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Speed Bumps

There will be plenty of these in your life. And not always when you think you can handle them. They will arrive when you may not be expecting them or think you have the capacity to deal with them.

But you will be fine. Keep pressing forward with a determined, wry smile on your face.

Get yourself ahead of the curve. Then when the curve comes, you can deal with it from a position of strength. Good luck!

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Stay On Topic

It’s easy to get distracted. There are lots of fun things to do. Plenty of easy things to do as well. Easy and fun are usually more attractive than hard and boring.

Stay on topic and you can rule your world.

Set up your environment to win. Make it easier and more enjoyable. Change your mindset. Be disciplined. Remain consistent. Persevere. Your success will taste so good. It will taste far better than the short term fluff that may have distracted you. Focus.

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Find Someone Who Thinks The Opposite To You

If you’re agreeing with your news media’s angle all or most of the time, go find someone or a media that states the opposite. Yes, it will make you uncomfortable. But you’ll find out what nearly half the country think.

This will give you insight most others will never know. If you nod knowingly to your media all the time, it just means you enjoy your bias. That makes you half as wise as you could be.

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Enjoy The Outdoors

Get back to nature. Go for a walk in the park, go camping or hike a big mountain like Mount Kilimanjaro. Big adventure or around the corner, getting closer to nature, and keeping your phone in your pocket, is a great way to relax and refresh.

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Take A Sense Check

A few times a year it is good to take a sense check and see if you are being the best you can be in your different relationships.

Are you being patient enough? Are you giving anyone too much leeway? Have you got the right boundaries in place to protect your values and precious time?

Could you be more grateful for the people in your life and what they do for you? How could you show your appreciation more?

Sometimes it is just a little adjustment in your tone, temper or tempo. It can make a world of difference and set you on a whole new course for your relationship.

It may not be that easy but, with practice and review, you will get better and your life will benefit greatly from this pit stop.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Keeping Your Mind Relaxed

Here are a few ways:

  1. Focus on things you have control over
  2. Focus on making those things better each day
  3. Spend a few minutes each day with your mind in neutral or meditating
  4. Ensure your ER Gap is small or shrinking
  5. Surround yourself with pleasant, respectful and grateful people

PS: Look below here for Sunday’s blog if you didn’t get it in the email yesterday.

PPS: ER Gap is covered in my book, Achieve Anything

PPPS: My book was #1 in Self-Help last week ??

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Let People Know What You Are Looking For

Be open and honest and let people know what you would like. That saves them from trying to guess. The more specific you can be, the more likely someone will know whether they can help or not. And even if they say they can’t help you, that is still a win. At least you know they are off your list for this. That way you can focus on the other people who may be able to help you.