
Track Your Habits Daily

If you want to develop better habits, or stop unhelpful habits, you will make it easier for yourself and more likely to succeed if you track your habits daily.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Why We Compete?

Competition is innate in the human species. We compete for resources, mates, abundance and pride.

In the modern world we compete in sports and less so, military conflicts. We compete for mates still and jobs.

Winning feels good.

Companies compete. Or at least the stakeholders/employees compete.

Philosophy is becoming more competitive too. Some people want to win you over to their side. They are not happy hearing the diversity of thought. They simply want you to agree with, and adopt, their point of view.

Unlike the sportsmanship seen at sporting events, where they shake hands at the end, there seems to be less of that with opposing points of view in the modern world.

We can remain competitive and try to influence people’s point of view but we might want to be more sportsmanlike, regardless of win, lose or draw.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

File Fast And Well

Touch paper once if you can. Deal with things the week they arrive. Don’t let things pile up. But if you do, bite the bullet and set aside time that month to get back on top of things.

File things properly. Do it fast. Then it’s easy to find later. And it’s off the floor, desk, counter, table, etc.

Have a good filing system. Have any to start. Then improve it.

Get on top of your admin. You can thank me later.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressTime

On The Mend

It feels so good when you turn the corner on an ailment, condition, flue, cold, etc. It’s that moment when you know you’re coming out the other side and everything is getting better.

That is a nice moment to savour. Enjoy it.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Have A Purpose

If you haven’t ‘found’ a purpose by now, create one. Decide what you will focus on and go all in.

No complaints. No issues. Just get your head down and drive forward with every minute. Do not allow others to distract you. Firmly tell them not now or not today.

Do these things for a week. Then a month. Then continue. Your life will change immeasurably.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

Easy To Do And Easy Not To

Which easy will you choose? With easy also comes hard. If you always take the easy route, things are likely to get hard later on in life. If you do some of those harder things now, you can have things a little easier later in life.

So if its easy enough to do now, do it. Put in a little extra work and time. It will pay off over time. And that future you will appreciate it.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Who Decided To Call Green Green?

Who created the word? Does someone get credit for it? Why did they call it ‘green’ and not ‘purple’, ‘cinade’ or ‘basketball?’

Why did someone choose these 26 letters? Or earlier letters than these? The creation and selection of these letters, words, sounds and phrases seems so strange.

They seem rather random. But also completely normal now that I am so used to them. They are the code and key to everything.

Pay attention to the words you use. They mean far more than you think.

CategoriesProgressThink About It

Consistency Or Keep People Guessing?

There are many benefits to being consistent, measured and almost predictable. Likewise, there are many benefits to consistently playing your own game which might keep people guessing.

We are watching this play out in real time on the world stage right now. The uncertainty levels are high.

Consider how you feel around people with different personality traits. Are you confident? Do you feel safe or secure? Is it exciting?

What are you like? Which do you prefer?

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New Thinking

The End Game

You really should have an end game in mind, and written down, when you take aim at a new goal, challenge or desired achievement. I don’t say this lightly. These elements build on key themes that run through three of the seven steps in my new book Achieve Anything.

Step 1 is Think, which includes beginning with the end in your mind. It also includes the rhetorical question, ’Why?’ Why are you putting energy and time into this process to reach the outcome?

Step 3 is Write. You need to take the thoughts and turn them into written words that you, or anyone, can refer back to.

Step 4 is Plan. You really should collect those written thoughts and turn them into a structured plan with dates, times, desired outcomes and the finish line.

Notice we skipped Step 2? Lots of people do. That is a big reason why many people do not achieve their goal. More on that in the book.