CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Don’t Continue – Finish!

It’s great to have projects on the go. But we need to keep a clear eye on these so they don’t last forever. It sounds great to be working on something, but sometimes we have to make that super extra effort and get items finished.

I have a handful of things that seem to get carried forward each day and have been for weeks, and months in some cases! There are various reasons for that. Some aren’t urgent. Some are nice to have but not critical. Others require input from someone else. Still others take more time then they seem to be worth.

Then occasionally I will have a burst and knock a few of these items off my list. Sometimes that means getting up earlier, going to bed later or switching priorities.

It’s been harder recently with completing the book, the book launch and some other pressing matters. However, I can see a time in late February / March where I can tidy up quite a few of these things. That will feel great!

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Canadian Truckers and The UK

As a Canadian, I am pleased to see the trucker protest in Ottawa and elsewhere being held, generally, in a good natured, peaceful way. These are unlikely protestors and there would be few, if any, professional activists among their cohort.

Of course, with any large gathering, there will be a few things that go sideways and a few people who do things that both sides would prefer didn’t happen. But rather than look at the sample size of one, or two, lets look at the vast majority and the positives.

It’s peaceful. It’s almost joyous in its nature. There are lots of smiles and hugs, dances and good manners and even well spoken leaders calling for continued calm. Bear in mind it is mid-winter in Ottawa and temperatures sink to -20C (-4F) at night and might only climb to -6C (21F) during the day.

There doesn’t seem to be looting, rioting or arson, which makes it a much better experience for all affected. They are on point. They are there to be heard.

The UK has dropped the mask requirements, along with a growing number of other OECD nations. Serious Covid infections are now about 0.1% of all cases, despite cases being almost 5 times higher than this time last year. This is all good news going forward.

According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the UK, Covid deaths here are starting to approximate those of the flu and pneumonia. If we could live with their annual deaths and challenges for decades, perhaps it is time to make this a win for the people over Covid everywhere.

I entered a shop without a mask this past weekend. It felt so natural and so good. And those that wanted to wear a mask did. And we all shopped and went on our way. No issues. But having that choice felt so good, after two long years. I missed that great, natural feeling. It’s so good to have it back.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

What If I could?

What if I could succeed at anything I truly wanted? How different would my life be, if I could reach my goals? How amazing could things get if I aimed for the stars but only landed on the moon?

Start creating your incredible life today. Are you waiting for permission? You’ve got it! Start to imagine the life of your dreams. Consider what you must do to get there. Then start. Start now.

In 5 years you’ll be delighted you started today. In 10 years you’ll be blown away with your progress. In 15 years, wonderful things you hadn’t even considered will be happening like magic.

What if you could? Consider the possibilities. Now go build that dream life!

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressThink About ItTime

New Book Launches Today!!!

I’m very excited to announce the launch of my new book, Achieve Anything!

This book is for you, if you are not 100% satisfied with all parts of your life. If you struggle to set goals or complete goals, this book will help you push past the barriers and make your life more exciting than you thought possible.

The book is available from online booksellers around the world, including Amazon, Waterstones, !ndigo and Barnes&Noble. You can have a look at it or order it here >>>

There is a classic hardcover edition, easy to carry paperback and an ebook edition that goes with you anywhere you take your device. We are also preparing to release an audio version by the end of March.

If you would like an easy-to-read and simple-to-do guide on how to achieve more of the things you want in life, then go grab your copy of this book today. And for a limited period, I will be offering signed copies for people from my website here >>>

If you feel you received good value from the book, I would ask that you let me know what you were thinking on

In addition, please post an honest review on Amazon too. You’ll feel good, I’ll be grateful and it will help more people discover the book. So you’ll be helping other people change their life for the better too! ?

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Celebrate Milestones!

This is my 731st daily post. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my daily blogging. I said I’d do one year and that would be a real accomplishment. Then I developed discipline, a habit and a winning streak and out popped another 365!

I’ve enjoyed writing the posts and I hope many people have enjoyed reading them and got some value from them.

