CategoriesObserveProgressThink About It

Your Identity

We don’t stray too far from our comfortable identity. Often people don’t improve their identity either. While being the same as you were 20 years is nice, weren’t there any areas in your life that could have been stretched and improved? What is the identity you’d like to grow into in the next 2 years?

CategoriesGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Hard Times

We rarely feel good going through them but we feel stronger after. That sense of reassurance, resilience and confidence to overcome tough obstacles feels great once you make it through. Focus on that light at the end of the tunnel. Faith and hope will get you through.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Decide To Change And Stop Wavering

To change something, you really need to commit. This needs to be a commitment that you really mean and intend to follow through on. One where you’ll accept anyone’s help to reach your goal.

You must set out a written plan, set up your environment to win, and track your key progress items every day. If these three things aren’t done, you’ll know the level of commitment you’re working at.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressThink About It

All In Or Hold Back

There are times you need to be on the front foot and not hold back. Like that moment you stamp down the ramp in skateboarding, or begin your descent in ski jumping, there is no stopping or turning back. You are all in. Try to do that with everything you do.