CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Your Body Is A High Performance Machine

So treat it like one.

Make sure you eat well, and just enough. Not too little or too much.

Get enough good sleep, consistently. Seven to eight hours per day is ideal for most people.

Water it. Eight glasses per day (ish).

Exercise it. Get it to move around. Quickly. Slowly. Use all the different muscles, big and small. Use it or lose it.

Exercise your mind too. Stretch it with new ideas. Sit with thoughts that might be uncomfortable and understand why. Think good thoughts. Practice being grateful. For everything you have and are.

Your body is a high performance machine. Treat it like one.

CategoriesActionFinancialPropertyReframe your thoughts

What’s Your Number? Flow Versus Pot.

Have you ever played a game with your friends, where you discuss how much money you would need to retire? What size of pot would you have to have accumulated?

I remember one time playing this game about 15 years ago, and a friend decided that he would need £15 million. With this you could buy a fine home, some nice cars and a place in the country for weekend getaways. With the remaining £8 million, you could invest it for some cashflow to pay for the food, financing, and fun. Invested at 5%, you could gross £400,000 per year. This would make most people pleased.

Strangely, that little bit of friendly, whistful thinking was what many people would call their estate, or retirement, planning.

The one significant challenge most people found in this friendly game, was that it would take the majority of people far to many long years of work to amass that level of savings in a pot.

So maybe look at it another way. What level of cashflow could you live on and be happy? £1,000 per month? £8,000? £27,000? £376,000 per month? £3 million per month or more? It may be easier for many people to find a lower level of cashflow income, of several thousand pounds per month, coming from some investments (Dividend stocks, bonds, property, royalties, etc), than to work, save and build a large pot.

Could you do a side hustle, online perhaps, that, over the next three years, you could build up from £100 cashflowing income per month to say £5,000? If that money could be generated by a more passive income, imagine your free time too.

So how much would you need to earn, as a bare minimum, on a monthly basis? How could you start trying to make this extra income? Think about it. Do some research. Change your life!

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Bonus Day Is Here!!

Who doesn’t love the bonus day? It’s full of excitement and expectation. Of course there is a little anxiousness mixed in as it might not turn out quite how you would have liked it too.

Money is one thing, but to have a whole extra day this year is something we are all able to enjoy. Talk about equality. We all get the same 1440 extra minutes on the 29th February 2020. Will you do something special? Will you simply enjoy the time?

If time is money, how much is this one extra day in your life worth to you?

Spend your time deliberately.

Whatever you do with your extra day, enjoy it! There is no return policy.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

The Easier Way To Get Great Results!

Three of the best ways to get great results are:

  1. Motivation
  2. Discipline
  3. Environmental modification

Motivation is great, positive, and easier in the short term. Though a day or a week might be all you can handle before it wears off.

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Discipline is difficult. It is about overcoming what you want to do and doing what you should, regardless of how you feel. You just do it. Although, it does get easier in the longer term as you train your brain and it simply becomes a habit.

Environmental modification makes everything easier. You won’t need motivation or discipline to spring out of bed at the alarm or stop you from pushing the snooze button. If you place your alarm on the far side of the room and ensure the volume is up high, you will have no choice but to wake up. You’ll race across the room to turn it off but that will have got you out of bed.

And if your running or gym gear was left out, beside the alarm, it would be so easy to just slip into it and head off for some exercise.

If you want to modify what you consume, simply don’t buy things you are trying to stay away from (chocolate, cigarettes, alcohol). It’s a lot easier to exercise self discipline when you have to leave the house to get something you may be craving. By the time you get yourself out of the house to buy the item, your motivation for change, and your growing self discipline, may have kicked in and you’ll be able to stop and head back home without making an unwanted purchase.

Set yourself up to win today. Modify your environment first. Look around and see what you can change right now. It will make using your motivation and self discipline so much easier and more effective.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsVideo

The Best Videos On YouTube are…

Definitely worth making time to watch. But with 30,000 HOURS* of newly uploaded content per hour, how do you know which ones to spend your precious time on?

I can help you a little bit here. I’ve watched a fair bit of YouTube content over the years and I’ve now created a public YouTube folder for you to access. I’m starting to put my favourite clips in there so you can see some of the best ones without having to sit through the average ones. The clips I’ll post will tend to be 5-15 minutes in length, though a few will be shorter or longer. So they should be easy to consume at some point in your day.

These videos are generally U or PG, for themes, in my opinion. I try to ensure there isn’t anything in the videos with respect to language or video that I wouldn’t allow my children to see – and we will have watched many of them together. This is mainly because they frequently join me for my morning exercise sessions with YouTube on the TV. Though sometimes we watch one or two videos in the evening before bed and have a little chat afterwards.

If your mind is like a computer, and videos are like software upgrades, you’ll want you and your children to see these videos. Another way to view it is, you’re getting free education from some of the best minds in the world. Additionally, if you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, who better to spend your time with, than some of the world’s best thinkers.

Here’s the link.

I hope you enjoy the shows and they help you see things from some different perspectives.


*If you watched YouTube for 12 hours a day, seven days a week, it would take you 7 YEARS to watch all the new video content uploaded to YouTube in the last 60 minutes.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Focus On The Outcome You Want

This seems to be the highest probability way to get what you want in life. If you are not getting things that you want, check your word selection and order, listen carefully to your self-talk and be mindful of the questions you ask and statements you make: even in jest.

As you focus on achieving the outcome you are looking for, your mind gathers information, evidence, options, connections and other relevant materials to make this work.

The same is true if you happen to mention things you don’t want. This is why people that happen to mention the negative outcome they don’t want, seem to attract the negative outcome.

