the floor and do as many press ups as you can. Maybe you did 5, 15 or 63. Is that all you can do? Have another go. Perhaps you did three, eight or 20 this time. Add that to your previous count. Now try one more time. Did you complete two, six or nine?

Sometimes you need a moment’s rest before you can continue onwards. You should exert yourself as much as you can and then you will be able to do more. You can do this with studies, sport and thinking, to name a few categories.

You know you can do more. You don’t fall into bed exhausted at the end of every day. You have a greater capacity to perform. Though you may just be nicely comfortable. You have a routine. Two hours of relax time each day.

I’m all for relax time. Though 90 minutes could be plenty. Use the other 30 minutes to really push harder on something that matters to you. Learn, apply, start, complete, aim and achieve.

Decide this is your year and push yourself further.