CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Speed Bumps

There will be plenty of these in your life. And not always when you think you can handle them. They will arrive when you may not be expecting them or think you have the capacity to deal with them.

But you will be fine. Keep pressing forward with a determined, wry smile on your face.

Get yourself ahead of the curve. Then when the curve comes, you can deal with it from a position of strength. Good luck!

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

After The Storm

I love the heat. And I love a little rain after the heat. Then the cooling breeze after that is just sensational. It’s a cool, fresh feeling and transports me to a Caribbean setting.

I love that pleasant moist breeze dancing through while it’s still so warm the windows are open and I’m in a short sleeved shirt and shorts. It’s a fabulous feeling.

I think of walking down La Quinta in Playa del Carmen or walking back along the beach. It’s a wonderful feeling and should be experienced as often as you can.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Find Someone Who Thinks The Opposite To You

If you’re agreeing with your news media’s angle all or most of the time, go find someone or a media that states the opposite. Yes, it will make you uncomfortable. But you’ll find out what nearly half the country think.

This will give you insight most others will never know. If you nod knowingly to your media all the time, it just means you enjoy your bias. That makes you half as wise as you could be.


Mark The Occassion

When you have something significant happen in your life, mark the occasion. This is why so many people have graduation ceremonies, birthday parties, anniversary events, awards ceremonies or simply raise a glass, give a card or reflect back for a moment – for two seconds or two minutes of silence.

When something is important in your life, give it a quick moment, or a full on event, to mark its significance in your mind.

Life moves quickly, so whenever you can, mark the occassion.


Tune Up

You need to keep things checked and working. Review how things are going. See if everything is going to plan. Make sure all the moving parts are working properly and the systems are in place and delivering.

Like an MOT for your car, or a tune up, or tuning an instrument, you really should check all is good and working every now and then.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Keeping Your Mind Relaxed

Here are a few ways:

  1. Focus on things you have control over
  2. Focus on making those things better each day
  3. Spend a few minutes each day with your mind in neutral or meditating
  4. Ensure your ER Gap is small or shrinking
  5. Surround yourself with pleasant, respectful and grateful people

PS: Look below here for Sunday’s blog if you didn’t get it in the email yesterday.

PPS: ER Gap is covered in my book, Achieve Anything

PPPS: My book was #1 in Self-Help last week ??

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

New School

Starting fresh can be filled with excitement, concern, uncertainty and delight. When you start at a new school, it can feel pretty full on.

There are all the new ideas to hear and assess, new rooms to explore, teachers to get to know and friendships to develop, and these all take energy and time. Though it’s well invested time.

Throw yourself wholeheartedly into the new situation and run with it. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but soon you will be feeling confident and well into they flow. Some might even say unstoppable.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

The Jump In Thinking

Media, influencers, politicians and even your friends and family use the jump in thinking to bring you to a conclusion of their choice.

They’ll state something most people can broadly agree with so you’re nodding your head in agreement. Then they add in words like, “that means”, “what will happen next is” or “obviously…”, to name a few.

They then jump to their point and how they think, or want you to think, things will play out next. If they say it with confidence and certainty, you are more likely to make the jump with them and adopt their point of view.

Harmless enough over minor things like who the best drummer in the world is but less so when discussing more impactful issues.

Some people are very good at bringing you along with them without you stopping to think. However, with all “this then that” commentary and any future guessing, you certainly should stop and think about the statement. Ask questions like, “Is that the only possible outcome?”, “Has this person been right on all of their other guesses about how the future will unfold or why a person is like that?” or, “has this happened frequently or rarely in history?”.

It’s easy to simply go with the thought on offer. However, once you let others influence how you think, they have more control over your life than you’d imagine. If you think the Russian media might be overly biased or misleading in their coverage, have you considered that the media you consume could be similar?