CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Follow Positive Traditions

Cultures have traditions. Follow them if they are beneficial. There is something simple and calming about traditions.

Try to understand why the creator of the tradition created it. Don’t just assume why they did it through your biased lense.

Follow positive traditions. They’re a great part of life.


Stay On Top Of Things

Keep your calendar up to date. When you get a new item with a date or time, put it in there. Do it even if you have to put TBC. Write your thoughts and to-dos down too. Think in terms of rolling weeks. Be mindful of the week ahead. Also be mindful of two, three and four weeks ahead.

Keep your files up to date. Know where things are. Tidy up your drawers and eliminate all unnecessary or unknown items. Keep lean. Give things a home in your house and make sure you put things back straight away. There’s not enough extra time in life to spend hours looking for things.

Stay on top of things. You’ll be happier for it. And there will be more calm and confidence in your future.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Why Does This Matter?

When having a discussion, watching someone or hearing a speech, ask yourself, “Why does this matter?”.

Not to the world, but to you. Why is it having an impact on you? What emotion or feeling is it stirring up inside you? Take some time to consider 5 or 6 reasons why this is important for you. It can really reveal some useful information about yourself.

Why does this matter? You’d be surprised.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Consider The Data Presented

Always test the underlying information. Trust but verify is a useful phrase. Look at things from both sides or all angles. Take the emotion out of it. If you can find better context, use it. We will be better off. Consider the data presented.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Change Yourself First

Then you can change the world. If we all tried to be better people individually, we would be better as a group through natural consequence.

If you’re trying to change someone, you’re unlikely to do it. Only the subject person will make the change happen. Berating someone or belittling them won’t do it. It often has the opposite effect. You can lead a horse to water…. Even make it look nice and dress it up. But you can’t force someone, or a horse, to take a sip.

Change yourself first. And if you have time left on the clock, then help others. Rather than force them.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Avoid Or Attack The Day

Are you pulling the duvet over your head most days? Too often and you may consider that you are avoiding the day. If so, ask yourself why. There is often a simple reason. Sometimes it’s a conversation that’s needed that will be uncomfortable. Other times it could be a project that requires a tough decision or elements you don’t enjoy doing.

Regardless, see if you can flip the ‘avoid’ into ‘attack’. Identify the element that is keeping you under the duvet and launch into the day deciding you will confront that element and resolve it today.

Make a plan with some specific times and parameters. You will get up at x time. You will work on this specific issue from y to z time. Then you can put it behind you. That is how you shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable.


My new book Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable is in typesetting. Launch date is going to be in late November or early December in time for Christmas.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Become Aware

Figure out what you love doing. Drill down on the specific thing that truly brings you joy. Then, for the next 30 days, do something every day to become more aware of that thing. Study it. Reflect on it. Listen to experts in that field. Become aware of all the nuance around that thing.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Stand Up Comedy

It can be a real laugh watching some stand up comedy. Well crafted lines by hard working comedians are fabulous. Their simple observations about life can be so on point. Sometimes it hits close to home. Other times it is simply well considered and perfectly delivered.

More often now I’ll watch some comedy on YouTube. But sometimes, like last night, I’ll get out to see a live show. ‘Live at the Apollo’ at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith, West London.

It was a great night out. A friend with a ticket made it both enjoyable and possible. Thank you.

Stand up comedy. Check it out.


Look Up For Inspiration

There is something physical about looking up. It feels natural and gives hope.
Look up for inspiration.