CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Focus On Great Outcomes

If you are going to spend any energy on outcomes, spend it thinking about, and hoping for, positive outcomes.

Sure, you can acknowledge that things may not go perfectly well and there may be a few bumps in the road, but certainly don’t dwell on it. A swift acknowledgment that it could happen is enough.

Then put all of your energy and time into thinking about the different ways the amazing outcome is going to improve your life and the lives of others.

Focus on that!

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Bring Order To Your Life

Even if it takes 5 years to get there, start getting all your things in order. Toss out all of your unnecessary items. If you don’t absolutely love it, or it doesn’t bring you great joy, send it on its way.

It’s unlikely to be easy or quick! but it’s possible to do with just a day at a time. Start today and good luck!!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Pick One System

Pick one system and use it well. There is no perfect system so stop searching. Just use the one system and accept there will be some drawbacks. However, other systems have drawbacks too.

You could change your system one day, but remember, with each change you may lose good habits for only slightly greater efficiency, if at all.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Find The Opposite

If you want to learn and truly be informed, go find the opposite opinion to yours and listen. Ask questions. Allow yourself to be moved by intellectual arguments if there are reasons to be swayed.

By listening to alternative views you can understand the topic better. Listening and reflecting on only one side leaves you exposed and looking poorly informed, at best.

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Pre-Holiday Pace!

Remember how effective you are each week before going on holiday? You delegate tasks, complete projects, prepare the family, the suitcases, insurance, flights and so on.

You manage to do this with a little less sleep and presumeably a lot more stress. However, you don’t show it.

Try to be that whirlwind for more weeks of the year. Imagine what you could accomplish at that pace!

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Time to sit down for 1-2 days and purge all non- essential paperwork, files, magazines, bills, statements, clothes, dishes/cookware, books and nik naks.

It’s amazing how much the average person keeps in drawers, piles, cupboards and filing cabinets.

Take a day or two now and really hammer at it. Take photos of key docs and assign the photo to a folder and/or capture key information in your contacts app or Notes.

Then keep all new potential clutter out of the house. Don’t let it build up. Be merciless.

And get rid of all the part-done projects and going-to-do items. You’re not. You’re not going to do them. It’s just not that important to you, nor is it enjoyable. If it was either of those, you’d have done them already.

Book in a full day or two now. Purge!!!

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Be Early.

Practice getting up early and leaving home early so you can also practice arriving early. Get documents sorted early and your taxes. Make your millions early too! That way you should have lots of time to spend it too.