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Be Prepared

The more prepared you are, the more likely things will go smoothly and you’ll succeed in whatever you are doing.

If you’re going somewhere, you’re better off if you pack a few days before and get your admin and tickets all in order in advance too.

Back to school? Get the clothes you need as well as books, pens, bag, notebooks and devices that will help you succeed. Start looking for these in advance and you may get some deals!

A prepared mind and body will usually make you more successful at every turn. The compound effect of this can be quite astounding.

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Where Will Your Actions Today Take You?

What you do today sows the seeds for your tomorrow. What seeds are you planting? If you’re not planting healthy seeds, don’t expect much in the future. Are you learning new things? Are you acquiring new skills or honing useful ones?

Your application of your knowledge and skills is required to get some feedback and build a brighter future. Sow your seeds of success today and everyday.

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If You Do The Same, You Get The Same

Think of the next 12 months ahead. How closely will it resemble the last 12 months? Will you eat similar foods, sleep at similar times, work about the same hours on very similar type things? I will guess that you’ll also celebrate the same birthdays, holidays and special moments.

If everything you do is the same, how can you expect life to be or feel differently? You really need to make some small changes or shifts in what you do. Then increase the frequency and/or intensity of these changes so you begin to get demonstrably different results.

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All The Smart People

Smart people tend to create things. Scientists, engineers, and dreamers. They also are instrumental in bringing creations to life. These can be the financiers, marketers, lawyers and technology folks.

However, after two centuries of progress and improved living standards around the world, some, if not many, of these same types of educated people are saying it is all too much. It’s going to destroy the planet.

How will we keep the advancements but not the downsides. Will all the smart people come up with a decent solution for all?

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Customer Service

Yikes. Some is terrible. Though some are really great. Today, however a bank/credit card company and a car rental company have been so very painful. I don’t recall ever being engaged for so long and walking away with such little progress. Some companies need to be reminded that our time is more valuable than their cost efficiencies.