It is not a guaranteed way for things to work out positively or negatively, but there seems to be a higher probability that what you focus on, speak about, think through and ‘see’, is more likely to come to pass.

Just try framing things in a positive, specific way each time you refer to something. Catch yourself when you say things using a negative or it is the opposite of what you want. For example, “What if she says no?” Could be reframed to, “What if she says yes?”. “I don’t want to spend hours shopping, I don’t have time today”, could become, “I want to be quick and select only the things I need and clearly want so I can be done in 20 minutes.”

Give it a try today. See if you can spot when you‘re framing something in the negative. Give yourself some kudos if you find yourself framing or re-framing in the positive. If you don’t already do this, it can take some time to become a habit. It is worth it though. Good luck!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

Become More Aware, And The Better You’ll Fare

Are you doing the best that you can? Is life as good as you know how to make it? Could you make it better – if you knew a little more?

Of course!

Think of it this way. When you were little, and in primary school, you had loads of potential. However, you could only operate up to the level of knowledge and understanding you had – primary school level. You had the potential to do secondary school work but you didn’t even know what the lessons would be about at that point.

Same thing as right now in your life. I’m certain you have the potential to do better at your job, your studies, your sports, health and fitness and your relationships. But, you are only working at your current level of knowledge and understanding in each area.

You could fumble around for years trying to use your own experience of trial and error to get some better results. Or, you could seek out something to read or watch or someone to speak to. Or all three!

Everything there is to know in the world today is on the internet. You can find anything you may want or need with some general questions typed into Google or asked of Alexa or Siri.

Start improving now. Shift your knowledge, understanding and mindset just a little bit more each day. By June, you’ll be surprised by how much progress you’ll have made.

Go online, to the library or the bookstore, and find one more trick, helpful hint, piece of advice or idea and implement it straight away. Do this daily and your skills and talents will start to grow exponentially. So will your confidence. Then soon after that, your bank account.

You have the power to improve yourself.

Use it!

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Check Your Intent

Are you trying to help someone improve, or are you looking for a pat on the back, for being empathetic or interested?

When you argue/debate/converse, are you trying to “win” and prove your perception is “right” and that it is the only possible perception, reality or opinion? Or are you seeking to understand what the other person is trying to express? I say ’trying’ as sometimes, under pressure, or if the question gets them thinking, a person may be quickly trying to express something, but not very well. Some people will pick up on the less-well-articulated thought and attack the words rather than the intent of the person uttering them. This is unfortunate.

We need to #BeKinder and allow people to find the better words to express their thoughts. This is why we should check our intent. Frequently. We can immediately change the tone of a conversation by adjusting our own intent.

The closer you listen to someone, the more you will learn about them. Some people are a bit sloppy in their word selection. Others have fewer learned words to select from. Listen carefully to people today. Measure their words against their deeds and the intent you believe you are observing. It’s fascinating. Did your waiter really mean, “Have a nice day”? (On a scale of 1-10)

Sometimes we can hurt people’s feelings with our words unintentionally. This is an accident. However, it can seem quite clear sometimes, what someone’s intent is. Sometimes it seems clear their intent is unkind.

Fellow Canadian, Jordan B Peterson, was interviewed on Channel 4 News a couple of years ago. See the video below – it has been viewed 19 million times. It has some topical subjects and is a good case study on intent. What is his and what is hers during the show?

Spoiler: I felt Jordan’s intent was to try to give a thought-through perspective to help the audience get a better understanding of the detail involved in the topics. It felt like Cathy’s intent was to try to provoke or discredit Jordan and show him in a bad light.

What do you think the intent is for both parties involved? You can leave your comment below by adding your thoughts under “Your Thinking…”. (If it is not directly below these words, click on the title of this post (at the top of the page) and it will take you to the comment area).

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

You Can Turn This Around

It’s not hopeless. It doesn’t need to be forever. There are always options. Good ones even. You can re-build or re-start from scratch. There’s a lot of awesome out there!

First you need to want something different. Ideally you can picture it in your mind, feel it in your bones and then describe it on paper. If you can’t find the time, or make the effort, to write it down, in a few bullet points, consider re-assessing if it is simply a wish rather than a goal.

If you’ve done the writing and are ready to go, then make a short little plan including the very next three simple steps you think you need to take to inch yourself closer to that goal. Call someone. Find an answer. Buy or borrow a book about it. It will then seem a little easier and you’ll feel like you’re on your way. Because technically, you are! (Cue the Quote: A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step…)

Do these three steps as quick as you can. Do one now. Then the other two. You will feel good for starting.

You don’t have to do these steps and you don’t have to change anything. But if you want to change something, you really should get on with it: the clock’s ticking. If you don’t have anything in your life you would like to change or improve, you may now return to your regularly scheduled programming…

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Is Fire Good Or Bad?

If your house burned down when you were young, your perception of fire could be skewed to the bad side. If having a fire kept you warm in your home every winter, and you lived in Canada, you might think fire is good or even great.

This is based on a sample size of one example for each. Not a strong case, as we’ve explored in a previous post.

If we learned that the house fire allowed the family to build a beautiful new home, their view of fire could be tempered somewhat. If the latter person, who was building the warming fires in winter, burnt their hands frequently in the process, they may be a little less positive about the subject.

Fire isn’t inherently good or bad. It can be good for some people, some of the time, and not so good for others at other times. Labelling it good or bad based on one moment in time, or on one example, doesn’t take into account all of what it has done.

Perceptions are made. Perceptions can change. Perceptions are frequently based on a sample size of one. This can ignore all the good, or the bad, that has come before.

Remember to challenge your perceptions today. When you are on automatic mode, stop and think if what you are thinking or saying is always true. You will find more harmony in your life as you add this into your days ahead.
