CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Discipline Determines

Your discipline will determine what level of success you are going to have.

If you don’t discipline your mind and body, to develop great habits, that you consistently do, every day, then you will have exactly what you have now, but you’ll be a year older.

Ignore it for a year or two or ten. Nobody will take any notice. You’ll be the same. And it’s only you to blame.

Instead, get determined. Stop talking. Start doing. Get results. Feel good. Your discipline will determine the outcome you’re going to have.

Your results tell us everything we need to know.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Stay Future Focused

Keep focused on your short and long term plans. Have a positive picture of your life and of you celebrating your great achievements so you can keep a good mindset, especially when you are going through the mud.

Write out what your life will look like in 12 months and also 5 years. Note down what age you’ll be and what your health and fitness will be, your weight and / or trouser size, your finances (including debt levels and savings and investments), your relationships (partner, kids, parents, friends), where you live and how (lifestyle, spending budget) and finally how you’ll spend your waking hours.

Write it down on paper so you get a great picture of what life will be like so you can work towards living that great life!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveThink About ItTime

Forward Thinking

Think forward and not backward. Accept what has happened in the past and think about how you would like to steer your life going forward.

Focus on what could be in the future and move toward that. Take one step at a time and press on.

A future vision of your life and the world should be almost entirely positive. As a vision, it doesn’t require any negative aspects. If you’re holding negative thoughts then you have the opportunity to change those in your mind.

Use forward thinking to take you forward, toward the life you want to be living.