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Look Stupid Or Become Stupid

If you’re not willing to risk looking stupid, or even just wrong, then you are likely to eventually become stupid, or often wrong.

If you don’t put your hand up in class and ask your question, or possibly give the wrong answer, you won’t learn as much. If you don’t learn as much you run with a less well-informed crowd. Then you might slowly stop questioning, discussing, debating or considering ideas.

Your mental agility will dull and you might retreat from society a little. Then a little more. Now you definitely don’t want to look stupid because you have enough challenges in your life. You don’t need to reduce your confidence, self esteem or power group social standing unnecessarily.

Be willing to look stupid. It’s a much smarter path to follow.

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Stay On Track

Whatever you are trying to achieve, stay the course. Be determined. Use your discipline. Stay on track. The outcome you desire awaits.

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Celebrate The Finishing Touches

When you have done a great job on something, do a little extra and make it amazing. Deliberately dazzle people. Make things shine.

My wife is brilliant at this. She will work exceptionally hard to get things done and then push through the exhaustion to deliver a distinguished result. Take a look at our property portfolio and you will see.

Make it amazing and then celebrate the finishing touches.

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Try Different Angles

When you want something, try different angles to make it work out. There might only be one way to do something but that is rarely the case. You may have to use your imagination and get creative in what you do.

For example, if you want to meet someone in an office setting and you can’t reach them on their direct line, try calling the receptionist. Or call their secretary. Alternatively you could trying calling their unit head, office manager, colleague or even CEO.

If calling isn’t working, try sending an email, a letter in the post, use LinkedIn or other social media accounts, or go to their office. There are many ways to make things happen. Sometimes you need to try several different options before you find success. If you keep trying different avenues, options, timing and tones, you greatly increase your probability of success.

So be sure to try different angles.

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Seeking Perfection Is Detrimental

If only perfect people can be heroes and have statues built for them, we will have neither. The current push by some for perfect equality, perfect communication and perfect decisions is likely to destroy the humanity in society.

If people get cancelled, excommunicated, destroyed, and expelled for imperfect thoughts, actions and impulses, people will shrink into the shadows and take fewer chances with anything.

Play this out till the ultimate conclusion and there will only be a handful of hypocrites remaining as they wouldn’t dare cancel themselves. If you don’t see the game evolve several moves ahead, you will likely find that checkmate is in your future.