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Prepare Better

It’s easier not to prepare. It’s even kind of fun to fly by the seat of your pants. But no serious person would let a ‘we’ll figure it out’-type mindset build a bridge or a skyscraper without written architectural drawings.

If your business, or your life, is as valuable, then you best get some grand ideas backed by precise construction plans so you can construct something equally stunning and memorable.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Don’t Give Up!

Setbacks are a part of life. Don’t let them rule your life though. Find ways to still work toward your written goals.

It may be more effort, but don’t let it be your excuse. Don’t fail because life got a little tougher. Rise up and show the world your desire and capacity to win without excuses.

Get up. Go win. Make yourself proud.

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Be Precise

The more precise you are with words, timing and goals, the more likely you will get what you want.

When you are vague or generalise, you give up the precision and get what you get. People that can envision and clearly articulate a precise plan or concept, take control of the process and increase the likelihood of getting their desired outcome.

Do you order a drink (super vague), coffee (general), or a moca latte to go with 1 cube of sugar and a dash of whipped cream on top? If you wanted the latter but ordered the former and received a small mug of orangina with a cube of ice, would you be delighted? Probably not.

So start being more specific going forward from right now. Get very precise with your time, words, and goals and see how quickly your whole life starts to improve!

It takes some effort but it’s worth it.

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Streamline your days as much as you can. Have a time to get up and one time to go to bed. It doesn’t have to be 365 days per year but 6 -7 days a week on average.

Get a routine for waking up too. Alarm rings, sit up with your feet on the floor. Go to the gym or go have a shower. Then dress, eat and get on with the day you had planned the night before.

The fewer decisions you have to make each day, the better. You’ll have more energy. You’ll feel like you are achieving things. It’s simple. Go do it.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Remove And Limit

For the next 7 days, remove 5 things from your house each day. Find 5 things each day that do not bring you joy and get them out of the house. Take them to a charity shop, bin them or sell them online. Just get them out of the house in the next 7 days.

Be mindful that you don’t discard someone else’s favourite item. If it is not 100% yours, do ask the other person first to see if they are ok with letting it go.

Secondly, really limit what you bring in to the house. Leave it out front for recycling or in the trash bin if necessary. The less you bring into the house, the less you need to throw away later on.

If you do this every day for three months, you’ll have gotten rid of 450 items and your house will be nearly free of clutter and feel very cozy and calm.

CategoriesActionFinancialGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Freedom Of Choice

We choose to do what makes us feel best. Sometimes we can go into self destruction mode because it makes us feel better. We decided we don’t deserve the great life we have so we try to ruin it. Strange. But true.

The thing is, we can change it all up in a minute. We could do great things each day. But then we can’t wallow in self pity.

Choose to do good things each day. Take care of yourself. Take care of your family and friends. Spend quality time with them rather then just throwing money at them.

Do some hard work on yourself and to help those around you. Stop pushing people away so you can say noone cares. Don’t be a black hole absorbing everyone’s energy. Radiate like the sun, and let your warm love envelope them and fill them with life energy.

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Want Success More Than Comfort

It’s easy to be comfortable. You can quickly get stuck in a rut and every day loops by with no progress or specific joy.

But things can be different. If you really want to succeed at something, you can do it. You can shift from that spot of being comfortable, get a little uncomfortable, and continue through to success.

It’s hard at first but you will build momentum and eventually, in 3, 6 or 12 months, after consistent daily discipline and effort, you’ll become unstoppable. You will not recognise the old you.

It’s a very exciting transformation. Do it.