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Do Things Before You’re Asked

People are extra grateful and appreciative when you do things without them needing to tell you or remind you.

Receiving flowers or a gift has a lot more impact if you haven’t had to ask for them. Same with doing dishes and being romantic. What could you be more proactive about?

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Get Help While You Can

Whether you need help at work, at home or for personal reasons, arrange that help as soon as you can.

The earlier the better and it will help you grow faster, tidy quicker, plan better and have things in place before you really need them.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Fashions Come And Go

Each person might think this new fashion hasn’t happened before. They may assume they are the first ones ever to discuss this or see it evolve.

Eventually, people see enough happen over and over and write a song about it. “It’s all the same, only the names’ll change” – Bon Jovi.

History is a great thing to study when you want to learn about the future.

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Get Balanced Research

If you notice your source is always biased one way, you should find some new sources of information.

Do you want quality and accurate information or do you just want to feel good about the bias you’re happy with?

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Be Prepared

The more prepared you are, the more likely things will go smoothly and you’ll succeed in whatever you are doing.

If you’re going somewhere, you’re better off if you pack a few days before and get your admin and tickets all in order in advance too.

Back to school? Get the clothes you need as well as books, pens, bag, notebooks and devices that will help you succeed. Start looking for these in advance and you may get some deals!

A prepared mind and body will usually make you more successful at every turn. The compound effect of this can be quite astounding.

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Know Where Your Money Flows

You should have a plan for every penny. That would be ideal. Get as close as you can to this idea. Direct 10% to your savings and investments pot. Get it out of your account with an automatic payment, as soon as your income goes in.

If you have any money left over at the end of the month, pay down your personal debt more aggressively.

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Appreciate The Moment

Moments come and go so quickly. Grab those precious moments and deeply appreciate them. It could be anything from a kind word, a gift, act of kindness, time spent or something more lavish or exciting. They are all important moments. Celebrate them all.