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Check Your Highest Thoughts

What filters do you use to see the world? Are you in favour of rose-tinted glasses? Or are you a hardened sceptic? Check your highest thoughts carefully as they are the ones you filter the world through. This in turn creates your reality.

Remember, it is not the reality. It is simply your interpretation of reality. If you think people are inherently good, you will see the positive in people’s actions. If you deem people to be evil, then that is how you will generally see people’s actions. And of course you can take sub-categories of people too.

For example, let’s say you think that wealthy people are evil, corrupt and morally bankrupt. Then, even when a multi-billionaire donates a billion dollars to a charity or hospital, you’ll find the negative. You might ask why they are so greedy and why didn’t they donate more? Or you could reference how they are just using it as a tax write-off and publicity stunt.

Your thoughts can betray you as you create stories in your head based on how you want to believe the world is. Though, often enough, the world is not as we create it in our heads with our preferred filter.

Check your highest thoughts. Enlightenment is closer than you think.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Perfection As The Starting Point

You’re going to be rattled and frustrated if this is how you start each day. It’s definitely a high bar to maintain with perfection as the starting point.

Perfection. Think about that for a minute. Is it possible for everything to be perfect at all times? Do you reach that level every day? Ever? Do tell us in the comments how you do it please, if you do.

By aiming for what many would argue is an impossible standard, you set yourself up for pain and anguish. Creating an expectation that is generally considered impossible, the trouble begins. Reality will rarely meet that lofty expectation. So rather than being grateful for the millions of things going well in your day, you may notice just the near-misses.

If you spend your time noting all of the imperfections in your day, you’re likely to find happiness somewhat elusive. The larger the distance between reality and your expectations, the ER Gap, the more stressful your life is likely to be.

One way to check if you engage in this heightened expectation, is to check your language and joy level. Your ER Gap may be too wide if you are often using words like ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’. Or, if you tend to note the things that aren’t going well. Try to notice all the good things that are going well. Those things you take for granted. Like your health, house, partner, children, car, roads, running water, heat, free schools, etc. Find joy.

Start today without perfection as the starting point.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

How Are Jobs Created?

You want a job. They help with your income, self-esteem and confidence. However, they can be elusive. How are jobs created? If we know how, why and where jobs are created, we can better position ourselves to be chosen for them.

Jobs tend to appear wherever someone needs a person to do some work. Sometimes a job is to fill an immediate vacancy because somebody died or suddenly left. Other times there is some lead time due to the circumstances of the current job holder. For example, they may have been promoted or fired or even given in their notice of resignation.

A job could also be created in a new company or a growing company looking to expand. Positions are also created during reorganisations due to a new strategy or new leaders looking at building in a different direction.

If you like to be involved in a turnaround situation, look to companies with a recent earnings slump or a new CEO. If you like good efficient cultures, join a firm that is in a growth mode in a growth industry. Joining Netflix in 2007 would have been better than joining Blockbuster. Netflix pivoted into streaming while Blockbuster kept closing stores.

How are jobs created? It is usually by someone assessing a need in a company or division. They believe they need, and can afford, more help.

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The Irony Of Science And Medicine

It is incredible to see all the advances in science and medical interventions. Millions of people are saved every year. The irony of science and medicine is that with 100’s of millions of people saved, the planet has a population and consumption issue.

One hundred years ago, people would die earlier. They would live to 30 or 40 years old and then something would happen. Several people lived into their 70’s and 80’s but it was a lot more unique back then.

Advances have meant that we don’t really need to look after ourselves very well because some smart person will save us. Previously, if you smoked too much you might die of lung cancer. Or if you overate, you may have died from type two diabetes or heart failure.

Things like Polio, Malaria, Infections and many other nasty situations would kill large swathes of the population. Today, many of these deadly circumstances can be avoided by a jab or some antibiotics.

The 1918 flu pandemic, killed roughly 50m people. 500m were infected of the 1.5bn estimated on the planet. With 5 times the people on Earth today, we could have seen 250m Covid deaths globally. That the number has just passed 3m may be a testament to the advances we’ve had.

A great job has been done saving people and prolonging their lives. Although, that seems to have contributed to a climate situation that could kill a lot more.

The irony of science and medicine.

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Creating Your Own Prison

Have you ever felt trapped? It could be because of your circumstances, your choices or your thoughts. Creating your own prison is not what most of us set out to do.

Yet, many of us do it at some point in our lives. We may get into a great relationship but then things turn and we feel trapped. We also dive into things like a job or our own business and then feel we can’t escape. Lastly, we develop a way of thinking, patterns, that are unhelpful. We set up a guard to keep us stuck where we are.

Become aware of such things before you set off down a certain path. Ask yourself what the end of this path might look like in several years. Sometimes we can see clues to our future. We need to consider these signs, clues and intuition moments.

If we don’t see these when we set off, keep an eye out for signposts and side roads. If we are paying attention, we can recognise patterns of behaviour before they negatively impact us. These can be our own or the actions of others.

