CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Just The Policy

Calling people names, noting who they married, referening their hair, skin tone, partner preferences or where they went to school, are all weak reasons to like or dislike someone or their point of view.

Listen to the policies they advocate for. Think through the short term implications and the associated longer term ones. Watch what they do. Do they live the policy?

If you reference any of the above external, non-policy points in a discussion, you’ve lost. You may win in popularity, if your followers allow weak arguments. However, you’ll know that you’re not improving the group, yours or the wider societal one.

Keep your points focused on the pros and cons of the policy. It may get less audience reaction, but it will help us all improve our thinking skills and make an actual difference in peoples lives.


Era’s End. And Also Begin.

The Queen’s passing marked the end of an exceptional era. I stood at the side of the road Monday and watched her cortege pass right in front of me. Like time, The Moment passed and more moments after that.

But time stops for no one. Things continue to progress. This happens whether you want the event in question to be happening or not.

It really did feel like the end of an era though. It has been an exceptional era that kept getting better. Many people did not want it to end or they believed it never really would.

The Queen was a common thread in a lot of people’s lives, both in the UK and around the world. This may have helped us feel more united in our grief and the uncertainty for the future.

Now our new future begins. With a new King, we will begin a new era. We don’t know how this era will go, nor do we know how it will end. But we do know a new one will begin after this new one. And on it will go.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Believe In Yourself

Look what you have achieved so far in life! You’ve mastered walking, socialising, some sports, learning, reading, eating, toilet time, tests, exams, paying bills, earning an income, holding a job, dealing with stress and travelling somewhere new.

Of course, you’ve managed to do all sorts of other things too! And just because others have done it, doesn’t reduce the validity that you did it too.

You are an amazing group of cells doing quite exceptional, though sometimes mundane, things. Things a giraffe ? couldn’t even imagine doing. So well done!

Now everything else is quite simple. So go make it happen. I believe in you and you should too!

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It


Make America Great Again and Build Back Better are the recent slogans of the US Republican (conservative party) and Democrat (liberal party) political sides.

You may have been a little uncomfortable or bothered by one or both of those slogans as you read them here. Attached to them are all your feelings about the leaders, their parties, policies, media opinion and your personal beliefs, values and affiliations. So they can pack a punch!

Though, it’s not the slogans per se though that have the impact. It is your perception of the slogan, what the words mean to you, and the order the words are in. Additionally, how you feel about everything related to the words, their different meanings, your feelings and who stands behind the slogans is really what’s at play here.

If you had seen them written on a wall 10 years ago without knowing who wrote them or why, they very likely would have made a different impact on you.

Remarkably similar, they both seem quite positive. Also, they both have an action word at the start. And this is what attracts many people to both slogans.

If you felt jobs had gone overseas, the superpower status was diminishing or people weren’t as kind as before, you might want to return America to a kinder, gentler, more powerful and prosperous time.

If you thought the past wasn’t great, was rife with issues and problems, such as poverty, race relations and involvement in wars, then you might feel it needs to be better and not great again.

What could every American unite behind? Perhaps forget about the past and focus only on a glorious proud future.

What about “Building A Great America”? Or perhaps, “Make America Great!”? Or, the snappy, “Building The Best America”? Which do you prefer? Do you have one that could be even better?

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Find Your Tribe

Find people who think the way you want to think. Look to join others who know or have what you would like to know or acquire.

It may feel uncomfortable at first. But learn their lingo, culture, norms and preferences. Spend time with them. Get comfortable in their presence. Find your tribe and immerse yourself in it.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Leave The Room

Sometimes it’s better to just leave the room. If someone is doing or saying something that deprives you of joy, creates unnecessary stress or bothers you in some way, there are times it is better to keep quiet and head for the exit.

Ideally people would learn from the mistakes and experience of others. However, there are times when people think they know better and can’t be told otherwise.

And sometimes the conversation just isn’t your cup of tea. They don’t all have to be pleasing to you. Not all teas appeal in the same way. Some people don’t even enjoy tea.

So next time you feel the emotion rising up, and the discomfort becoming too much, just exit stage left. That’s all folks.

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You Won’t Get Out Alive!

We have a strange fascination / avoidance thing going on with The End. Many people find it hard to accept that they, or others, will reach The End.

Once you accept that it is a natural, and inevitable, part of life, you can be more free.

This is also a reminder to treat people like it’s their last day on Earth. Because it could be.

Same for you. It could be your last day. Make sure you have tied up those loose ends, made the calls, given the hugs and had some fun. At some point it will no longer be possible. 

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Learning From Anyone

If you value learning, do you appreciate learning from anyone? Or must they have certain qualifications or thoughts before you rate them as acceptable to learn from?

I believe people can learn from all types of other people, including those that are older, younger, well schooled, dropouts, mothers, doctors, plumbers and politicians.

Every experience can be an opportunity to reflect and reconsider your thoughts. If you want it to be. If you prefer to stick with your people and their thoughts, you’re likely to have a very narrow life.

Whether you learned from Yoda or Jung, “do or do not, there is no try” is a very powerful statement – if you understand it and and embrace it.

Learn from others, whoever they are. Listen and reflect and it will add to your store of knowledge.