CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Don’t Drive Tired

Accidents can happen. You can avoid many of them. Notice when you’re fading, head dipping, missing mili-moments or are straining to stay awake. Find a safe place to pull over and catch 20 winks. Then you can be safely on your way again.

Arriving late is far superior to arriving doa.

Don’t drive tired. Take a rest stop asap.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime


What keeps you from doing the thing you really want to do? Or even from what you need to do?

If you had only 6 more months on planet Earth, what would you focus on? What distractions would you let fall by the wayside?

Who would you call? Visit? What would be most important to you? What would bring you joy?

There are many things to distract us from our most important goals. A distraction could be a movie, the news, a family matter, a crossword puzzle or a book.

Write down the things you want the most and don’t let these distractions impede your progress. You control your time. Don’t waste it. Use it efficiently and effectively.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

There’s Always An Outcome

In everything, there is always an outcome. Sometimes you get the outcome you want and other times you get a different outcome than desired or expected. But you often have some influence over the outcome. Sometimes it’s more than you think and other times it’s less.

Regardless of your perceived level of influence, do all the things you can legally and morally do to get the outcome you’re looking for.

Start early. Contact everyone you think can help influence the outcome. Be pleasant and fair but direct and concise. Assume “no” is a temporary answer and obstacle. Seek out solution-oriented individuals and companies. Consider all the options you can possibly think of. Talk to people to check the viability and probability of the various options.

You can achieve anything if you use all of your super powers and your current and desired network. ✅

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Stars In The Sky

Get away from city lights. Go out in the bush. Look up at the night sky and see thousands of stars in the sky. It’s incredible. It’s immense.

Wonder in amazement at how it all got here, fits together and works. Wow.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveThink About ItTime

Time Zones

They are great to regulate time on planet Earth. But when you cross a few of them all at once, it can be hard on your system.

Some people find it easier going East, but most seem to find it easier going West.

Sometimes it’s just the circumstances you find yourself in. Work, packing, playing can all add to the challenges.

I’m feeling it at the moment. The gravitational pull of my bed is strong. Yet morning comes very early.

How do you deal with it?

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Enjoy Right Now

Enjoy that you are alive to do this. Sometimes things are good and sometimes they are bad. But you are fortunate to be alive and doing any of it.

Others have died or were never born and can’t even have your bad times. Find something positive in what is happening now for you. Then smile for that element. At least you’ll get through things with a story from it. And it could possibly lead to something much better.

Enjoy right now. It’s all you have.