I have 551 draft, or partially drafted, blog posts in my folder. I might use some of those for this 3rd year of blogging. Many were harder to write as they were controversial or required a level of research or nuance in writing them well.

Perhaps this will be the year to let a few of those loose.

I’ve also got a new book written, published and available for pre-order at many online bookstores large and small. Amazon, Waterstones, Barnes&Noble and Chapters/Indigo are a few.

There’s a hardback, paperback and an ebook version at the moment. The official launch date for Achieve Anything is the 23rd January. Look into picking up a copy.

An audiobook version is on the cards but will take more time than I can swing at the moment. It’s something for everyone to look forward to. ?

So I’m delighted with today’s milestone, with the blog, and with having a book available on Amazon.

I look forward to helping more people think better to feel better, open their minds even more and achieve their dreams with 7 simple steps.

Here’s to you in 2022!

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Plan So You Don’t Use Up Your Luck

Not planning is easier in the moment. You have more fun time, free time, or stress free time. But, sometimes things then happen that you would have foreseen with a plan. So now you hope and pray you get a little unexpected intervention or luck.

That’s one way to live your life. It’s a little more dramatic, exciting and stressful. And if you enjoy stress and uncertainty, maybe that’s the way to go.

However, if calm, relaxed and controlled is what you would like more of, then get planning. It will force you to THINK about the whole picture a bit more. Then you can assess what you will need to OVERCOME and how you might be able to do that.

Then take these thoughts and quickly WRITE them out. Writing brings clarity to your thoughts and allows you to REVIEW your thoughts in note format. Then you can challenge what you wrote and even confirm certain assumptions or guesses.

Now you have the ingredients for a PLAN. Take those written notes from your initials thoughts and challenges to overcome and organise them a little better on a new page. Chronological order is good. Timeframes, cashflows and the effort required will become much clearer.

You will now need less luck and divine intervention. There will be less stress because you have a roadmap. You know where you’ll eat, get petrol and arrive. You can enjoy the journey much more rather than feel anxious throughout.

Then you can use your good luck when you really need it. Not simply because you didn’t want to put the effort into a plan.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Start But Don’t Stick?

Goals were written and you started off great! But then the wheels came off. Your great new habits have been slowly becoming one-offs rather than habitual. With that, your confidence has taken a hit and old habits are creeping back in.

What happened?!?!

  • Did you write your goals down?
  • Were they specific?
  • Did you put the process element in your diary?
  • Did you set up your environment to win?
  • Did you review your goals 1, 2, or even 6 times per DAY?
  • Have you been reviewing and tracking HOURLY or DAILY?
  • Do your goals align with your values?
  • Have you adjusted your self-perception?

This last one tends to catch a lot of people out. If you’ve spent a long time saying you’re not sporty, it can be pretty hard to stick with walking, running or more engaging activities and sports.

Years of saying ‘I’m not a reader’ or ‘I don’t read’, will make it difficult to read a book per month.

You will likely benefit from adopting a mantra that reflects the new you that you are becoming. Mantra’s like, ‘I am a runner’, ‘I am fit, active and healthy’, or ‘I am a reader’ and ‘I am a well read person’.

If you’re good at starting new initiatives, habits and activities, that’s great! For many, that is the hardest part. You just need to become the outcome. Become a completer/finisher. State with strong intent, ‘I am disciplined and results driven.’ Fall in love with the process. And then, like a miracle, you’ll become who you decided to be.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

The 7 Simple Steps

The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable are:

  1. Think
  2. Overcome
  3. Write
  4. Plan
  5. Act
  6. Review
  7. Celebrate

These are the 7 Simple Steps. Use these and you will be able to Achieve Anything.

If you would like to know more, I go deeper into each step in my new book – Achieve Anything. This is now available for pre-order on Amazon and most other international online retailers. The launch date is the 23rd January.

CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Day 2 Done

Are we on track? Can you do this yourself? Do you need help? Would it help to have someone on your team to push you through when your discipline fades and you lose the level of responsibility or accountability you need to make the real changes you want in your life.

There are people who are willing to help. I am one of them. They can assist you in getting the results you want. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool them.

Get some help and rock those results!
