CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Be Early.

Practice getting up early and leaving home early so you can also practice arriving early. Get documents sorted early and your taxes. Make your millions early too! That way you should have lots of time to spend it too.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Do First Things First

When you need to finish something, get it done first. Do not delay. Do not do other easier things first. Take a deep breath, open the tougher, longer, most important item and get that done. You’ll feel better after (maybe not initially) and you can then speed through the other items.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Work Swiftly

When you have work to do, work swiftly. Stay focused on the task at hand and get things done quickly. It’s efficient and you’ll feel better about getting it down without dilly-dallying.

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressThink About ItTime

How Does It End?

I assume most people want to know how things end. Some people read the last chapter first just to get it over with. Some people plan well, including the end.

The end of a holiday is often a bit anti climatic for me as you often have to find your things and pack your bag, get to the airport and/or drive home. Life can be a bit like that too. The first and last 10% is often not hugely memorable. The 80% in the middle, though… there’s the beef!

So live it up and enjoy but also pack the day before so you’re not stuck doing that in those precious final moments that you’re savouring and wish never had to end.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Detailed Goal Planning

This is not easy. It is simple but not easy. You need to refine your goals and get very clear about what you are aiming for. Then you need a clear timeline and plan to achieve them. The more precision you add now, the higher the probability of hitting your targets!

My book, Achieve Anything, could not be better value on Amazon in the UK. Go take a look. For a couple of £s you can learn more about goal planning and taking your life up a notch or two in 2024!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Decisions Decide Destiny

Making decisions is what propels you forward. In a way, decisions are like swimming strokes. With each stretch and push you thrust forward until the next one. If you stop making decisions, like stop making strokes, you will coast, slow and then stop progressing forward.

So make more decisions. Make the decisions as quickly as you can. Though be intentional in your decisions just like you would be with an Olympic stroke. You wouldn’t go out just flailing in the pool. So gather your information and make focused, strong and meaningful decisions.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Seek Peaceful Existence

When this is the number one priority for all people around the world, we will have the greatest era of peace and prosperity, safety and security.

When even a few disgruntled people want something more than peace and place it as their highest value, we will have trouble and possibly war.

It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole darn bunch.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Push Through To The End

Well done to get started! Congratulations on your persistence so far. Keep pushing hard to the end. See it through. Don’t waver, relax, coast or give up. The critical part, the finishing, is just around the corner and you’re doing so well! Push through!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Complete One Extra Thing

Zipping through your day, you may find you just want to go home and wind down. Stay disciplined and complete just one more thing. It can be something small that you’ve been trying to finish for weeks. You could also tackle that beast of a project you keep delaying on.

Either way, get one extra thing done each day and you’ll start feeling on top of the world.