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Smile At The Peace

You know that moment you’re sitting there and nothing is really happening? That’s the moment. Just smile and enjoy that moment.

You’re alive. That’s what it’s all about.

You might not realise how amazing that moment is, but let me tell you. You were born. That stat in itself is amazing. You haven’t died yet. That is quite impressive! (More impressive if you have and you were still able to read that line).

You’re not at war or being gunned down. Your home is not up in flames. I could list all the things not happening in your moment. But the point is, smile at how ridiculously fortunate you are at this moment. Unbelievable.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Death Is Upon Us

We are all going to die one day. This is an easier concept to accept when it is not looming on the horizon or at our front door.

So start getting comfortable with this very natural event or stage in life. All plants go through it. So do all animals, insects, fish, etc.

Make arrangements for this eventuality. Write it down. Get into all the detail.

I remember being in Toronto with my grandparents one time. They would only have been about 60. We were driving along in their car. As we passed a massive cemetary, my Grampa hollered, while pointing at a specific area, “That’s where I’ll be buried. Right there.”

They had made their funeral arrangements, bought the plot, paid for the casket, etc. They were responsible adults. They didn’t wait for their death to thrust havoc and decisions on their children.

Take charge of your affairs. Prepare for a good death. Then go and live it up until that time comes.

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Look Stupid Or Become Stupid

If you’re not willing to risk looking stupid, or even just wrong, then you are likely to eventually become stupid, or often wrong.

If you don’t put your hand up in class and ask your question, or possibly give the wrong answer, you won’t learn as much. If you don’t learn as much you run with a less well-informed crowd. Then you might slowly stop questioning, discussing, debating or considering ideas.

Your mental agility will dull and you might retreat from society a little. Then a little more. Now you definitely don’t want to look stupid because you have enough challenges in your life. You don’t need to reduce your confidence, self esteem or power group social standing unnecessarily.

Be willing to look stupid. It’s a much smarter path to follow.

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Celebrate The Finishing Touches

When you have done a great job on something, do a little extra and make it amazing. Deliberately dazzle people. Make things shine.

My wife is brilliant at this. She will work exceptionally hard to get things done and then push through the exhaustion to deliver a distinguished result. Take a look at our property portfolio and you will see.

Make it amazing and then celebrate the finishing touches.

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Think Through The Options

Look at A, B and C. Consider the upside and downsides. Write this out in the most clear way. Review it twice. Show a few people and consider their feedback and comments.

Where are the risks? How will you mitigate them? Make a decision and go for it!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Listen More.

Sure you’re smarter, better educated and have more experience. But that also gives you biases, blind spots and sometimes a dismissive overconfidence. Other times you might just be defending your position or that of your tribe.

Are you looking for solutions? Are you looking for improvement? Are you willing to be given insight that you were not aware of, missed. Or overlooked?

it’s time to listen more. You’ll be better for it.