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Uncertainty usually creates anxiety. It is not a pleasant state to be in. The best cure for this is certainty. We get certainty by taking action and getting results.

Any result, good or bad, can reduce the uncertainty and therefore anxiety. So when in doubt, get moving toward your goal and create outcomes.

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Best For Who?

The greatest good. That is a great phrase.

Listening to some politicians and journalists, you might think they only want what is best for themselves or the party / media outlet they work for.

What happened to the greatest good? Was it ever there even?

Ideally we would have people working for the greatest good of the most people while allowing any others to still thrive.

Unfortunately we have a lot of, “my way is the only way” thinking and actions which demonstrate some people would rather destroy others than lose power or adjust philosophically to accommodate more people.

When this happens, two tribes go to war. If you’re at all in a warring camp, blinded by fear, hate, distrust and disproportionate criticism, then try to pull out of this before it goes any further.

It is often hard to see our own destructiveness and personal challenges, but look inward, and see how you can help balance conversations and act for the greatest good.

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Be Confident

Throw your shoulders back, bring your chin up a little, smile and say, “Of course they want me, I’m quite good”.

Walk around like that all day for a couple of weeks and watch your life change. A lot of success in life is about being confident. If you appreciate all the things you have done and all your experiences, it is easier to see why you should be confident and ready for everything going forward.

You may not start off brilliant, but knowing you’ll get better with effort is so important. Because at least you’ll try!

Be confident. Sometimes that’s all you have.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Less Is More

Less hurry is more calm.

Less distracted is more focused.

Less loose spending is more retirement savings.

Less shouting down others is more finding common ground.

And finally, less demanding is more receiving.

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Play Fair

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Play the game in the spirit of which it was intended, not how far you can bend the rules to your favour.

It’s nice to win. It is also nice to be the party in power. However, people don’t like being played or seeing things that truly seem unfair.

The pendulum swings harder and further to the other side when people try to keep it in their favour too long.

Enjoy your time at the top but learn how to let go and let the natural changes occur.

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Rational Thought

Do not be led by fear. Some concern is fine but to assume that all negative or fear-based ideas will come true is unnecessary.

People say a lot of things. Ignore most of them. Also, understand their bias. They are probably trying to influence you for a reason. If they use facts, they are genuine. If they name-call, use fear or invoke strong negative emotion, they are playing you for a fool; and enjoying your naivety.

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Engage In Good Faith

When you engage in a discussion with someone, do so in good faith. Listen carefully. Don’t summarise what you want to believe they think, but rather, actually try asking for clarification.

“What is your position on x matter?”, is one way to do this. “Could you clarify what you mean by this?”, is another.

Too many people summarise someone’s position incorrectly and sometimes simply in bad faith. If you’re paying attention, and with reasonable cognitive ability, you understand what another person is saying.

Don’t be that person that takes everything out of context, pushes your own bias or makes sweeping generalisations.

The world would be a much lovelier place if people engaged with curiosity rather than animosity.

Many people are very sensible and are simply trying to find solutions that make sense to them. Allow that to breathe and investigate in good faith. The world needs more of this.
