CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughts

Winning Without Knowing The Prize

Some people will cheer when they hear news they like. They may think that they themselves, their team or group is winning. And winning feels good. We can feel confident, righteous, vindicated or correct.

However, sometimes the win happens without people realising the prize for winning.

Passing your army physical feels like a great win. Though now you’ve got to put your life on the line. Winning the promotion over others can feel wonderful. However, now you must work harder and for longer hours. Although there is more pay, you earn less on an hourly basis.

Winning sometimes means getting to do more exciting and beneficial stuff but it can also require more sacrifice.

If you draw the short straw, you win. But it is hardly ever the short straw that you want to win.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughtsTime

Think Long Term

What would your Blue Plaque say? How would a biographer tell your story? What would you want on your Wikipedia page? Will your grandchildren retell your story?

Stop and think about your life. Where do you definitely want to go and what do you desperately want to do? What do you want to avoid for sure?

Then set your sail and focus on that direction and that destination.

It’s always best to think long term and where you want to end up. You’ll make different and better decisions. And your journey will align to your long term goals, not just the whims of the moment.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

Sketch Out Your Ideal Life

Grab a pen and some paper. Start jotting down some key elements of your ideal life. What does your ideal house look like? What is your ideal car or cars? Would you be married? Describe the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual attributes of this person.

Where does your income come from? Describe the number and types of holidays you would like to take each year.

Now go get a plan in place to start making all these things happen within three to five years from this moment.

Go on! Dare to live the life of your dreams!

CategoriesGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveThink About It

Ocean Or Lake?

On which type of water would you prefer to live? Oceans are vast, powerful, teaming with life. Lakes are often more quiet, serene.

Or perhaps neither and just have a pool. Fresh water chlorinated or salt water? What do you really want in your life?

CategoriesGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressTime

Sometimes It All Goes Out The Window

Ever been busy? That super, crazy, ridiculous busy? The kind of busy where you get 3-4 hours sleep a night for days and even weeks on end.

Your comms go silent. Things don’t happen. Except, the essentials happen. You focus like a laser and cut through the unnecessary. You cut it out because you have no time for anything except the essentials.

You go dark for awhile. But eventually you emerge from the chaos and begin again. Enjoy it.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Replace Dream Drags

You’re pumped for the new you!! But you don’t have enough time in your day to fit in these new activities, habits, and skills. That’s ok.

You simply need to say goodbye to some “old you” drags on your time. Maybe that tv show you no longer really watch: that could save 50 minutes. Or the 1 hour in the gym could be reduced to 30 minutes, every time, or at least 3x a week.

Design your days such that you stop doing things the new you would not do and start doing things that a pro in your field would be doing without question. Figure it out. Now go!!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTimeWeight loss

Plan v Wish List v Idea

So you think you have a plan for 2023. What you probably have is a wish list, or simply an idea.

An idea has no emotion and little, if any, detail. It’s more of a statement. Lose 42 pounds. Get a new job. Land people on Mars.

You can then personalise it and add some emotion like excitement, concern, giddiness, fear or trepidation. As the idea moves from an abstract thought to something that may be part of your future, you begin to internalise it and different emotions will start to bubble up to the surface. For example, I would like to lose 42 pounds, get a new job and be part of the team that lands people on Mars.

To improve your chances of success though, you are best to write these ideas down. Make them personal with “I am” type statements and then add some clear, detailed steps and milestones that you’ll need to go through to reach your desired goal.

Making a plan requires more commitment and detail. It takes a bit of time to make. If you don’t have the will to commit to making the plan, it’s unlikely you’ll have the will to overcome the challenges that you’ll find on the path you have chosen to take.

If you do commit, you’ll need dates and times that you’ll actively progress your plan. You can add milestones too. You’ll also need a system to review your progress, including daily tracking of key activities and metrics. Without tracking against a plan, you are likely to drift and then give up.

But that needn’t be your story. Be the top 5% of people. Use your discipline. Feel how good it will be to have reached your goal. Hold that thought.

Now go turn your 2023 ideas into wishes and then make a plan around the most important ones.

Tag me in so we can celebrate together!!!