CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Be More Positive

There are a lot of opinions flying around about everything. Oftentimes I hear, see or read argumentative positions. Be more positive from now on.

Loads of people say they want calm. So many people supposedly want peaceful days ahead. Yet, when they communicate, they create a division and fire up hostility.

Being online the last few days, I really looked at the way people interacted. There are a lot of people on there that just want to drop bombs into conversations. They don’t think about their actions, or if they do, their intent is not coming from a good place.

There are the clever quips, flippant retorts and angry comments. Lots of name calling and frustration. Does this ever help? If a child saw the world a little differently than you did, would you berate them? Would that help?

Treat your conversations like you’re speaking to a 10 year old. Not in a condescending way, but in a helpful, curious and empathetic way. Perhaps they have a different religion, had a tumultuous childhood or are feeling unheard, uncertain, or alone. Why add to their distress?

This isn’t some war of attrition. If you take the time to comment, make it positive and build the other person up. Yes it can be hard when you have spite on the tip of your tongue. But if you can’t make a helpful comment, just keep scrolling.

Be more positive.

CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

That Is The problem!

Or is it? I am sure it could be a problem but maybe not the one. It may just be the one you perceive. From your perspective. That is the problem!

You know many, though not all problems. And many, though not all solutions. However, you have selected one to focus on and declare that that is the key to it all. But maybe it isn’t.

Notice when you use generalisations and definite, or all-encompassing, statements or words. It is too easy to make broad, general statements. So be careful when you are speaking, to not do that.

Even specialists will have a limit on their expertise. They may know a lot more, and in greater detail, than most other people. However, they probably don’t know all the exhaustive problems and options or solutions.

Be curious when you are looking at the options you think you have. You may find options you didn’t even know you had. Consult friends and family to see what they can shed some light on. This is important. If you get this assessment wrong, you hurt your chances of success.

The worst point is, that if you diagnose the situation wrong, you could be solving for the wrong problem. Then the solution will be resolving a problem that may not exist.

That is the problem!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Push Yourself Further

You may be doing quite a bit. But could you do more? Life is quick and you need to squeeze it all in. Push yourself further than you think you can.

Get down on the floor and do as many press ups as you can. Maybe you did 5, 15 or 63. Is that all you can do? Have another go. Perhaps you did three, eight or 20 this time. Add that to your previous count. Now try one more time. Did you complete two, six or nine?

Sometimes you need a moment’s rest before you can continue onwards. You should exert yourself as much as you can and then you will be able to do more. You can do this with studies, sport and thinking, to name a few categories.

You know you can do more. You don’t fall into bed exhausted at the end of every day. You have a greater capacity to perform. Though you may just be nicely comfortable. You have a routine. Two hours of relax time each day.

I’m all for relax time. Though 90 minutes could be plenty. Use the other 30 minutes to really push harder on something that matters to you. Learn, apply, start, complete, aim and achieve.

Decide this is your year and push yourself further.


Live Where You Want

For most people, living close to their work has been essential. That started to shift in the 20th century. Now, live where you want, is becoming an ideal that is open to more people.

Many people still find a house based on the proximity to their workplace. And the work is required so you can pay for it. It is almost a catch 22.

Famously, one of the world’s greatest investors, Warren Buffett, chose Omaha, rather than Manhattan, to live and work. Then, people that could work from a computer, or laptop, began to drift away from expensive metropolitan centres.

More people could work from home a few days a week. People would call it, “working from home” with those finger air quotes and that tilted head expression. Those that could do it, loved it. But it wasn’t widespread.

Now, however, wfh has become a bit of a phenomenon. No more air quotes. It’s a serious shift. Some people are even moving and changing their lifestyle to make it easier. A little more space and privacy is important if you have frequent video calls and children schooling from home or even coming home after school.

People are even leaving historically attractive locations like New York and California for open spaces, sunshine, lower taxes and a better quality of life. For those who can, it can make a lot of sense.

Now is the time to live where you want.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

You Call That A Plan?

I’ve seen more detail on a holiday itinerary. Plane tickets have more specifics than the plan you have for 2021. You call that a plan?

If you are serious about the plan you have, you should review it today. Set aside 15 – 30 minutes today and read what you have written down for your plan. Pretend this is your child’s plan. Would it past muster with you? If this was the plan of a random stranger, would you invest in it or bet they would achieve it?

It might be a good directional idea. You could call it a good first draft even. For that, you should give yourself a pat on the back. If you’ve written anything down, you’re way ahead of most people. But you are not most people. You want to look back on 2021, 12 months from now, and be delighted with your progress and growing success.

I know you can do it. I know you want to do it. My guess might be that you are a little hesitant. You might be procrastinating. There is something holding you back already. The crazy thing is that it is you.

