CategoriesObserveThink About ItTimeVideo

The New CCTV

Phone, Dashcam or doorbell camera footage are what our local police ask for to help resolve situations in our community.

30 years ago, none of these were an option. They were not even an idea.

Now they are quite common place. Hopefully they encourage people to be better citizens, take their time and be patient with others.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Always Go To The Source First

Go look at the source material. Do not allow someone else to give their opinion as fact. As tempting as it might be to accept that version of events, it’s not a good idea.

Sure it would be quicker. But it won’t be as accurate or informative.

Go to the source first.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Timing Helps

Having the right timing can be very beneficial. Near misses are based on beneficial timing. Impact and accidents tend to be unfortunate timing.

Some timing elements you can predict. For example, being late to an interview is rarely going to provide a good outcome.

You can force timing, but it doesn’t always work out well. Agree timings. Then allow plenty of time to arrive early. Enjoy the feeling of calm as you arrive with time to spare.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

People Love Their Associated Groups

Do you have a favourite coffee shop, book or tv show right now? Do you tell others about them? Have you even tried to get other people to go to your coffee shop, read that book or watch that tv show?

On one level, there is personal enjoyment of something special to you that you value highly. Expressing your enjoyment of it is another level. Trying to recruit people over to experience it too, while perhaps good intentioned, is a whole other level.

Now these three levels continually play out in society. There is a natural play between the levels by each person at different times. Sometimes, you’ll decide it isn’t worth thinking about any further. Other times you will try very hard to recruit people to your team, view, group or tribe.

An obvious one would be politics. Some people enjoy their preferred party or candidate. Others want to have a sign on their lawn or talk about their preference in the pub. Finally, some people, for some elections, will try to sway others to vote for their preferred party by going door to door, paying for commercials, or hosting events for them.

Consider all of your group associations. You have many. On every topic there is one to be found. Politics, race and gender seem to get emotions racing today. However, people group themselves by so many things like enjoyment of marmite, beer v wine drinkers, movies v books, etc. Oh, and sports teams!

Some people can get exceptionally animated about their group and dislike people in another group. Yet, when the topic changes and they find themselves in the same new group as their sworn enemy, they become friendly. It all depends on the value hierarchy of the group in question in that moment. Fascinating.



We all cheer a little differently. It’s quite a personal thing. It depends if you are watching a local match, your children play, your favourite sports team or even which sport it is. You may be a little more boisterous during a football match than during a Wimbledon final. Especially on the serve.

Some people like to clap. Others prefer watching quietly. Still others enjoying launching full steam into their cheer with plenty of passion.

I can get quite involved with lots of passionate vocals. Although I always aim to encourage or direct and am not interested in denouncing, denigrating or booing – I’d rather just stay quiet. Silence can be deafening.

With Ryker’s match, as I noted in yesterday’s post, I watched while verbally cheering and encouraging. Not just him but his whole team. It was very exciting and a lot of fun. I don’t know if it made any difference, but it felt great being a part of it.

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This Should Not Be Happening In 2022

I find this an odd statement, regardless of the topic. You may like something and wish it wasn’t happening, but why should it not be happening?

It’s a complex world. You live 1/8 billionth of it. Just because you think something should or shouldn’t be happening doesn’t mean everyone else is on the same page yet, or anymore.

Things shift. Life can be complicated. People might think we are so modern. I would imagine that people in 1,217 also thought they were super modern at the time. Also in 1812. Heck, there was even an overture named after that year. Impressive.

Remember, everyone here was born and had to be trained or they followed a role model. For every, single, little thing. And each one might have been different.

You may want a different world. But this is what we have. Work with it.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

People Need Structure

It helps to have structure in your life. Sometimes it is nice to go with the flow for a short time, like when you are on a relaxed holiday. However, if you are flowing to long, you can easily be swept down river.

Having a bedtime, a get up time, daily rituals and immovable items in your diary are all good to have.

On the farm, there was the milking of the cows at 5am and 5pm. Everything else worked around that. Those were the 2 big rocks in our goal jar.

If you don’t have some clear structure, life can pass you by. You’ll get caught up on distractions. Get some structure in your life, if you are lacking some.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Allow Extra Time

This is some great advice. Whether you’re renovating a property, heading to the airport, going to an exam or interview or even just driving to a friends, you should allow some extra time for unexpected moments.

We won’t always know in advance when traffic gets heavy, someone becomes ill, or someone bumps into us on our way. Just to be sure to be early, and no later than on time, allow extra time than you think is necessary.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

There Is Never Enough Time

Or, there is always enough time, just too many things on your list. Be selective. At one point, your maker will say, ‘time’s up.’ Make sure you have completed the important stuff by that moment.

Having more time seems like a luxury.

Getting more time at the end of a match or exam can be helpful. More time after a difficult diagnosis. The extra hour when clocks fall back in the autumn.

But when it’s time, it’s time.