CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

That Is The problem!

Or is it? I am sure it could be a problem but maybe not the one. It may just be the one you perceive. From your perspective. That is the problem!

You know many, though not all problems. And many, though not all solutions. However, you have selected one to focus on and declare that that is the key to it all. But maybe it isn’t.

Notice when you use generalisations and definite, or all-encompassing, statements or words. It is too easy to make broad, general statements. So be careful when you are speaking, to not do that.

Even specialists will have a limit on their expertise. They may know a lot more, and in greater detail, than most other people. However, they probably don’t know all the exhaustive problems and options or solutions.

Be curious when you are looking at the options you think you have. You may find options you didn’t even know you had. Consult friends and family to see what they can shed some light on. This is important. If you get this assessment wrong, you hurt your chances of success.

The worst point is, that if you diagnose the situation wrong, you could be solving for the wrong problem. Then the solution will be resolving a problem that may not exist.

That is the problem!


Live Where You Want

For most people, living close to their work has been essential. That started to shift in the 20th century. Now, live where you want, is becoming an ideal that is open to more people.

Many people still find a house based on the proximity to their workplace. And the work is required so you can pay for it. It is almost a catch 22.

Famously, one of the world’s greatest investors, Warren Buffett, chose Omaha, rather than Manhattan, to live and work. Then, people that could work from a computer, or laptop, began to drift away from expensive metropolitan centres.

More people could work from home a few days a week. People would call it, “working from home” with those finger air quotes and that tilted head expression. Those that could do it, loved it. But it wasn’t widespread.

Now, however, wfh has become a bit of a phenomenon. No more air quotes. It’s a serious shift. Some people are even moving and changing their lifestyle to make it easier. A little more space and privacy is important if you have frequent video calls and children schooling from home or even coming home after school.

People are even leaving historically attractive locations like New York and California for open spaces, sunshine, lower taxes and a better quality of life. For those who can, it can make a lot of sense.

Now is the time to live where you want.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look To Nature For Answers

When I am not sure how things naturally happen, I look around. I consider how things are in the Animal Kingdom. I look to nature for answers.

Look at the trees, butterflies, monsoons, fires, lions and gazelles. You will see things play out naturally. No human interference or political interest group. There are no TMO, VAR or other instant replay opportunities.

Many species move in groups, though some are solitary. Some groups, like zebras will hang around gazelles or water buffalo. Elephants and giraffes can be found together too. But you don’t see the lion, leopard or cheetah chumming with the vegetarians too much.

Vultures are a unique bird of prey. They clean things up. Every animal plays its part in the ecosystem. You may like some more than others but they all have a unique contribution.

Is life fair? Should the lion attack, and feast on, the weakest gazelle or youngest zebra? Or should the herbivores be left alone and therefore the lion and lion cubs starve to death?

If people were to get involved, they might have the lion go vegetarian. But that might have other consequences such as over population of herbivores.

Things tend to evolve naturally, both good and bad. And they tend to naturally self-correct if things go too far in either direction. So we may be best to live and let live.

Look to nature for answers.


Save Time Or The Environment

When you have a hole in your clothes or a button pops off, do you mend it, have it mended, recycle it or bin it? Do you save time or the environment?

We have a skateboard which has stiff wheels. Maybe the ball bearings need replacing. Or maybe it is the wheels. More lubricant does not seem to do the trick. The options are to get rid of the skateboard and buy a new one for £30, or keep it and try to fix it.

If we keep it and fix it, we need to spend time on finding and ordering new parts. Then we need to go collect the parts or have them delivered. Once we have them, we need to get tools out and spend time replacing the parts. Hopefully that solves the problem.

The parts might cost £10 and then there is delivery or pick up costs, such as petrol. Then it depends on what you consider your time is worth. You may see it as a monetary value per hour or simply the value of having an hour of time to yourself in a busy week. Either way, there is a cost to you.

So whether it is mending a shirt or a skateboard, we all make these assessments about our time, money and the environment.

Do you save time or the environment?

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Everything Has A Process

If you want to achieve anything in life, you are well advised to find out how successful people before you have done it. Everything has a process and it is your job to find out, or figure out, what it is.

Every process fits along a spectrum. Some processes can be quite ineffective while others can be exceptionally useful. Your task is to find one for what you want to achieve. Ideally you will find one that is closer to the exceptional end of the continuum.

Regardless of where you start, you will then want to look for better processes to adopt and build into your life. Continual search and personal improvement would be a good personal mission to run with.

So take a look at the processes you are using, that have become habitual, and see if you can improve upon them. If you are looking for a new job, or a promotion, see what has worked for others in your field of interest. Look at the top 10 people in your field of interest and dissect their careers backward.

What schools did they go to? Did they apprentice or intern?

For others, how did they lose weight, improve fitness or gain muscle? Look for a book that helps you achieve anything you are interested in.

