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What Makes A Favourite Book?

Is your favourite book fiction or non-fiction? Was it written recently or is it a classic? Was it written by a famous author or a relatively unknown one?

Is it a favourite from childhood or later in life? Is it a children’s book? Why is it your favourite book? The cover, content, story or just the right time and place for you?

I have many questions ?.

Some of my favourite books are: Encyclopaedia Brown, The Celestine Prophecy, One by Richard Bach, Achieve Anything and Atlas Shrugged.

Let me know yours below ?

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

What Makes A Wonderful Day?

Sunshine? Warmth? Health? Family? Friends? A purpose? Winning at something? A kind word said to you? Kind action from another person? A flower? Good news? A phone call from an old friend? Completing a task? A cease fire? A peace treaty? A favourite song?

You don’t need 24 full hours of wonderful to declare, and feel, it’s a wonderful day. It can be one simple thing.

I had a wonderful day today. Gorgeous sunshine. Warmth from the sun. Blue skies. Freedom. Confidence in our institutions and law. Coaching and watching my son’s rugby ? team. He scored a try and played very well.

Then I went to watch my other son play field hockey. He scored a goal and helped his team to victory in the England Hockey quarterfinals. On to the semis!

There have been other lovely moments today too. But those really made it wonderful. Being healthy and able to enjoy children having fun, with some competitive tension, can make one blissful.

My wish for you is many, many wonderful days in your life. Keep it simple, observe and enjoy.


Social Media And War

This Putin invasion of Ukraine is the first big new war since Social Media became pervasive. How will this play out?

People on the ground in both counties will be able to be instant, live media. The raw footage can be streamed unedited or it could be highly edited to elicit a response. This would be like our modern mainstream media does already.

People are sharing stories and thoughts on all the platforms. Blue and yellow is showing up more and more. Thankfully I’ve not seen much against Russia in any posts.

I say that because I’m not convinced the whole country is behind this invasion. Sure some may be and perhaps there are many. Though I doubt most Russians would be cheering on the aggressor army.

Some in the army might even be thinking similar thoughts as some of the police and tow truck drivers did recently in Canada. “Why are we being ordered to do this?” “Can’t we let these people be free?” “Who are they hurting?”

Let’s see if the pen (photos and videos) really is (are) mightier than the sword.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

My Mind Is Popping

So many ideas, thoughts, perspectives and considerations have been bouncing around in my head this week. I can’t keep up! I’ve written down about 35 blog post titles, ideas or drafts in the past seven days. So many points to cover or clarify in my head.

Sometimes I can write quickly because I have thought about that topic numerous times and I am clear in my thinking and position. Other topics require a little more consideration, addressing all six chairs, removing the sample size of one and decoding all of the information supplied by various media, social accounts and friends.

Assessing without judgement. Considering without bias. Or noting my own bias and flipping the tables to see from the other side. Then I can remove my bias when I walk in the shoes of others.

So many things to write, to share, to consider! My mind is popping!!!

PS Thank you to all of you lovely people buying my book Achieve Anything and keeping it in the bestseller lists on Amazon! I am surprised and delighted each day it is there. And thank you to those putting rating and reviews up on Amazon – Greatly appreciated! Put one up if you haven’t already and we’ll head into double digits. Finally, thanks to those telling others, posting on social media, sending me pictures or notes, and generally delighting in it. ?

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Don’t Bring Scrolls To A Gun Fight

How many movies does one need to watch? How much military history does it take? Diplomacy solves a lot of issues, but it needs to be backed by the full force of something more. We need to know when to switch from tough talk to being tough.

It really is striking how, ‘It’s all the same, only the names will change.’ History repeats itself or at least rhymes.

Like the German fella, Mr Putin is a bit bitter about how his country has been treated or seen in the eyes of Cold War challengers. He may have a little chip on his shoulder, placed there by name-calling, can’t let it go’ers.

So he wants to show the world he has a winning team. He seems to want to flex and show his power pose. Clearly he’s serious.

So Russia looks like Germany in 1939. ‘Denazification’ sounds acceptable to Russians and NATO so we can allow it. Ukraine is the Poland move. Biden plays the Neville Chamberlain / appeaser character. China is Japan. His tactic is Blitzkreig and Putin has the next 80 moves mapped out. Does NATO and her Allies? What options are on the table such as cyber attacks, dirty bombs, NCB weapons or simply a war machine not seen in almost 80 years?

