CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

What Do You Believe?

When reading something, have you ever thought why you enjoy it or find it uncomfortable? What do you believe? Have you ever taken stock of what matters to you in life?

I remember a baseball movie from the 80’s where the lead character rhymed off what he believed in. I couldn’t remember all the details but I was impressed by his recount. It was impressive that he had actually thought about it and was quite clear about it. There was no pause, no slight hesitation or uncertainty.

Sometimes I have started to write out a list as well. It’s something I should continue. It seems like a reasonable thing to do, especially with the big topics in your life. Writing them out gives some glaring clarity too. You can’t simply play mind games with yourself. You can’t shift in a constant, ‘if this then that’, scenario.

Some people’s beliefs change depending on who is saying it. That is unfortunate but can happen. There are plenty of videos online which demonstrate this tendency.

Give it a try later today. Set aside 10 minutes and see how many core beliefs you can write into the notes section of your phone. Put them in there so you can review them occasionally. Reflect on them and adjust them as you consider them in the future.

What do you believe?

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Trust Your Intuition

This is a skill you should put some effort into. The more you can practice and improve, the better your decisions may be. Trust your intuition but understand what that means.

Use the force. Amplify your sixth sense. Check your spidy-senses. Are they tingling? There are many ways to convey the idea of intuition or gut feeling. It has been presented in many different forms in real life, on TV and in movies.

And of course you can dismiss it, denigrate it or ignore it. However, I do not suggest you do that. Rather, I suggest that you try to relax your mind and body and develop the skill. Learn to understand yourself when things seem not quite right.

The more you do this the more you will trust your instinct and act on it. This should help you make better decisions more often.

You know you have experienced this at various times. I am sure you have said, “something doesn’t feel quite right.” You may not always know why you are feeling that way, but you may note the sensation. This is a good start. Observing the disturbance in you is a first step. Interpreting why you are noting it is another.

Trust your intuition while you continue to refine it.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Be Selective

I am sure you think you are. Most of us do. We choose our friends, foods we eat, places we go and jobs. Choice is one thing but be selective too.

There is a slight distinction between selecting and being selective. You can enter a store and select a loaf of bread from the range presented. However, if you are selective, you will consider your choice beyond your habitual preference or first glance.

Take a moment when selecting something and really consider why you are selecting it. Think through your why and then think about whether it truly does satisfy your desired result.

This takes you from the general to the specific. Buying any loaf of bread is fine. However, can it have seeds or are their allergies amongst the eaters? Do people prefer granary or white? Will you need half a loaf or a full one? Do people prefer the thick, medium or thin sliced loaves? There are many other considerations too. Gluten is one. Cheese is another. Olives could be another.

Remember to think things through in all the areas of your life. Are the friends you have, the ones you need with you for the next five years? How do they bring joy or improvement to your life on a daily basis? Just because you have eaten that bread or had that friend for years, doesn’t mean it must continue.

Be selective in what you read, say, write, watch, eat, drink, see and do.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Obsessions Become Our Possessions

Have you ever been obsessed with something or someone? Perhaps we could say you were a fan or fanatical instead. Either way, obsessions become our possessions whether real or imaginary.

For example, people can become obsessed with a football team. Their obsession leads them to buying scarves, hats, t-shirts, cards, tickets and programmes. They begin to possess items in that realm.

You can see it with cars too. If you become obsessed with a car type, you may go on a collectible binge. This can happen with more expensive cars like a Ferrari but also with more cost-conscious cars like a mini or an MG.

Arguably you could add in a love-interest, musical group or clothing line. A person may become our date or partner if we pursue them relentlessly (in a good way). They won’t become a possession but you may attract them to stay in your orbit.

As for clothing, some people become obsessed or fanatical about a shoe brand, dresses, suits or ties.

Most of these examples are of consumption. Becoming obsessed with a work ethic, a goal, habits or a powerful mindset might be even more beneficial.

Consider what you need to do and get obsessed by it. Make it your obsession to have a big goal, better habits and a resilient mindset.

Obsessions become our possessions, so make them count.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Listen To Yourself

Have you heard yourself speak recently? We make up stories all the time. We add in details without consideration. Listen to yourself speak. Then critically assess what words you are using and why.

This situation happens more often when we take someone’s words and try to make sense of them. A person will have said something and you will now try to make sense of it.

The challenge starts right there. There are a number of items to consider off the top. Firstly, who is saying this and how do you feel about them? Do they have some experience of the topic? Is this all opinion and experience based? Or can we use some facts to triangulate around?

Secondly, lets ask them to go deeper and clarify what they are saying. It’s best to get clarification from the original source. It is their precise intention that matters most in this situation.

Thirdly, in the absence of being able to question the speaker, try assessing their perspective. What could they have meant? The tougher part here is to do this without only looking from your own perspective. Try using my six chairs method to exercise your mind and consider different viewpoints. I covered this in my blog on April 24th 2020.

