CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

New School

Starting fresh can be filled with excitement, concern, uncertainty and delight. When you start at a new school, it can feel pretty full on.

There are all the new ideas to hear and assess, new rooms to explore, teachers to get to know and friendships to develop, and these all take energy and time. Though it’s well invested time.

Throw yourself wholeheartedly into the new situation and run with it. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but soon you will be feeling confident and well into they flow. Some might even say unstoppable.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

School Sports Days

If your child is having a school sports day, do what you can do to go. And when you are there, cheer on your child. Only positive vibes, praise and encouragement though.

Cheer on their friends too, even if they are on other teams. This isn’t the Olympics and all kids should have some cheering. For most people, it’s not often in life when people openly cheer for you.

Remind your children to thank the teachers, helpers, organisers, refs, coaches, timers, medic, etc. These people all helped to make this great day happen. You could go say a few thank you’s too. Nothing like good role modelling and a display of gratitude to people who deserve it (and probably greatly appreciate the acknowledgment).

Remember good sportsmanship and respect. Have a lot of fun. Watch your children, especially in every event possible. Encourage them and praise them often.

Help any children that aren’t feeling well or seem a little down. Check in on them and help them find their smile. Especially children for whom their parents or carers were unable to attend. Learn their names and then shout their name, support and encourage them and make them feel special and a part of the day.

Despite the protesting from your child or others that they do not want you to cheer, be embarrassing or shout their name, there is a little piece in side of them that is delighted that someone has noticed them.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Be More Accurate, Especially In Grouping People

I like to include others as much as the next person might, but more accuracy in our speech could help tone things down at the moment. When a person talks about we, they, all, it is rarely accurate. Few things involve 100% of a specific demographic, especially the larger ones.

Men don’t speak for all 4 billion men. Women don’t all have the same values as each other. There are black conservatives and Catholic liberals.

Look around this great big world. Regardless of our physically distinctive attributes, the mindsets inside are unique to every human. Someone from the English countryside may have more in common with someone from Thailand than London.

People tend to sort their preferences on the detail of each individual topic. It is presumptive to assume a particular person will share the exact same view on a topic as you. And remember what happens when you assume.

Their is strength and power in numbers but lets relax how many people we try to include in our group. It is more honest and accurate.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Only Good Thoughts #OGT

Train your brain, like you would a muscle. Teach it to focus on the good side of everything.

Don’t become delusional. Accept that there will be tough moments and bad things. And you can cry and scream and yell. But after a few minutes, pick yourself back up, regain your composure, focus on the good that will be coming, and carry on.

You don’t have to do this. You can wallow in self pity and proclaim that everything is rubbish. You can remain with a cloud over your head for hours, days, weeks or even years. If that is how you want to enjoy this one life we get to live, well that is your prerogative. But I’ll probably stay clear of you. I don’t need you raining on my parade.

It can be hard at first to keep only good thoughts. Sometimes you’re so deep in the dirt, you can’t find anything good. But like any other training, education, or developing skill set, it requires some work and effort.

Let the bad thoughts pass through your head. Thanks for stopping by. So long. Take care. Then, find things to feel good about. Start with simple things like, ’I woke up this morning!’ or ‘look, food in the house!’. Then be grateful for the client phone call you received. Or you can appreciate the money in your bank account. It may not be as much as you would love to have, but there is some there. Be grateful.

Really try to get to Only Good Thoughts. Of all the skills you could develop, doesn’t this one sound like a great one!?

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Gathering Momentum

In life, when you plant enough seeds, you are bound to gather some momentum come harvest time.

Think of times in your life where you networked, wrote letters, made calls and passed leaflets through letterboxes. You were trying to get the attention of someone, anyone.

Then someone returned your call. You were pleasant and effective. Word started to spread. More people were attracted to your message, product or service. And your good manners.

This is how every little business started and how all smaller businesses grew into larger ones. Some call it the Law of Attraction. Others say it is the result of sowing then reaping. Still others might conclude it is the hand of god.

Whatever you attribute it to, remember to prepare for, and take benefit from, gathering momentum when you do find it in your life.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

You Don’t Really Want It.

If you won’t sacrifice or put in the full effort required to get the results you want, then you have a wish, not a goal. You hope someone will come do it for you. You’re not intent on success. You want someone to give you what you want with no effort required on your part.

I can always tell who is fully committed to their desired results. They create a plan, put in the work, review their progress daily and get the results they were after.

Everyone else? They delude themselves with excuses, reasons and stories. Results don’t lie.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

The Stories You Tell Yourself

Your stories and opinions don’t matter much to most other people. But they are made up of your biases, experiences and desired outcomes. Listen carefully to the words you choose and what they really mean.

The stories you tell are easily dismissed by others and rarely impact them. The real impact is on you and how you get on in the world. Make sure the stories are empowering not complaining.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Buy Groceries Online

I love this great time saving hack. We have done so for about a decade.

Just copy the order from the week before, add a few new things and remove a few things and voilà. In under 10 minutes you have what you want being delivered to your door within a 1 hour slot on your preferred day. Amazing.

It saves over an hour of wandering around the grocery store plus travel time there and back. Your list is online and ready so no making a new one. No standing in queues. No picking up extra stuff you don’t need but caught your eye.

No petrol used, or other energy. No traffic congestion either.

It’s amazing. Try it.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Where You Shine Your Light

Be aware of what you highlight and focus on. Just because you shine your light on one spot, doesn’t mean the other million spots you could have highlighted don’t exist. They do.

When people distract you with their preferred stories, you don’t get to work on your life story. Turned down the noise or even turn it off. You don’t need the media, your friends, colleagues, social media and entertainment to distract you.

Shine your light on your work. Stay focused. Get it done. Then take a well deserved break. Before long, get back at it. Everything else is noise distracting you from your dream life.