A fascinating game of chess is being played. Unfortunately, real people are the pieces. Will NATO accept an Iron Curtain II? Will social media play a part or will the grids be neutered?

Will anyone bring guns to this gun fight?

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Not All Weeks Are Created Equal

You would think they were created equal. Perhaps they are. When you open the calendar they all look the same. All 52 weeks look identical.

But then we put meaning to some. The week with Thanksgiving in it, Christmas, Easter, your birthday, kids birthdays and school holidays.

We add in all the hope-filled weeks. The ones where we expect to find happiness, joy, love, family, community and success.

Then there are those other weeks. The one before you go on holiday, the one with the passing of a loved one, those with challenge, strife or heartache.

Perhaps weeks are born equal. But then we create stories around them which give them colour and emotion. So once they’ve been through some life, they are no longer equal. They are different.

Some better. Some worse. But they all make the rich tapestry of life. Savour each one, for they are all that we have.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

How Long Do You Need To Wait?

If you want to declare a thought to be yours, how long do you need to wait after someone else says it?

Can you get away with saying you thought of that weeks ago?

It’s the old, ‘You can’t fire me, I already quit.’ Or, ‘I broke up with you three weeks ago. You mustn’t have heard me.’

We seem to be getting that from the provinces in Canada. They do not want the world to think that the recent protests heightened their awareness of the desire for the mandates to end nor that the protestors influenced their decision to end, or not extend, the mandates.

So they weren’t forced. But perhaps, maybe, just maybe, the provincial governments were made aware of the issue and it’s importance to a growing number of Canadians. Some other provinces haven’t made any decisions yet. Possibly, they are penalising Canadians with longer Covid restrictions, just so they don’t look like the protests had any influence.

So how long does it take before a decision will be sufficiently far into the future to not count as being influential or awareness-enhancing. Would a week do it? Probably more like two months. Maybe three. Just to be sure no one thinks you’ve been influenced.

Mr. Trudeau may also be considering how long he has to wait to change any Covid measures before he can claim it has nothing to do with the Truckers or Freedom Convoy.

Well, the fine citizens of Canada may have to live with many more months of Covid restrictions, just so Mr Trudeau, and some Premiers, can claim total control of the decision making. Oh, Canada.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

You Can’t Force People

Well, it is very hard to force people to do something against their will. At least, not without significant threat that is meaningful to them (not just a threat that you would respond to).

Ever try to get your children to do their homework against their will? How far do you have to take it? Do they do it on their own? Or with threat of detention at school? Perhaps you take away their phone for awhile or threaten to cancel desired play dates with friends.

What if they still won’t do it? Do you need to beg, plead and appeal to their sympathetic nature? Will bribes of candy, money, activities or other future benefits come into the frame?

This is the same for adults. If people don’t want to do something on their own, they will resist it in countless ways. Then, if you go the route of force, not friendliness, you may resort to imposing actions which could result in financial ruin, jail time, family distress, mental terror or even death.

You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. It’s an odd phrase but there seems to be sense behind it. #bekind

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

What If I Offend Someone?

Well, with 7.8 billion people on the planet, chances are there will be at least one person offended by anything you say.

That doesn’t mean don’t say it though. Even if your intent is good and honourable, you can’t please everyone. And if they can’t see your good intent, that is not something you can change.

Think a little more before speaking. Choose your words and their order with more care. Keep away from generalisations like everyone, always, they and never. Be mindful of your biases. You don’t have to place them in people’s faces, like a red rag to a bull.

Is it a friend you want, or a fight? Can you live with your differences, or must you force them to your point of view? Remember, force rarely works.

People say things all the time without full awareness of its impact. That’s ok. Maybe they’ll try to be more mindful next time. But until then, and even if they don’t, we can pause and respond in a pleasant way. As often as required. We can control our actions and words.

Life’s too short to be offended often. Be kind. Be patient. Be compassionate. Maybe they’re hurting. Maybe they’ll learn from you.

Good luck with being the change you want to see.