CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Pre-Holiday Pace!

Remember how effective you are each week before going on holiday? You delegate tasks, complete projects, prepare the family, the suitcases, insurance, flights and so on.

You manage to do this with a little less sleep and presumeably a lot more stress. However, you don’t show it.

Try to be that whirlwind for more weeks of the year. Imagine what you could accomplish at that pace!

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime


Time to sit down for 1-2 days and purge all non- essential paperwork, files, magazines, bills, statements, clothes, dishes/cookware, books and nik naks.

It’s amazing how much the average person keeps in drawers, piles, cupboards and filing cabinets.

Take a day or two now and really hammer at it. Take photos of key docs and assign the photo to a folder and/or capture key information in your contacts app or Notes.

Then keep all new potential clutter out of the house. Don’t let it build up. Be merciless.

And get rid of all the part-done projects and going-to-do items. You’re not. You’re not going to do them. It’s just not that important to you, nor is it enjoyable. If it was either of those, you’d have done them already.

Book in a full day or two now. Purge!!!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Be Early.

Practice getting up early and leaving home early so you can also practice arriving early. Get documents sorted early and your taxes. Make your millions early too! That way you should have lots of time to spend it too.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Do First Things First

When you need to finish something, get it done first. Do not delay. Do not do other easier things first. Take a deep breath, open the tougher, longer, most important item and get that done. You’ll feel better after (maybe not initially) and you can then speed through the other items.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Energy Over Time

People talk about making time, having time, scheduling, etc. But the one thing that may trump time is energy. You may have the energy but not the time, which is one thing. Though, even if you book the time, you may not be able to use it effectively if you don’t have enough energy.

As we age from 20 to 90, each day will have 24 hours and each year 365/6 days. However, most people do not have the energy at 55 that they had at 25. Certainly most won’t have the energy at 80 that they had at 30.

So use your young energy wisely. Do things you want early on in life. Don’t store up high energy activities until later in your years. You may have the time and the money but not the energy. You’ve been warned.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Natural Decline

Everything gets there towards the end, or even throughout its existence. People are no different. We decline with time. Our physical limits go as well as our mental faculties.

It is not easy to watch or experience. But it happens. Prepare for it in advance. And bring your humour with you.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Have A Supporter

Make sure you find someone in life that has your back. Not someone you force to do it or pay to do it, but someone who genuinely wants to be there for you and wants to be part of your life.

If you have one in life, for any time, you are very lucky. Having one that is there throughout life is amazing. Having several would be winning life’s jackpot. Be incredibly grateful for these people.