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Make It A Game

Not everything is fun. Sometimes you have to do the work part of work. But it can be more enjoyable if you make it a game.

When you are waiting in a queue, see if you can guess how long the next person will be. Also try guessing what the people ahead of you do for work. You can even ask them if you want to verify your accuracy.

If you can take something tedious, boring or challenging and turn it into some fun, you could have a much better result. Certainly you are likely to have a much better time.

Most often it doesn’t take much to distract ourselves. Make the activity fun or interesting and time will fly by.

The great thing about our imagination is that we can use it to change the less interesting parts of life. In addition, the more you use it the better you’ll get at it. Keep youthful and play games.

Your mental strength will grow and the rest of your life will follow. Life can be seen as a game. It can be a deadly serious game or a lighthearted, enjoyable game. You tend to get to decide.

Whatever you do, make it a game.


CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Go In The Rain

To build good habits, achieve or succeed, you need to show up. This means you do it even when you don’t feel like it. Sometimes this even means you need to go in the rain.

I’m reminded of this as it was raining this morning. You may recall a recent post about early morning walks. These are always easier when it is light out, it’s a nice temperature and it’s dry.

It is more difficult to get up and go when it is dark, cold or wet. And it’s certainly more challenging when it is all three. I’m reminded of my marathon training a couple of years ago. It was in the winter so there were a few days that were all three. And getting up at 05:00 to face the elements in the dark and run 18 km would sometimes make it less appealing.

However, you need to push through. Be consistent and persistent and you can achieve the goals you want. You will develop the habits you need to and it will happen sooner. But you need to make a plan, put it in the diary and stick to it.

Your confidence grows if you stick to your plan. Alternatively, your confidence can shrink if you do not. In that case, your hard work can start to unravel. We certainly don’t want that.

So, as we did this morning, go in the rain.


Those Days Are Gone

Everything that starts will eventually end. Whether it is a game, a job or even breakfast. Those days are gone and not being revisited.

It is such a strange concept how we see things coming in the future. Then we experience something for a brief moment. Then the moment passes us and becomes ever more distant.

For example, we look forward to a birthday, event or holiday for months. Each day that passes can seem to take forever. Our anticipation grows stronger as we inch closer to the moment. Then we want to capture the moment and keep it forever. And we do, but the intensity tends to fade with time. And it becomes diluted by all the other memories we have.

This struck me while going to pick up my daughter from school the other day. She’ll be able to walk to school on her own in September. Mom and Dad will no longer be required. Those little chats we have and seeing her interact with her friends at the school gate will be things of the past.

These days are coming to an end. I recall the sentiment of other parents with older children. Some were elated to no longer have to be there each morning and afternoon. Others were saddened by the end of the era. I presume many were both. I know I will be.

This is simply the way life is. We all pass through stages. Things start and things stop.

Enjoy every moment you can before those days are gone.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Going Faster

Life seems to be going faster. Expectations and everyday things seem to change more quickly than before. Going faster can be great though it is good to slow it down occasionally too.

With most things, there is a finite limit for speed. Even light seems to reach a maximum speed. Other things like cars, rockets and airplanes have been pushing their limits further for decades. Though there is a point where it is not safe or technically possible to go faster.

Perhaps people reach that point too. Getting all those things done in one day might not be possible. Nor should we try to do it. Speeding around in a car isn’t good. Rushing through work may reduce the quality we bring to the table. Rushed conversations are rarely productive, especially if they have some differing views or involve a delicate subject.

When do we assess we are going fast enough? Is it when we have an incident or accident or health scare? Clearly going slow has its own challenges, which we won’t get into here. However, as individuals, we do need to double check that all that ’faster’ actually translates into better somehow. If it doesn’t, we should consider adjusting some things in our life.

Going faster is fun and desirable, but is it the best option?

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

How To Live Intentionally

Are you on auto-pilot? Do you get through the day because of your habitual thoughts and actions? Learn how to live intentionally and you could dramatically alter the course of your life in just a few months.

Making intentional choices about what we want in, and out of, our life is our greatest power. We have the power to make choices every day. What is it that is stopping us from making the choices we want? Do you even know what you want?

This is not a question about what others need or want. Perhaps you have suppressed your own emotions and desires for so long, you can’t easily answer the question.

Start thinking about what, and who, you want in your life today. Decide what brings you joy and what doesn’t. Take a shelf in your house and really look at each item on it. Pick up each item and ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?” If it does not, then remove it from the shelf today. Send it to a charity shop so it can find its rightful home.

If you want to keep it, be certain that this is the exact spot you want it to live in your house for now. If not, you should move it now to where it will bring you the greatest joy.

Learn how to live intentionally or you could fumble along in a fog of meh.

CategoriesProgressThink About ItTime

You Are Not Really Trying

It’s so easy to wish it were so. It feels good to think we are making the effort. We might even be ok with fooling ourselves. However, you are not really trying.

Take a look at your results. Review your actual progress in the last week. Have you made the progress you wanted? Have you made the progress you have written down in your formal plan? Did you write down your specific goals, milestones and plans to get there?

