CategoriesReframe your thoughtsThink About It

What Was I Thinking!?

This can be so difficult to identify. Have you ever tried to untangle your thoughts and feelings about even a simple sentence said by someone else?

Each word spoken can have different meanings or perspectives and be bound by different time constraints by the speaker or listener. Take the following sentence, for example: “He was so demanding of his children, it seemed cruel at times.”

There are so many ways to look at these words and I will mention a few here. What does “was” mean really? Could it be he was that way once, when the speaker saw it? Perhaps he was like that occasionally, often or always?

The word “demanding” can be used with different context. Demanding can mean high standards and in a good way. I would want the head of engineering at an airline, or my neurosurgeon, to be demanding of their team and tools.

Although, demanding at the other extreme could indicate harshness, cruelty, and unnecessary rigour.

How old or capable are his children? It can make a big difference if they are 3 or 38 years old or have some mental or physical limitations versus someone without those extra challenges.

Whose definition of cruel was being used? Was it challenging in the short term but would be more helpful in the longer term?

So much interpretation can go into one sentence. A person can misunderstand or misinterpret it with relative ease. It would be wise to guard against that. Ask more questions with less judgement or leading commentary.

Trying to understand what someone was thinking is quite different to trying to attribute a thought or sentiment to someone just because it’s what you want to hear and believe, through your biased lens, that that is what they meant.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Use Your Imagination

When was the last time you used your imagination? Was it for a creative writing exercise? Or perhaps you were finding shapes in the clouds? Have you used it to imagine your life being different or better in some way?

Using your imagination can unleash powerful forces. It may be easiest to demonstrate its power if you think of monsters under your bed or terrible things that could happen with your finances or relationships. Sometimes your imagination can go into overdrive and paralyse you with fear.

Yet it can work for you going the other way too, in a positive direction. You can imagine passing an exam, creating a career you might love, excelling at a sport or decorating your dream home.

Use this super power for good and positive things and you’ll begin to see exciting changes in your life.

To find out more about using your imagination to achieve anything, pick up a copy of my book Achieve Anything. We explore it further in Step 1: Think, and give you some exercises to help you power up. Available on Amazon and other online stores. Head to for more details.

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Celebrate Good Times!

Come on! It’s time to celebrate.

Sometimes you just need good friends gathered to have a lovely time. Even in dark days, tough times or a lonesome road ahead, getting up and getting out to have a chat and a laugh can work wonders for your mindset and your health.

If you’re in it together and can appreciate how good your life is, even in difficult circumstances, you’ll at least enjoy the moment. And that’s all we have. Moments.

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Dream Versus An Idea

Lots of thoughts come into our heads. But which are our real dreams and which are simply ideas that have occurred to us but we aren’t in love with them.

Sift through these ideas. Dismiss the merely interesting ones. Grab the one or two that lift your soul and make a smile on your face. Those are the dreams.

Now take at least one step right now to progress toward them.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

What If?

What if you could achieve anything you wanted to in life? What would you do? Which journey would you take? Which outcome would you desire?

What if it all came true? How would that make you feel? Enjoy that feeling. Breathe it in. Smile. It’s yours.

Can this really happen? Yes it can. You just need to follow a few simple steps. Seven simple steps actually. Apply them properly and stick with them. Then you really will achieve your dreams!

For more detail, go to Amazon and pick up a copy of my bestselling book, Achieve Anything. It walks you through the 7 simple steps so you can win. I want you to win! So here’s a great deal for you!

The ebook is FREE for a few days, all around the world, on Amazon and many other online retailers. So grab a copy for yourself, your parents, your kids or a friend – it could be life changing for all of you.

And there’s something extra from Amazon if you’re in the UK. They’ve got a massive sale on the hardcover at 60% off. It’s even 40% cheaper than the paperback. And of course there is the audiobook. It’s even read by the author himself! (If you’d like a free audiobook, and aren’t an Audible member already, get in touch and I’ll send you a link)

Make the book your Black Friday treat. Or grab a few for Christmas gifts ?. Save money and get some items ticked off the list. Brilliant.

Proud facts: Right now, in all of Canada, my book is #32 in Happiness and #42 in Motivational Self-Help. In the whole of the USA it is #15 in Happiness and #31 in Motivational Self-Help. And in the UK my book is #35 in Self-Help. (I’ll post the screen shots on my Instagram @Scottsthinking).

So if you want to boost your happiness, get motivated or help yourself to a better life, what are you waiting for?! Fill your boots. And tell your friends. Keep dreaming, “What if?”

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Stay Alert To Possibilities

Keep your eyes open and your imagination running to really spot the numerous opportunities that cross your path each day. Many opportunities are not completely obvious. Some of them need to be looked at in a different way. Train your mind to see what isn’t already there but rather what could be.