CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

A Warm Fire

Cuddled up under a blanket on a comfy couch in front of a warm fire can be a lovely place to be as the cooler weather settles in.

The red embers and flames flicking higher provide visual entertainment for the eyes while the heat calms and soothes.

The warm and cosy feeling can bring about deep relaxation in moments and often leads to an enjoyable afternoon nap.

Enjoy it when you can.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

The Stories People Create

“Obviously, she was thinking that….” How is it that we think we are so good at mind reading other people? Oftentimes people express what is on their mind and project it onto others.

Many people make a snap decision and then build a case around their view of the story. “He’s innocent!” And if he really is, then the police, prosecutor, witnesses etc are the real bad people.

They are often afraid to see what the reality could be, especially if they would be seen as taking the view of the other side compared to their usual orientation.

Think about this next time you create a story around something, or hear someone else do it. Where are the facts? Where did the story comes from? Are there elements that have probably been made up to fill in some space and make it more exciting or believable?

Stop yourself next time, especially if you’re making up negative points. Create lovely stories if you’re going to make stuff up.

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughts

Asking For Payment

It’s important to pay for products and services we buy. We agree a price, use the product or service and then pay for it.

Equally, when we provide the product or service, we should be confident and ask for the sale or payment. We should ask with the expectation of prompt payment just as we would pay promptly if we were on they other side of the trade.

We would feel like a thief if we did not pay for something we acquired. Just as we would feel like we had something stolen from us if we delivered and we’re not paid.

Sometimes people forget to pay. So we must remind them. For their sake, and our own. And do it right away. It can get embarrassing if we have to chase someone down the street for payment. It’s awkward on both sides. Don’t let that happen.

Most people are honest and willing to pay. When you don’t remind them to pay, they could feel like a lesser person when they do remember. Make sure you give them every opportunity to feel good about buying, and paying for, your product or service, by asking for payment.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

The Lesson Will Repeat Itself Until You Learn It. @steven

Loving this!! Thank you Steven Bartlett for the title. (The Diary Of A CEO)

We all have lessons that keep repeating and we get outcomes we don’t necessarily want.

We can change this. We can learn the lessons. We can make the changes and say No More!

We haven’t learned the lessons because it’s not convenient, easy, or comfortable. They are habits we created. But we can create other ones. It takes work to adjust these habits. We need Discipline, Effort, and Desire to have better outcomes.

No longer do we have to say “Why does this always happen to me?” Or “Isn’t that typical” or even “I knew that would happen”.

Change our ways today and get better results tomorrow. Live a better life with just some simple changes in how we think and do.

We can set up our environment to win. We can set up our schedule to win. We can start today.

Learn the lessons the feedback is giving you. And then make the adjustments. Yes, it will feel odd at first, but it will get easier and your results will be much better.

Start now!

(If you subscribe to the email, keep reading below!! Yesterdays blog is a cracker further down below)

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Keep Achieving More

There is no time to stop. You can pause for a holiday or vacation, but don’t stop. There is so much to do and not nearly enough time to cram it all in before the final buzzer.

How does one keep achieving more? Well there are 7 Simple Steps. First Think of a better future. Imagine it is exactly how you would like it to be, right down to the tiny details. Then, consider what you have to Overcome to get there and what sacrifices you’ll need to make.

Write down your thoughts and challenges. Get it all on paper or in your device. Use this information to create a simple Plan. Then Act accordingly to bring you closer to your goal. Review your progress and challenges every day. You’ll need to improve and hold yourself accountable.

Finally, Celebrate all your little and big wins. Give yourself lots of credit. This isn’t all easy stuff. It takes effort and determination. Thank yourself for getting through it.

Think of two people who are struggling with some goals right now. It could by financial, fitness, education, career, weight loss or just being more positive. Send them these simple steps. Or send them a copy of my book in print, audio or digital. You might just change their life. Go to to get a signed copy sent to your door, or find a retailer who can help you.

You can achieve anything. When will you start?!

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Rainy Days

These can be just as wonderful as sunny days. They are just different. And it depends what you’re doing. Enjoy both!

Today’s note was inspired by our wonderful stay at Withyfield Cottage at Merrion Farm. A mix of sun and rain, and good timing, helped make this an excellent time away.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Keep Your Thoughts Positive

When times are tough, we may think of the worst case scenario or even a disaster scenario. Remember this is not happening to you. It is just your mind being active with negative thoughts. So, as hard as it may be, focus on positive outcomes, wins and victory. Feel this as if they are real.

As neither are real, you may as well give yourself the feeling of the positive thoughts. Train your brain. It’s worth it.