CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

File Fast And Well

Touch paper once if you can. Deal with things the week they arrive. Don’t let things pile up. But if you do, bite the bullet and set aside time that month to get back on top of things.

File things properly. Do it fast. Then it’s easy to find later. And it’s off the floor, desk, counter, table, etc.

Have a good filing system. Have any to start. Then improve it.

Get on top of your admin. You can thank me later.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Heck Yes Or Hard No

This is a great way to decide whether you do things in life. If you are not delighted and shout out ’Heck yes’ at the mere mention of something, then it may not be worth your piece of life to do it.

In that case, make it a hard no.

Of course sometimes you’ll be required to do things that don’t excite you and bring joy. But when you have the choice and the decision is yours, live your life in the ‘Heck yes!’ zone.

Imagine that life! Heck Yes!!!

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

1st Step Thinking

Often people go with their first thought or feeling on things.

First or worst thought.

They react. They don’t think or consider. No six chairs thinking for them. Their first instinct of fear, concern, flight and fight are overwhelming. Monkey brain takes over.

Pause for a moment. Consider a few other options. Has the opposing view ever happened to you or in some instances you are aware of? Then relax. As it probably has.

At least get to 2nd Step thinking. Show you have some ability to assess things rationally. You can still prefer your outcome. But remember, others have their personal reasons for wanting their outcomes. It doesn’t mean one is more right or wrong in the universe. So don’t act like it.

Good luck! ?

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

What Makes You Smile?

Is it a person? Memory? A sport? A location?

Gather a few thoughts that make you smile. Make note of them. Look at that note 3-5 times every day.

It’s an easy way to instantly feel good several times per day. Seems like an easy win to me.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTimeWeightWeight loss

Set Up Your Life To Win

What one thing could you do differently, starting today, that could make a nice difference in your life?

What could you eliminate from your day? Or what could you adjust to make the outcome you want more likely?

Don’t buy sugary or salty snacks or treats and keep them in the house. Keep cherry tomatoes and hummus instead. When you think you are hungry, pour a cool glass of water. Set your morning wake up bell to 15 minutes earlier and then get up and do 30 push ups and sit ups.

Get things ready now or in the evening before bed so it is easier to make the changes happen tomorrow.

Each time you set up your environment to win, your future self smiles and remembers how clever you are. That’s a nice feeling.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Timing Helps

Having the right timing can be very beneficial. Near misses are based on beneficial timing. Impact and accidents tend to be unfortunate timing.

Some timing elements you can predict. For example, being late to an interview is rarely going to provide a good outcome.

You can force timing, but it doesn’t always work out well. Agree timings. Then allow plenty of time to arrive early. Enjoy the feeling of calm as you arrive with time to spare.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Just Add Water

It’s amazing how water can fix so many things. Dehydration, which can cause sluggishness or loss of focus, can be fixed with a few glasses of water.

Have a glass of water a little before bed and have a full glass when you wake up. These are easy times to remember and great habits to instil.

A few more glasses of water throughout the day and you’ll feel fresher, more awake, energised and focused.

Keep the water flowing. You’ll feel better for it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Early To Bed

What does that mean to you? Does it mean a certain time? Is it a silly idea that you can’t take seriously?

Could you go to bed at 6pm and be comfortable with that?

Would you have to be quite unwell? Or could you decide on a whim that you needed some extra rest and simply get yourself to bed? Or are you a wake-up-late-only-option kind of person? Have a think about how you see time and sleep. It may be revealing or surprising. Goodnight.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Just One More, Can Create Challenges

Whether it’s a cookie, drink or one more ski run, just one more can change things.

The cookie can add to unwanted weight. The drink might having you feeling more tired in the morning. And the extra ski run might make you miss your connection back to your mountain base.

Know when to be grateful and satisfied. You’ll appreciate what came before even more.