CategoriesReframe your thoughts


There was great music made in 1983/84/85, and a few other years.

Is music great because of the age you were when you heard it, because it’s just great music, or for some other reason?

Some songs you’ll know forever and others will never be memorable. It’s partly situational.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Picking Teams

People tend to pick sides or teams. Whether it is in a religious setting (Christian v Muslim), sports (football v rugby), Politics (left v right) or any other area with more than one option.

Be clear why you picked the side you did.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Push Through Uncomfortable

When you find something to be a bit beyond your comfort level, there are several things you can do. You can ask someone, who may know more, for some guidance, or you can carry on trying to figure it out on your own. Some people, many I believe, will just stop trying, give up and do other things that are easier or within their comfort zone.

However, where you get your greatest growth to propel you to the next level of thinking and life, is when you push through uncomfortable feelings and grow as a person.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Productive Downtime

It’s amazing how you can find pockets of time in your day to be productive. This could be while waiting in a queue, while others are sleeping or when some people would go for a nap or get entertained.

By squeezing some productivity in between the cracks in the day, you can get more done and leave rest time, strictly for rest.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Behind The Stories

Who is telling the story? What is your bias towards them? If you like them, trust them, or are comfortable with them, you are very likely to agree with whatever they say. You will not look deeper, and simply assume they are telling you the truth.

You really need to

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItUncategorized

Feel But Then Think

We feel first. But do we reflect on those feelings properly and often enough?

We have an ability to understand ourselves better yet few people take the pause to really consider this.

If you feel harshly about someone, what is the real feeling from? Don’t consider why you think you feel that way. Rather, try to understand what it is that is creating the actual feeling for you.