CategoriesObserveThink About It

Most Overused Word in 2022: Systemic

Easy to say and can be used with anything to make it sound very important and unsolvable. So easy to blame a ‘system’ created by unknowable and unnameable people. No specific people are to blame. It was simply everyone.

There are no specific, exact rules created by particularly people at an exact time. But it is a great way to note something is a problem and therefore everything has to be burned to the ground or torn down because everything is wrong, though undefinable.

Would you tear down a house, because something was beeping? Or because the heating wasn’t working how you thought it should? Or would you look around, listen, test, do research, call an expert, get a second opinion, and try to pinpoint precisely what the exact issue was so you can deal with it or learn why it actually isn’t the issue you think it is.

But that takes time, interest, precision, testing, conversation, engagement and possibly being able to see things from different perspectives. You might even feel compelled to adjust how you see the world within this context.

That all sounds like a lot of work. So today, when you feel you’ve found something huge and unfortunate, it’s much easier to simply blame the system and powerfully articulate that it’s a systemic issue.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

The Last Time

There is always a last time. You rarely know when it is though. There is the last time you ever see someone, the last time you work at a company and the last time you visit somewhere special.

Consider everything you do like it’s the last time you will ever do it. Because one day it will be.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Help, Yes. Enable, No.

You can help people improve without encouraging unhelpful thoughts and actions. Helping people is a kind thing to do. However, when you enable bad behaviour and choices, you are no longer their friend, but their enemy.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

We All Feel The Pain

It just happens at different times and under different circumstances. Some pain you can prevent. Others are out of your control. But know which is which so you can adjust accordingly.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Are You Ready For An Emergency?

Do people know who to call if you become incapacitated? What if you’re on a bus? How do they ID you? Who would they call other than police or ambulance?

What if your parents had a problem? How would someone get in touch with you? Are your details, which they hold, up to date? Have you got a new number?

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Take some of your precious time now and put procedures in place. There may not be time to do so later on.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Spend More Time Marvelling At Your Life

You’re lucky to be alive. You’ve navigated through big challenges, tough times and difficult circumstances. Life is better now than at any time in the last 20 years. Appreciate that fact every day.

Marvel at how good things are rather than the small problems everyone can find. Be a big, bright, shining star. Give energy to those around you. Do not complain or explain. Attract others into your circle because of how wonderful it is.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveReframe your thoughts

Who Is Influencing You?

In an average day, who are the top five influencing voices in your day? Who are you hearing, reading, watching, seeing the most (time spent) or is most influential (short time but with major impact)?

On Sunday, one might be the leader of your religion, one of the Sunday newspapers, your spouse, your kids and/or your parents. On Monday it might be your spouse, your boss, your team at work, the nightly news and your favourite podcast.

On Thursday it might be your boss, your colleagues, your favourite author and people at your monthly meet-up.

Do you listen to them all equally or critically? Do you question their motives and bias or just some of them? Why do you allow them to influence you and not others?

Whoever you are letting influence you, you will become more like. If your boss is kind, or kind of a jerk, that will influence how you are with others. If they complain a lot, you will too. You better hope some of them are financially free or financially disciplined. If not, you might end up the same way.

Be very mindful of who is influencing you and why you let them. Sometimes it’s peer pressure, to belong, because of some of your values or fear of change and exploration. It’s time to deeply consider this and see if you can find influencers that are more positive or that will take you in the direction you would actually like to go. Don’t just drift along. Be intentional. Go!

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveThink About It


You can be paid more per hour but you’ll work fewer hours. Or the company will need to reduce staff altogether and you may be one of those affected.

Employees will make more if wages go up, so margins will reduce and shareholders will be affected by reductions in dividends and/or share prices.

There always seems to be easy answers. However, that is rarely the case. Tough decisions need to be made after careful assessment and an understanding of how best to balance the various constraints and options.