Otherwise, be careful you don’t make up a story that suits your mood, thoughts and comfort zone. You can easily create a story that isn’t helpful or accurate. If you have made up a story where you have filled in the blanks, go back to the start and listen to yourself.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

We’re Heading Somewhere

We all are. We are going collectively and individually. Sometimes we know the people on our path and sometimes not. We’re heading somewhere and it is a good idea to figure out where that is.

It can be a bit unnerving to look into the future, especially if you tend to the pessimistic, dramatic or fearful side of things. If you are more of an optimist, it won‘t feel so challenging. You’ll assume that most of the data is going in the right direction. Also, given we are moving away from a difficult past and moving toward a more ideal future, things will inevitably get better over time.

We’re heading toward a better future for those that want to be there. However, if you are prone to the negative, complain-laden or critical, you won’t see how good you have it. Nor will you notice how incredible things are becoming.

Look at basic education becoming available to more and more people everyday. Access to the internet continues to grow at an incredible speed. This is important because that is where all the world’s knowledge and connections are found. Podcasts are booming. Personal development is booming. Thoughtful discussion and rapid problem solving is also developing quickly.

The World is improving and progressing quicker than at any other time in history.

We’re heading somewhere.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Make It A Game

Not everything is fun. Sometimes you have to do the work part of work. But it can be more enjoyable if you make it a game.

When you are waiting in a queue, see if you can guess how long the next person will be. Also try guessing what the people ahead of you do for work. You can even ask them if you want to verify your accuracy.

If you can take something tedious, boring or challenging and turn it into some fun, you could have a much better result. Certainly you are likely to have a much better time.

Most often it doesn’t take much to distract ourselves. Make the activity fun or interesting and time will fly by.

The great thing about our imagination is that we can use it to change the less interesting parts of life. In addition, the more you use it the better you’ll get at it. Keep youthful and play games.

Your mental strength will grow and the rest of your life will follow. Life can be seen as a game. It can be a deadly serious game or a lighthearted, enjoyable game. You tend to get to decide.

Whatever you do, make it a game.


CategoriesObserveThink About It

The Two Types Of People

Are you a giver or a helper? These two concepts seem closely related but there is a fundamental difference. The two types of people are often bundled together, but there are good reasons not to do that.

Both types seem to want to assist others. They either help the person out of a difficult situation or aim to bring them joy.

The giver tends to provide something that the receiver does not have. This can be physical, financial, emotional, mental or spiritual.

The helper tends to guide, encourage and support the other person while they find their own way. This can take a little longer but the self-generated help does more than simply solve the short term issue.

Although it does resolve the immediate concern, the person in need learns to solve their own challenges. They will build resilience and develop a constructive way of thinking for next time and for other circumstances.

The helper provides much more than the giver. Not only in up front time and support along the way, but also in giving their confidence to the other person. Feeling like someone believes in you can lift spirits and create great longer term self-esteem benefits.

If you give, you tend to continue to give more. If you help them learn, they can stand on their own and then pay it forward too.

The two types of people exist. Which will you be?


Those Days Are Gone

Everything that starts will eventually end. Whether it is a game, a job or even breakfast. Those days are gone and not being revisited.

It is such a strange concept how we see things coming in the future. Then we experience something for a brief moment. Then the moment passes us and becomes ever more distant.

For example, we look forward to a birthday, event or holiday for months. Each day that passes can seem to take forever. Our anticipation grows stronger as we inch closer to the moment. Then we want to capture the moment and keep it forever. And we do, but the intensity tends to fade with time. And it becomes diluted by all the other memories we have.

This struck me while going to pick up my daughter from school the other day. She’ll be able to walk to school on her own in September. Mom and Dad will no longer be required. Those little chats we have and seeing her interact with her friends at the school gate will be things of the past.

These days are coming to an end. I recall the sentiment of other parents with older children. Some were elated to no longer have to be there each morning and afternoon. Others were saddened by the end of the era. I presume many were both. I know I will be.

This is simply the way life is. We all pass through stages. Things start and things stop.

Enjoy every moment you can before those days are gone.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Forecast For Fun

Few things can be known for certain. We play the odds all the time. In everything we do there is risk. We forecast for fun but often our lives depend on it.

There are many words similar to forecast, such as prediction, estimate or guess. We can also foretell, prophesy or even prognosticate, even if it does sound funny to say. I cannot foretell if you will agree with me or not. However, everyone is playing the odds at every moment.

We all like a little forecasting. We hope the weather forecast is spot on when it says sunny and warm. Some folks like to place a wager on their ability to foretell the future. We do this with the stock market and sports and while in the confines of a casino.

Amongst our friends we might guess what scores we will get on an exam or how a mini series may turn out. There is no end to the amount of things we are willing to bet on. Have a flutter for some fun. Sometimes we assess the risk and other times not.

When you cross a road at 05:00 and there isn’t a car in sight, you are still taking a risk. You could trip and whack your head on the pavement. However, your odds of safely and successfully crossing are close to 99.9%. Crossing a busy road during the middle of the day may carry a similar probability but there is a greater risk of an unsuccessful cross.

Forecast for fun but remember there is a level of risk for all activities.