
Look Carefully

Look into the details. Learn all you can. Ask clear questions. Require specific details in the answers. Make informed decisions. Don’t get caught out. Trust but verify. Look before you leap. Don’t just assume all will be fine. Get into the weeds on it.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Then What?

These two words can dramatically improve your life. Why? Because most people have trained themselves in short term, one-step thinking. People often do better, in the long term, if they incorporate more ‘several-step’ thinking into their life.

Simply by asking, ‘Then what?’, more often, you will train your brain to consider outcomes beyond the immediate and into the longer term.

This can help in all sorts of areas of your life. Weight loss is one. If I eat this delicious cake, then what? I will need to work out more tomorrow. And it will take more time. Then what? Then I’ll be late for work. So with just a couple of ‘then what’s’, we see undesirable outcomes because of our initial behaviour.

This can be applied to house purchases, holiday planning and career path considerations, to name a few things.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

What Is Good Advice?

Usually you know what is right. You just don’t want it to be so.

Often we ask advice from whoever is around. But if you go to someone specifically, it is often because you know they’ll tell you what you want to hear; even if you know it’s what you need to hear.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

How Much More Could You Be Doing?

If you focused and were excellent with your time, could you be more productive? Could you get more done in a day?

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you don’t get distracted, procrastinate or do only the fun things.

If you seriously want to change your life, put the work in. Stop talking about it. Get it done.

CategoriesFinancialObserveThink About It

Details Are So Important

I find most arguments occur because the people involved are looking at different details including timing. We can get a lot more done if we listen to the details and understand why those ones are so important to the other person.

Most issues are caused by lack of attention to the fine details. Precision is important with respect to timing, location, topic, attendees, etc.

Generalising can seem quicker but it usually just gets people frustrated. Get down into the details.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Find Common Ground

It’s good to find common ground when you are speaking with others. That’s why we look for common relationships, geographies, schools and other meaningful connections.

Keep them in mind. It’s a great thing to do.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

The World Is Your Oyster

There are so many opportunities in this world. And if you have a phone and access to the internet, you are on your way.

You can learn anything, become skilled in anything and achieve anything.

You can connect with anyone more easily than ever before. You can build businesses with that phone. No huge capital requirement either.

If you’re mildly interested in becoming successful, there has never been a better time for you to try. Give people what they want or need and the world is your oyster.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

When This Is Over, You’ll Miss It

It could be a holiday, work assignment, kid’s project, DIY work on your home, a contract role or a celebration. You may be feeling uncomfortable and can’t wait for it to end. But, when it is over, you’ll miss it.

You’ll miss the energy, comraderie, purpose, teamwork and excitement. The buzz and deadlines will be longed for too.

So savour every minute. For this too shall pass.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Heck Yes Or Hard No

This is a great way to decide whether you do things in life. If you are not delighted and shout out ’Heck yes’ at the mere mention of something, then it may not be worth your piece of life to do it.

In that case, make it a hard no.

Of course sometimes you’ll be required to do things that don’t excite you and bring joy. But when you have the choice and the decision is yours, live your life in the ‘Heck yes!’ zone.

Imagine that life! Heck Yes!!!

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

1st Step Thinking

Often people go with their first thought or feeling on things.

First or worst thought.

They react. They don’t think or consider. No six chairs thinking for them. Their first instinct of fear, concern, flight and fight are overwhelming. Monkey brain takes over.

Pause for a moment. Consider a few other options. Has the opposing view ever happened to you or in some instances you are aware of? Then relax. As it probably has.

At least get to 2nd Step thinking. Show you have some ability to assess things rationally. You can still prefer your outcome. But remember, others have their personal reasons for wanting their outcomes. It doesn’t mean one is more right or wrong in the universe. So don’t act like it.

Good luck! ?