Everything has a process. Find it and use it.


Merry Christmas!

Good tidings to you, your family and community. Around the world, people may be celebrating a little differently this year. Merry Christmas!

I hope this note finds you healthy in body, mind and soul. Be thankful for what and who you have in your life. For many, Christmas Day will be a little quieter this year. Though there may still be immediate family together, which could cause some extra hubbub.

I hope you have a card to open, a gift to unwrap, or a call from a friend, or distant relative, to liven up your day. May you have inner calm and fond memories to keep your mind filled with joy. Enjoy this one day of the year for any and all that it brings you.

You may be in a warm country or cold, without snow or with it. You could be experiencing very few hours of sunlight or it could stretch for all your waking hours. Your experience may be in the mountains or by the sea.

Wherever you are, may your day unfold with peace and serenity. Keep your spirits high and know that this is your day. Enjoy every moment of it. There are people thinking of you right now.

Merry Christmas! ?

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

What Is The Truth?

I said that this thing happened. They stated that it did not. We both accurately described our experience. Was somebody lying? What is the truth?

The truth is reality based on your perspective. In addition, it is from your angle, as you recall it, through your own bias. It is closer to a belief than a fact. Facts can be verified and agreed by most regular people. Truth is an opinion. If enough people share a similar opinion, it becomes accepted as a fact. It is a socialised fact.

People use the word to make their opinion sound more factual. It sounds like more people have accepted it as accurate and therefore borders on factual.

In late October, some people said that there was no vaccine for covid. By mid-November, the reports were updated and there was a vaccine for covid. So the truth can change quickly.

In sports we want accuracy and fair play. People will swear it was in or out, a point or not. We don’t always like the version of reality we are told by the referee. So VAR, TMO and others, are called upon to give their perspective and their version of things.

What is the truth?


Plans Change

Hello 2021!! I can see you over there in the corner. Don’t be shy. It’s time to start making a name for yourself. Plans change as life goes on so you need to quickly prepare for alternatives.

It’s almost inevitable that people start thinking about next year in December. We start to think about a fresh new year with a clean slate. It will be full of promise, excitement and opportunity. New goals and objectives with ambitions to achieve anything we can dream of.

2020 wasn’t quite the year many had expected. Some people did very well and some did not. Some people had to change their plans for schooling, work, travel arrangements, family visits and all manner of things.

Interruptions occur in life as do distractions. We need to practice being nimble and flexible. Rolling with the punches is a good skill to have. Developing different talents, income, career paths and relationships can be helpful.

Many things you thought you would do in 2020 might have been postponed until 2021. Hopefully that will now work out. However, if things don’t go as you expect, you will need to make other arrangements.

With just under two weeks to go until the new year, you best get your goals and targets locked in for 2021, 2026 and 2031.

However, prepare for alternative options, because, plans change.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Convergence Ahead

Life might eventually get a little sterile. Now it may take 50 or 100 years, or even longer. However, I can start to see greater convergence ahead.

With technology quickly changing the landscape many modern norms may well disappear. Getting a learners permit to drive a car may no longer be a right of passage for the teenager. Uber and then driverless cars will do away with that exciting option.

Many of the jobs for teens may also disappear. For example, no paper routes because soon all information will be communicated electronically. Not simply because it is is cheaper and more efficient. But the climate change and ecological benefits of not felling 100’s of millions of trees and blotting them with ink every year have got to be obvious.

We will have explored, modelled, tried and had feedback on just about everything over the next decades. There will be little left to explore on Earth. From the land to the oceans, Earth’s core and even history. It will have been explored and decided upon. That is what will be taught in schools, if those continue to exist.

Robots will be doing most things, including making the other robots. I’m not sure what the people will actually be doing. But in 50 years, there may be little left to do.

I can imagine the convergence ahead. Thank goodness for space exploration.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveProgressThink About It

Who Guides You?

We have all followed someone else’s advice at one point in our lives. Sometimes it will have turned out well and other times not. Who guides you?

There are many traditional people that give advice that people have listened to over the years. Examples range from the head of your local or national government or religion. In addition, it might be the senior member of the armed forces or your royal family.

You might also have chosen to consider the words in the book of your religion, your local or national media outlet, or perhaps an influential magazine or book. There can be many people putting these printed items together. Though the key pieces will be influenced most by the author and senior editor.

Then, of course, there are friends and family, neighbours, teachers, professors, doctors, and other members of the community. Finally, there is also the voice inside your head. Sometimes this intuition or inner voice will be the most influential or powerful. Other times, we bury it, subordinate it or completely ignore it.

All of the above have their own angle, bias, desired outcome and experience in life, through which everything is filtered. Be conscious of that. In the end, it is your life. The voices you let steer your ship will have a significant impact on the joy, pain, challenges, success and gratitude in your life.

Who guides you?