You need to start there before anything else. If you have not written down a goal, key milestones and a plan to get there, have you really put some decent effort in? Or are you on the hope plan? I will wait and see how it goes. Check back in 7 or 8 years and see if I am still playing the same game.

Or, have you repeated these same hopes, wishes, desires for the past 10 years and you are not where you really want to be? If you are not where you wanted to be, have a look at your process. Review your mindset. Ask people close to you for some honest feedback on what they are seeing that is stopping you.

Achieving good things doesn’t need to take long. You can make some serious progress in just two months, if you are seriously focused.

If you are not really trying, try harder.


Reaching Magic Numbers

Certain numbers feel good. They look right and have meaning. Reaching magic numbers can make us feel great whether it’s a significant date, time, score, weight, income or something else.

Hitting a certain target is fun and exciting. Roger Bannister cracking the four-minute mile is one of those moments. Three minutes and 59 seconds for anything else is not very stirring. But that barrier, at that time, for that distance, will be remembered by many.

Birthdays have this appeal too. Celebrating one’s 10th, 16th, 40th and 65th birthday seems to have more emotional and social significance than many of the other milestone figures, before, during or after these.

I hit some magic numbers this week which felt good. Yesterday I posted my 500th daily consecutive blog post. Staying with that 500 milestone, my Instagram account has attracted that number of followers from a dozen in January. There may be some relationship between those two milestones.

I’m grateful for all the follows and hope everyone is getting good value from my daily posts. It is interesting to see things grow and develop. It will be nice to see what numbers will be significant in three and six months from now. In addition, I’ll be interested to see what milestones will be reached in 5 and 10 years.

Reaching magic numbers is exciting. What numbers are you getting excited about?

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Study Hack

There are shortcuts in life. Many shortcuts are legal and moral. However, you do need to be aware of them. Today I’ll explore a life study hack.

If you are trying to gain knowledge on a topic, you need to study it. I’ve found it does not matter whether you are studying business, entertainment, travel, a language, a sport or any other topic. The actual act of studying it is critical.

In addition, if you really want to excel in this subject, you are best to immerse yourself in it. Study the latest books on it as well as the classics. Watch movies and videos on the subject, listen to podcasts and get involved doing it yourself.

However, one of the best shortcuts to knowledge is having an interactive conversation with someone who already knows the subject inside out.

A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.

Chinese Proverb

The amazing thing about speaking to someone knowledgeable is their immediacy of feedback. They can understand your relative position and the question you have. Then they can provide specific advice for you in your situation.

This method can save you hours, weeks or even months of independent, linear study. Having someone jump in with relevant insight and guidance can be priceless.

That’s a study hack to try out.

CategoriesGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Expect To Win!

You need to begin with the end in mind. And the end result you should be aiming for is a winning one. Expect to win! You’ll feel better for it.

Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you expect something to happen, it is more likely to. If you don’t expect it, it’s quite possible it won’t.

Part of the expectation is to see yourself in that final moment. If you can visualise yourself as successful or victorious, you will have won half the battle. You will feel more capable and confident. The sense of achievement will run through you. You may even straighten up a little and walk taller. Perhaps you will speak with more authority and determination.

Certainly the taste of the win will help to motivate you. In addition, you can run the plan backwards to see what you need to do to reach that moment. Then you can work harder, train harder, prepare better and feel like it is going toward something useful.

Seeing the result can be quite motivating. Think about it often and play with the finer details of the moment in your mind. The more real you can make it, the more real it should become.

The opposite is also true though, so guard those thoughts closely.

Expect to win!

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

How To Achieve Your Dream

Achieving a goal starts with the idea. But where do you go from there? How to achieve your dream, or anything you want, comes down to a simple process.

That process is like the one for anything else in life. What are the steps to getting dressed in the morning? How does a person book a meeting with three others or a holiday for the family? When you think about it, you will notice the same steps repeating over and over again.

I have distilled this specific process down to seven steps. I have outlined and further highlighted these steps in my forthcoming book, Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. You can sign up for launch updates at

The seven steps are Think, Overcome, Write, Plan, Act, Review and Celebrate. TOWPARC may not be the sexiest acronym but that’s what it is.

For any achievement you plan to undertake, you will need to think about it and develop a good mindset. You will need to overcome the obstacles in your path, both physical and those in your mind. Like an architect or travel agent, you will need to write out the plan so it is clear to you.

Then you make a plan to work to. This plan could involve hiring tradesmen, buying materials or getting the permit timings just right. For travel, it might involve which clothes and equipment to pack, which airport to use, transfers, hotels and even which local activities to book in advance.

Then you must act and make this plan come to life. As you progress you can review on each step you have made and make any adjustments. Few things go according to plan, so you will need to continually review it and make corrections or improvements. Finally, When you are sitting in your newly built home or enjoying your amazing holiday, remember to celebrate. Celebrate the wins that got you there and the overall win as well.

This is how to achieve your dream.