It’s time to get uncomfortable for a bit. Accept that you are uncertain, and don’t want rejection, or to fail. That is ok. But you owe it to yourself to make a plan worth executing. Get specific with dates, times, milestones, weekly progress, metrics, measurements, celebrations and what you will need to give up or sacrifice to fit this new challenge in.

You call that a plan? Make it solid.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Stick With It

Failure occurs when you stop trying. As long as you press forward, you have not failed, you are on the path to success. Stick with it!

Apart from ageing, change can be difficult, uncomfortable and time consuming. However, if you truly want to achieve anything, you need to set the course and stay the course. You will need perseverance and determination. Mental fortitude will be helpful, as will resolve.

If you can push through the challenges and see past the setbacks, you increase your probability of succeeding. It can get frustrating, embarrassing and even overwhelming at times. But these moments pass. Push through to the better times.

Accept you are not perfect and that setbacks occur. Realise some things won’t be easy for you, though other things will be. Enjoy the progress while you are making it. Double down on your resolve to succeed when the future looks bleak and uncertain.

Allow yourself to be uncomfortable in some situations. It’s natural. Accept that it might take longer, or stretch you further, both mentally and physically.

You will savour your progress, success or victory more if you have to endure challenges, uncertainty and hardship. It becomes less about the outcome and more about your ability to have weathered the storms.

Despite the gathering clouds and the anguish, stick with it.


Follow Up

What is the difference between done and pending? How do you shift a ‘no, not right now’, to a ‘yes, thank you‘? Often you just need to follow up.

This action does not always guarantee you will move something forward. However, in my experience, making an extra call, visit or effort, can move things closer to a resolution.

People are often not prepared to buy, or move forward with your request, until they feel comfortable of familiar with you or the situation. In addition, some studies note that you need seven, regularly frequent touch points before they will be ready to act.

So you need to be determined and persistent. ‘No’ can often mean not now or not yet. Sometimes it will be no, not now and not ever.

Often we see flyers come through the door and we do not act on them. We toss them in the recycling bin. But one day, our garden will need some work done or a room will need repainting. Then we will act and maybe call on the company we have seen drop flyers through our doors for the past several months.

Sometimes it is good timing that someone knocks on your door when you are in need of what they are offering. But sometimes they just need to follow up. Remember to do so too.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Everything Has A Process

If you want to achieve anything in life, you are well advised to find out how successful people before you have done it. Everything has a process and it is your job to find out, or figure out, what it is.

Every process fits along a spectrum. Some processes can be quite ineffective while others can be exceptionally useful. Your task is to find one for what you want to achieve. Ideally you will find one that is closer to the exceptional end of the continuum.

Regardless of where you start, you will then want to look for better processes to adopt and build into your life. Continual search and personal improvement would be a good personal mission to run with.

So take a look at the processes you are using, that have become habitual, and see if you can improve upon them. If you are looking for a new job, or a promotion, see what has worked for others in your field of interest. Look at the top 10 people in your field of interest and dissect their careers backward.

What schools did they go to? Did they apprentice or intern?

For others, how did they lose weight, improve fitness or gain muscle? Look for a book that helps you achieve anything you are interested in.

Everything has a process. Find it and use it.


Start Making Plans

Get a jump on the new year. There is no time like the present. You have had a couple of days of celebrations and relaxation. Now start making plans.

There may only be one good time to start anything. That time is now. Don’t lose another day, hour or minute. You probably still can’t believe how quickly the last 12 months sailed by. In the moment, it might have seemed to be dragging on due to the challenges of 2020.

However, the clock keeps ticking. Whether you are happy with it or not. Whether you are lying in bed, lazing around, working away or spending time with friends and loved ones.

Time waits for no one. And if you keep doing the same thing as previous years, you will continue to get the same results. Little changes at the edges are a good start. Though you will need to make bigger changes to see really significant shifts in your reality.

Life is very exciting. Small steps completed daily will be compounded and will, in time, bring results you may not have imagined. Press on! Get going today. Write down 20 things you want to achieve this year. Select five from that list. Focus on these ones. Put a start date and completion date next to these five items. Then get going.

Start making plans.

CategoriesProgressThink About It

So Now What?

When you get through a big event, or reach a big milestone or a significant goal, there is often a big sigh of relief. Then comes a feeling of, ‘So now what?’

We often need a moment or two to relax and recharge. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally too. That can be part of the celebration of having completed. Some people will go all quiet and others will jump up and down and be very vocal.

Regardless of how you celebrate and recharge, there will be a requirement to fix your mind on a new goal or event. Without a new focus for your days, you may start to drift. As you drift, you can lose your way. Your good habits may dwindle and poor ones may develop in their place.

So switch your focus onto the next big event. Lock it in and start taking the next steps required. Start building momentum toward your next big adventure and victory.

The time between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve is an excellent time to reflect on your next moves. There is a lull in the universe. It allows you to gather your thoughts and prepare for the challenges ahead.

So now what?