If you feel trapped in a situation, consider what you are grateful for. Also, consider what the many options are that you have. Think of the easy ones and the hard ones. Don’t just swap a tough situation for another one.

Certainly don’t make creating your own prison a habit.


Just In Time Solutions

Why do we wait until the last minute to complete things? If we know three months in advance, why wait until there are 3 days to go? Just in time solutions are fine for supply chains. However, they are not ideal for getting items off your to do list.

When assignments at work, at school, accounting, tax or financial matters often seem to be done at the last minute and not weeks in advance.

My ideal situation for these things is to do the work when it is available to be done. This means when the assignment is handed to you, get going on it. It does not mean throw it on top of a pile of papers or in a drawer and forget about it. Receiving multiple red font alert-type letters is not a sign of a well organised operation.

I understand it can be challenging. I know other things come up and take your focus away. And it can be difficult to juggle many balls at once. However, start making it a habit to deal with things as they come up. Make plans and put the time required in your diary.

Just in time solutions can work but ahead of time is usually even better.

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Pure Joy

Birthdays are awesome when you are young. They tend to have new elements each year. In addition you enjoy getting older. They’re pure joy to watch too. I just had that feeling again with my son turning 12.

It was great to see his enthusiasm for the day ahead. Then throughout the day, he was smiling, laughing, energised, and fully enjoying himself. Despite the lockdown limitations, and this being his second lockdown birthday, he seemed to love it. And it was pure joy to see him embrace it and enjoy the day.

We will celebrate across the weekend as he opens gifts and cards and receives lovely messages from friends and family near and far.

As you get older, the enthusiasm can switch from looking forward to a birthday to being thankful to have reached it. Either way, we should try to remember that every one is an event to cherish. In addition to every day in between them.

Looking at the smile on my sons face today reminds me how fortunate we are. Count those blessings. Enjoy even the troubling times together. But most of all, be grateful for those sounds of laughter, energy and enthusiasm. It is amazing how quickly 12 years can swoosh past.

Savour it. It’s pure joy.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Ask These Two Questions

What do you hope the outcome of your actions will be? What might be the outcome of your actions? Ask these two questions of yourself each time you post on any social media. In addition, you can reflect on these questions after any conversation or physical action you undertake.

Assess the outcome of your actions from your supporters perspective and also your critics. Get the actual outcome. Do not only use your biased or ego-driven opinion.

I felt this concept was timely to address today. In part due to yesterday’s blog post and also due to a tweet I saw earlier today. Finally, it fits in with Section 6, Review, of my forthcoming book, Achieve Anything.

The tweet was from a woman who was not pleased that, and how, someone on the set asked what her role was. The question seemed to be a benign set of words but tone and context would have been helpful to more fully understand.

I didn’t question or comment on the tweet as I only like to add positive comments. This one didn’t feel like there was one available. Or it might not have been seen as such, and that is not my intent either.

I did wonder, for far too many minutes, what her intent was. So many potential ideas, yet few of them positive. Apart from what seemed like some self-indulgence and a viral tweet (80k likes on a 2k account).

Before her, or your, next communication to the world, perhaps one could ask these two questions.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

I Want To Know

Why do we get curious? Curiosity can be a great thing. It’s instrumental in how we become aware. Curiosity also killed the cat. I want to know so many things. There isn’t enough time to learn all that there is to know about everything.

What is it that drives us to pick up a newspaper or turn the news on the radio or TV? Is it curiosity? Could it be a simple habit we’ve developed?

Perhaps it is our desire to fix things that seem to have gone wrong. Although, it could also be the desire to be a part of social events. It can be a way of connecting with others through a shared topic. Additionally, we can all have an opinion on the event and therefore feel able to comment on it.

It seems odd that we want to know so much about people and places we are unrelated to. In addition, it is rare we can do anything constructive to help the situation either.

So maybe next time you reach for the remote, paper, or a device to search up the news, just stop. You are trading away your life minutes to find out about other people. And you are unlikely to ever encounter those people.

It feels like a funny trade of time. Any thoughts why? I want to know.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Too Many Options

Baskin-Robbins ice cream serves 31 flavours. They’ve introduced 1,300 flavours since inception in 1945. Too many options can slow down your thought process and ultimately your success.

It can be helpful for a consumer to have just one option. At best, you could offer them two or three options. A bit like Apple does with its iPhone offering, its laptops and its computers.

Once people have more options than that, they start to be paralysed by indecision. Often, they start to questions their choices and review their short list of options.

One thing I learned growing up in the countryside was that if you had only one option nearby, that was the best one. Moreover, no second guessing was involved. Finally, if people wanted to eat, skate or play tennis, there were only a couple of places to do that.

I love exploring and trying new things. Just ask my kids about the variety of flavours I bring home. Pineapple covered in yogurt and popping candy comes to mind.

There is a lot to say about the simplicity of one or two choices. Restaurants with 75 items on the menu seem a bit crazy. This is not just endlessly challenging for the consumer. In addition, the kitchen has to keep enough of each item in case it is ordered. And it can’t have gone off when it is selected.

Too many options is an unnecessary indulgence.