CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Taste Or Waist?

Do you prefer to satisfy your taste or manage your waist? What’s more important to you? If I look, I will be able to see which you prefer.

There may not be a right or wrong. However, if you want one but focus on the other, happiness will elude you.

If you let yourself drift along, it will be harder for you. Being determined, committed and following through will give you a feeling of having a super power. You will love it!

Think of sugar as poison. Eating poison, or items with poison in them, would be terrible for you. Stop thinking sugary items are a treat. They are more of a threat to your health.

Focus on your waist but allow moments of taste to be fully enjoyed. Enjoy and even savour the taste of all food and drink you consume. Linger on it. Enjoy!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Who Decided To Call Green Green?

Who created the word? Does someone get credit for it? Why did they call it ‘green’ and not ‘purple’, ‘cinade’ or ‘basketball?’

Why did someone choose these 26 letters? Or earlier letters than these? The creation and selection of these letters, words, sounds and phrases seems so strange.

They seem rather random. But also completely normal now that I am so used to them. They are the code and key to everything.

Pay attention to the words you use. They mean far more than you think.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Why Versus Impact

Have you ever done something for one reason and then found that the impact was not what you wanted?

An example could be telling someone that you aren’t fond of their outfit, and they should change it, and they get angry at you.

You may have said that to protect them from going out in what you thought wasn’t very flattering for them. However, they may not have appreciated it because it’s their favourite, they like the style, it was a gift or some other reason.

Another example is if you drive a little faster in your car and then get flagged for speeding. You may have a good reason why you were speeding, but it rarely warrants being stopped to be ticketed or the cost of the ticket.

When taking action, having a good why is a great start. However, become aware of the intended and the unintended consequences before you go ahead.

Often the idea of the unintended consequences will shift your thinking. That may be better for everyone.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Consider The Decades

1-10 Born, rapid growth both mental and physical.
11-20 Education. Physical transformation.
21-30 Explore. Income. Partner? Children?

31-40 Accelerate career. Promotions. Family?

41-50 Career growth. Relationship. Parents challenges. Kids big moves. Empty nest. Friends. Travel

51-60 Top of your game. High earnings. Big titles. Considering retirement. Grandchildren. Parents passing. Inheritance. Kids on property ladder.

61-70 Golden years. Travel. Activities. Fun. Financial understanding.

71-80 Health Focus. Legacy. Finances. Children. Grandchildren. Great grand children. Financial help. Guidance.

81-90 Independence. Reflection. Activities. Enjoyment. Health challenges.

91-100 Less independence. More consideration of what’s been and what’s next

101-onwards. Well done ???

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Keep Things Calm

Be careful how you speak and what you say. When you get a bit excited, anxious or passionate, it’s easier to say things that alienate others, even while you might be trying to get them on your side.

Stay away from name calling and moral superiority. Stick to the facts and know they may interpret the same facts differently. Be kind. Understand your intent.

It’s too easy to lose family, friends, partners and others by chastising them or saying things that aren’t very kind, just because they have a different view of things.

Otherwise you become part of the problem, not the solution.

Keep things calm.


Maps Fascinate Me

I love looking at maps. I always have. They hold the magic of adventure, new discoveries, exciting places and people and fun challenges unknown.

I just found myself looking at the maps of Ukraine, Norway and Russia. It reminded me how much I enjoy it now and I enjoyed it when I was 10, 12, a teen and beyond.

I used to pull out our Encyclopaedia Brittanica Atlas of The World and while away my time reviewing topography, population figures, mountain ranges and city details.

There were so many places to go, to see, to visit. There were gorgeous vistas to enjoy, boundaries to observe, squiggly border lines to consider and weather patterns to understand.

My parents saved and sent me on a school trip to Italy when I was 16. That was a long way from rural Canada, or the Capital, Ottawa, that I had recently moved to. First, we landed in the then Czechoslovakia, with its strong military presence and gray barrenness.

Then we spent a couple of weeks travelling the length of Italy, including Milan, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Pompeii, Naples, Sorrento and Venice. Amazing.

Even on my return, I would review the route we took and see the topography we traversed. I would do this for places I wanted to go to and after I’d been. Like when I lived in Bolivia, Australia, or Mexico. And still now when I travel in the U.K., Europe or back in Canada.

Maps fascinate me.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Diversity Of Thought Or Appearance

Which is better? Are they both good but for different reasons? Should we focus on improving one, the other, both or neither?

Should we be trying to engineer things or let them take their natural course? Think about the forced path meandering across a green space in front of a university or other building. Then notice the well worn path in the grass that is the direct route across the space that so many people clearly take.

Diversity of appearance can help people see themselves in the position of that admired person one day, as outward appearance is a quick identifier.

However, if you take the Bible and wrap it with dozens of distinctly different looking covers, the text inside will be the same. If a book club selects all the different books based on their cover, when each review is given, the content will be strikingly similar and monotone. There may be little diversity of thought or intellectual diversity.

On the other hand, a person could look very similar to a few dozen other people and have very different views, experiences, thoughts and perspectives on a variety of topics. This would demonstrate diversity of thought.

So, as always, it depends on what your intent is and what you are solving for.

However, don’t argue for diversity of thought while only seeking diverse appearances. Likewise, it’s best not to think you’re getting diversity of thought when you are really just keeping up appearances.


Impact On Others

You may not ever know how much you have impacted other people’s lives. But if you ever find out, it can be an incredibly overpowering feeling.

Imagine that your comment inspired a child to study medicine and find a treatment for a disease. Or perhaps, given your confidence during a fire drill, a teenager decided to dedicate their life to firefighting and saving lives.

Or your kindness in a tense situation made other people aware it was possible and they multiplied this treatment of others, forward, for decades.

Usually we don’t get to see the depth of our wake. But in those rare moments when we are shown, or we have the good fortune to catch a glimpse, it can make the world seem so valuable and our lives worthwhile.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

Making Profound Choices

What are the tough choices you have to make daily? What to buy for lunch? Which clothes to wear? Where to meet up with friends?

Sometimes we have to make far more difficult choices. Occasionally we have to decide whether to have an operation or not? Or what to do with an aging parent. Other choices may involve divorce, having a baby or going on a unique holiday.

Hopefully you never have to make a decision about who to execute or whether to evacuate a war zone. May you never have to say goodbye to your spouse or children as you go off to war. These are the types of decisions millions of people are having to make right now.

We all have bad moments, days and even years. Spare a thought today though, for all the people caught up in this very challenging time in Ukraine. Many have to make life and death decisions, some do so several times in a day.