CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Excellence Is A Rare Trait

Excellence is wonderful to experience or watch. It is rare though. Due to the amount of effort one requires to reach a state of excellence, most people settle for good or occasionally great.

To strive for excellence is to work harder and longer than you ever thought. And then push past that too!

Do you have it in you to reach excellence?

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Remarkably, growing in confidence can be quick. Stand up straight, shoulders back, say, “I am enough”, and decide to be incredible or unstoppable.

Or you can build your confidence the old fashioned way by developing skills, building a list of achievements and improving all areas of your life. It helps to notice all these things and appreciate them.

Of course you could do a little of the quick version while working on the classic version. Either way, get growing your confidence!

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Build Toward Great

What if politicians outlined their common goals, and their differences on key issues, and then worked toward those common goals while being mindful of their differences?

Imagine how much progress could be made! Especially if people didn’t mind whose name was on the statute, or statue.

If people just tried to improve the most lives in the best ways, we could leapfrog a lot of wasted time.

Who might be up for that?

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From Uncomfortable to Unstoppable!

Tuesday I went into the studio to record my audiobook with the lovely Zoe, founder of Creative Audiobooks.

She was great and very accommodating. Although doing something for the first time (i.e. recording an audiobook) feels a bit uncomfortable, Zoe was a real pro and made it easy to settle in.

After we adjusted the kit and space to my preferences, we were under way. With Zoe’s patience and easy working style, I settled in and got more comfortable by the minute. In no time at all we we’re working well together and getting the work done at a good pace.

By the end of the day, I didn’t want to stop. I was, er, unstoppable ?.

I was there for almost 8 hours. I kept trying and improving. It’s the same for anything. Get started. Push through the discomfort. Keep going. Improve. Gather momentum. Become Unstoppable.

It’s the way we really achieve anything!

CategoriesGratitudeProgressThink About It

Book Update: #1 Bestseller!!! ?

My thinking has been very much on my book for the last 24 hours. So I’m sharing my success with you. Especially as many of you reading this have helped make this happen.

Sunday night, after writing my previous blogpost, I did some more poking around online. I discovered that Achieve Anything had reached #1 on three Amazon bestsellers lists in Japan!!! The first time I’ve seen the book reach #1. Super exciting!

Yes, it’s not the Sunday Times Bestseller List, but I still have that to come. Importantly, I am celebrating reaching another new milestone in my book / author path. So I’m doing as I say, because Step 7 in the book is Celebrate ?.

So now I’ve been on 14 best seller lists in 7 countries (US, UK, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, India and Japan) with three of those being #1 spots in Japan.

So thank you all for buying the book, sharing the book, putting a rating or review on Amazon, giving me feedback, liking or sharing my reel or other activities that may have helped achieve these brilliant milestones!

Goals ahead: Record the audiobook this week. Heading into the studio with Zoe Tuesday. Encourage more people to add a rating or review on Amazon so I shift from 20 5-star ratings to 50 soon (go put one up!). Reach #1 on more Bestseller lists. Let’s go!

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Enjoy The Buzz

When things are going well, be sure to enjoy the moments.

It feels good and you get positive reinforcement.

My book, Achieve Anything, is on Amazon bestseller lists in 5 countries, that I’ve seen tonight! Incredible. In Germany it’s made it to 10, 11, and 15 in three categories when I first saw it Sunday night. Wild!!

It’s also made bestseller lists in India, Brazil, UK and USA.

I’m enjoying the buzz. ?

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In Search Of Better

I find myself thinking this way quite often. I tend to think of what could be better or how I could make something better. Has this always been my way? I am not sure. But I think it has, at least for somethings.

At school I wanted to get better grades, so I worked at that. In sports I strived to be better than I was, either in skill, stamina or execution. So I trained more, paid closer attention and made refinements.

It has probably become part of my regular thought process. It is exciting to make improvements, either your own, or in ways to help others. In our property business, we look out for houses that could be improved and provide a better home for people.

We also need to remember to celebrate these successes and improvements. Be grateful for them. Be careful you don’t become someone who is never satisfied. But also, don’t stop improving, especially if you are capable of more. Go forward in search of better.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Then What?

These two words can dramatically improve your life. Why? Because most people have trained themselves in short term, one-step thinking. People often do better, in the long term, if they incorporate more ‘several-step’ thinking into their life.

Simply by asking, ‘Then what?’, more often, you will train your brain to consider outcomes beyond the immediate and into the longer term.

This can help in all sorts of areas of your life. Weight loss is one. If I eat this delicious cake, then what? I will need to work out more tomorrow. And it will take more time. Then what? Then I’ll be late for work. So with just a couple of ‘then what’s’, we see undesirable outcomes because of our initial behaviour.

This can be applied to house purchases, holiday planning and career path considerations, to name a few things.

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Keep Your Finances Updated And Tidy

There are many reasons to do this. It’s an investment in you and your personal well-being for starters. Knowing where things are at financially is calming, liberating and allows maximum fun.

If you know your bills are paid, your emergency account is fully funded and your investments are working day and night for you, you will have a greater sense of calm. And it lasts all year. Not just the week or two of calm you get from going on a holiday. Especially if your bills pile up, your admin gets behind and you blow your emergency funds on your, ‘but I needed it!’ trip.

Also, if you were incapacitated or died, could someone step in and know where everything was? Are all the accounts easy to find? Is there an up-to-date will? Are bills on direct debit? Or would someone have to hunt around and figure out what to pay and when?

Do this for you, and your heirs or carers. Start today and have it all sorted by the 15th July (2022!!). Go!